Linden Lab Official:Community Land Partnership Program

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Community Land Partnership Program (“CLPP”) Guidelines

The Community Land Partnership Program (“CLPP”) permits Communities (as defined below) to maintain a connection between the Mainland and Private Islands owned by CLPP Participants (as defined below). These guidelines (the “Agreement”) govern the relationships formed among Linden Lab, Private Island owners accepted to the CLPP (each a “CLPP Participant”), and residents of a CLPP Region (as defined below; each such group a “Community”).

General Guidelines:

  • All Private Islands within the scope of this Agreement must be owned by the same account (together, a “CLPP Region”).
  • No other Private Island owners will be allowed to move into a CLPP Region.
  • If a Private Island within a CLPP Region is transferred to a new owner, it must be moved out of the CLPP Region (at no charge when concluded in conjunction with a Private Island transfer).
  • CLPP Participants must maintain ownership of a minimum of ten (10) Private Islands in each CLPP Region. At least one-third of these Private Islands must be Full Private Islands.
  • The maximum number of Private Islands allowed in a CLPP Region is thirty (30). Communities wishing to expand beyond this number of Private Islands must submit a second application for consideration of placement (which may be in a new location).
  • With the exception of banned residents (as designated by the CLPP Participant), all Private Islands in a CLPP Region must be open and accessible to all residents.
  • Beginning eighteen (18) months prior to the submission of a CLPP application and continuing for the duration of CLPP participation, CLPP Participants must maintain an account in good financial standing. For the purposes of CLPP, good financial standing requires a zero (0) or positive account balance. CLPP Participants must notify Linden Lab within seventy-two (72) hours of any failure to maintain good financial standing, and subject to Linden Lab’s discretion, propose a plan to restore good financial standing.
  • Upon request, an application will be sent to Private Island owners interested in CLPP participation.
  • We will review CLPP applications upon receipt of the completed application and Application Fee (as defined below). This process may take up to four (4) to six (6) weeks.

Community/Group Guidelines:

  • Each Community must have a clearly defined purpose or theme in keeping with General or Moderate ratings guidelines.
  • Each Community should be clearly represented by an owner and/or officer(s) (the “Leaders”). CLPP Participants must notify Linden Lab if there is any change in the Leaders’ roles.
  • Each Community must show activity within Second Life for at least one (1) year prior to the submission of a CLPP Application.
  • CLPP Participants, their Communities, and its Leaders must maintain good financial and disciplinary standing with Linden Lab, adhere to the Second Life Community Standards, and agree to Linden Lab’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • With the exception of banned residents (as designated by the CLPP Participant), CLPP Communities must accept new members and cannot be exclusive or closed.

Location and Placement Guidelines:

  • The size of the CLPP Region must be stated within the completed application for participation and a map for visual reference must be included with the application.
  • The application must specify the requested Mainland region(s) at which to connect to the CLPP Region (the “Connection Point”). Not all Mainland regions are eligible to become a Connection Point and the requested Connection Point may not suggest displacement of any currently standing Mainland regions or Private Islands.
  • While a CLPP Region can encompass thirty (30) Private Islands, the Connection Point may comprise no more than five (5) such Private Islands.
  • With the exception of banned residents (as designated by the CLPP Participant), Private Islands that are connected to the Mainland must allow public access at all times.

Maturity Ratings Guidelines:

  • None of the Private Islands within a CLPP Region may be set to Adult maturity, nor may they contain Adult-rated activities and/or products.
  • Private Islands within a CLPP Region which touch any General-rated Mainland region(s) must be set to General maturity and Public Access, and remain accessible to all residents.
  • With the exception of banned residents (as designated by the CLPP Participant), Private Islands within a CLPP Region which touch any Moderate-rated Mainland region(s) must be set to Moderate maturity and Public Access, and remain accessible to all residents.

Fees and Other Services:

  • A non-refundable application fee in the amount of the greater of USD$500.00 or 10% of the previous month’s billings for all Private Islands in the applicant's ownership, whichever is greater (the “Application Fee”), is due upon confirmation of Linden Lab’s receipt of a submitted CLPP application.
  • A recurring annual maintenance fee in the amount of USD$500.00 for participation in CLPP (the “Annual Fee”) shall be immediately due upon CLPP acceptance and on each anniversary date thereafter for the duration of CLPP participation.
  • Linden Lab does not provide discount assistance on region monthly maintenance and service fees, such as fees for region renames, region moves, and region transfers.
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, Linden Lab does not provide any special services during CLPP participation, such as services for special abuse report handling and or event support.