Members and Roles - Roles Tab Test

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1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code

This plan is for the Roles sub-tab of Members & Roles in the Group Information floater. This panel is for creating new roles, deleting roles, changing role properties (name, title, description) and the various abilities for roles. It also allows a view of which members are in each role.

2. List any dependencies the new code may have -- what other systems may be affected?

This code relies on the other Group Information panels, including all sub-tabs of the Members & Roles tab. It also relies on the underlying Group Manager client side group data system and various UI elements.

3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible


1.0 Create a new group

1.1 Invite 2 people into the group, add 1 to the Officer role

1.2 Open the Group Information floater for this new group, Members & Roles tab, Roles sub-tab

Role List

2.0 Verify the Roles list looks correct:

2.0.1 Everyone role has title Member and 3 Members

2.0.2 Owners role has title Owner and 1 Members

2.0.3 Officers role has title Officer and 1 Members

2.1 Click the 'Role Name' column header

2.1.1 Verify the list is sorted by role name: Everyone, Officers, Owners

2.2 Click the 'Role Name' column header

2.2.1 Verify the list is sorted by role name, in reverse order: Owners, Officer, Everyone

2.3 Click the 'Title' column header

2.3.1 Verify the list is sorted by title: Everyone, Officer, Owner

(Ok that isn't exciting, slight detour...)

2.4 Select the Officers Role

2.5 In the Title field type 'Agent of Doom', without the quotes

2.6 Click apply

2.6.1 Verify the title for Officers in the roles list is Agent of Doom

(Ok, thats better, back to sorting roles...)

2.7 Click the 'Title' column header

2.7.1 Verify the roles are sorted by order of their titles: Officers, Everyone, Owners

2.8 Click the 'Title' column header

2.8.1 Verity the roles are sorted by reverse order of their titles: Owners, Everyone Officers

2.9 Enter the text 'Own' in the search field, without the quotes

2.10 Click 'Search'

2.10.1 Verify only the Owners role shows

2.11 Replace the text in the search field with 'doom', without the quotes

2.11.1 Verify only the Officers role shows

Role Properties: Owner

3.0 Select the Owners role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

3.0.1 The role name is Owners, and is editable

3.0.2 The role title is Owner, and is editable

3.0.3 The role description is understandable for a default description, and is editable

3.0.4 The Assigned Members list only lists the creator of the group

3.0.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, has every check box checked and all checkboxes are disabled.

3.0.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is checked and disabled.

3.1 Select the Officers role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

3.1.1 The role name is Officers, and is editable

3.1.2 The role title is Agent of Doom, and is editable

3.1.3 The role description is understandable for a default description, and is editable

3.1.4 The Assigned Members list only lists the one member that was added to the officers role of the group

3.1.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, only has default officer abilities checked, and all checkboxes are enabled.

3.1.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is checked and enabled.

3.2 Select the Everyone role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

3.2.1 The role name is Everyone, and is not editable

3.2.2 The role title is Member, and is editable

3.2.3 The role description is understandable for a default description, and is not editable

3.2.4 The Assigned Members list lists all members of the group

3.2.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, only has default officer abilities checked, and all checkboxes are enabled.

3.2.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is un-checked and enabled.

3.3 Select the Owners role

3.4 Change the title to 'Master of Doom'

3.5 Select the Everyone role

3.5.1 Verify the Owners title in the role list is now 'Master of Doom'

3.6 Change the title to 'Minion of Doom'

3.7 Click 'Apply'

3.7.1 Verify the Everyone title in the role list is now 'Minion of Doom'

3.8 Select the Officer role

3.9 Change the Name to 'Doom Guards'

3.10 Change the description to 'Guardians of our realm.'

3.11 Change the Allowed Abilities so that the only abilities checked are:

3.11.1 All abilities in Parcel Powers except Edit Land

3.11.2 All abilities in Parcel Access

3.11.3 Both 'Return ...' options in Parcel Content

3.12 Select the Everyone role

3.12.1 Verify the Officers role is now Doom Guards

3.13 Select the Doom Guards role

3.13.1 Verify everything still looks as set previously (step 3.11)

3.14 Close the Group Information window

3.15 Choose 'Apply Changes' when prompted.

3.16 Open the Group Information window for the group, Members & Roles tab, Roles sub-tab

3.16.1 Verify all changes to role names, titles, descriptions and abilities made in this test are still there.

Role Properties: Officer

4.0 Log in as the officer, open Group Information window for this group, Members & Roles tab, Roles sub-tab.

4.1 Select the Owners role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

4.1.1 The role name is Owners, and is editable

4.1.2 The role title is Master of Doom, and is editable

4.1.3 The role description is understandable for a default description, and is editable

4.1.4 The Assigned Members list only lists the creator of the group

4.1.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, has every check box checked and all checkboxes are disabled.

4.1.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is checked and disabled.

4.2 Select the Doom Guards role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

4.2.1 The role name is Doom Guards, and is editable

4.2.2 The role title is Agent of Doom, and is editable

4.2.3 The role description is 'Guardians of our realm', and is editable

4.2.4 The Assigned Members list only lists the one member that was added to the officers role of the group

4.2.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, only has the abilities set in 3.11 checked, and all checkboxes are disabled.

4.2.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is checked and enabled.

4.3 Select the Everyone role and verify the bottom fields look correct:

4.3.1 The role name is Everyone, and is not editable

4.3.2 The role title is Minion of Doom, and is editable

4.3.3 The role description is understandable for a default description, and is not editable

4.3.4 The Assigned Members list lists all members of the group

4.3.5 The Allowed Abilities list shows all roles, only has default officer abilities checked, and all checkboxes are disabled.

4.3.6 The 'Members are visible' check box is un-checked and enabled.

Create / Delete Roles

5.0 Log in as the group creator, open Group Information window for the group, Members & Roles tab, Roles sub-tab

5.1 Click Create New Role...

5.2 Change Name to 'Doom Landlords'

5.3 Change Title to 'Landlord of Doom'

5.4 Change Description to 'Managers of all things 'land' in our realm.'

5.5 Assign some Abilities to this role:

5.5.1 All abilities under Parcel Management, Parcel Identity, Parcel Settings, Parcel Powers, Parcel Access, Parcel Content

5.6 Choose Apply

5.6.1 Verify the name and title are correct in the role list

5.7 Select Doom Landlords

5.7.1 Verify all properties of Doom Landlords are correct as set above

5.8 Close the Group Information window

5.9 Open the Group Information window

5.10 Verify all properties of Doom Landlords are correct as set above

5.11 Select Doom Landlords from the role list

5.12 Click Delete Role

5.12.1 Verify the Doom Landlords role is no longer in the role list

5.12.2 Verify all property fields for the role list are cleared.

5.13 Select the Doom Guards Role

5.14 Click Delete Role

5.15 Select the Members sub-tab

5.15.1 Verify no members are shown as in the Doom Guards or Doom Landlords roles

5.16 Select the Roles sub-tab

5.17 Verify the Everyone and Owners roles can not be deleted.

4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if possible

The various Group Abilities tests are dependant on this code, as well as all other Group Information panels.

5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable


5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.


5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)