Linden Lab Official:I've filed an abuse report, I haven't heard a thing, and the offender isn't banned -- why?

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I filed an abuse report; now what?

We receive a very large number of abuse reports per day. It is impossible to respond to each individual reporter; however, this does not mean your report was not reviewed and/or investigated. When a report is investigated and the facts support the abuse claim, discipline is issued based on the procedures outlined in the "Warning, Suspension, Banishment" section of our Community Standards.

What does that mean?

In most cases, someone who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards will be given several opportunities to rectify their behavior before banishment occurs.

What if it keeps happening?

If abusive behavior by a resident is persistent, please be sure to file abuse reports for each incident. The discipline process cannot work if we are not made aware of continued abusive behavior.