No Limit Teleporter

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Revision as of 09:22, 24 September 2022 by Gwyneth Llewelyn (talk | contribs) (→‎Critique to the above script by BETLOG Hax: Missing apostrophe)
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Simple Teleporter - No Limitation

Zero - Lag
You can do anything, change the code and all more... To use:
[+] Set stapos (end of script) to the object position (where to back when the destination is reach).
[+] Set dest (end of script) to the object destination.

//Leave that here
//Script created by Morgam Biedermann
vector posnow;
vector stapos;
rotation rotnow;
teleport(vector dest)
    if(llGetPos() != dest)
teleports(vector dest)
    if(llGetPos() != stapos)
        stapos = <141,19,30>;
    touch_start(integer vez)
        if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())

Critique to the above script by BETLOG Hax

The above example is a really bad approach to use for many reasons. Not least of which is that lag is precisely what it will generate.

An equivalency check that respects SL's somewhat wiggly precision system, and isn't trying to match a movement to EXACTLY 6 decimal places of precision is needed.

if(llGetPos() != dest)
//is bad
//is MUCH better


teleports(vector dest)
//    if(llGetPos() != stapos) 
// This an inherently bad approach; given 6 decimal places on 3 floats in a vector its 
// very UNlikely the equivalency will be precisely equal even if its VERY close, this 
// will become especially evident at high altitude. It'll look like its stopped, 
// but the llSetPos() will be still thrashing away. Possibly for quite some time/forever.
// the below will stop in a timely manner.
    if(llVecDist(llGetPos(),dest) <= 0.001)
    {   llSetPos(dest); //corrected variable
        teleports(dest); //corrected variable

And a system that has a user function call itself from within itself is probably not good. This is MUCH better: [MUST be compiled in MONO]

teleports(vector dest)
{   list l=[PRIM_POSITION,dest];