Orientations Offered By Mentor Coaches/es

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Los Aprendices a Mentores deben asistir a una sesión de orientación para poder acceder al grupo de Mentores de Second Life. Los Mentor Coaches (Mentores Formadores) son voluntarios dentro del grupo de Mentores que son capaces de impartir tales sesiones para ayudar a los nuevos mentores a familiarizarse con los recursos y líneas de actuación empleados. Convertirse en un Coach es totalmente opcional.

Guía Para la Planificación

  • Los convocantes deben de tener asiganda la función Mentor Coach.
  • La planificación de la Orientación debe incluir información referente a los temas mencionados en la lista existente al final de esta página. Referirse a ciertas notas (notecards) relevantes cumple los requisitos de 'incluir' la información de estos temas.
  • Se recomienda la entrega de folletos/notas preparados para la clase de orientación ya que cumplen los objetivos perseguidos, no obstante, usted puede ser creativo y utilizar cualquier pantalla de presentación u objeto que pueda aportar. Recuerde que todos los materiales entregados deben ser PG (para todos los públicos) y no incluir ningún tipo de promoción o propaganda.
  • Se le facilitará a usted un enlace de registro, que le permita indicar su nombre en Second Life así como una declaración de que los requisitos de la lista de temas se seguirán, para recibir la certificación como convocante de sesiones de orientación. Cuando usted tenga su planificación para la sesión de orientación completa, regístrese usando el enlace mencionado, y se comprobará que su plan cumple la lista de requisitos. En caso de que se realicen mejoras en el plan de la sesión de orientación, no se requiere un nuevo registro a pesar de que se mantenga la lista de comprobaciones. ¡Los miembros de VTeam no pueden leer todas las planificaciones, pero le pueden proporcionar comentarios sobre sus aportaciones creativas si usted así lo desea!
  • El registro solicitando la certificación para convocar sesiones de orientación le permitirá a usted entrar en el grupo de aprendices (Second Life Apprentice Mentors) con la función especial Coach, de forma que pueda invitar a los mismos a asistir a su sesión.

How To Schedule Your Session

  • When ready and certified, Mentor Coaches should email lexie@lindenlab.com one week in advance of their orientation session with the following information: Date, time, and name of a Mentor Buddy if one is planning on attending that orientation to guest speak. If you need to make changes to the scheduled session time or date after it is confirmed, please email that also.
    • Please put [Coach Orientation Schedule Request] in the subject line of the email.
    • Advanced notice is needed so that we can be aware of application processing needs.
    • All orientations should take place on SL Volunteer HI.
    • Please check the orientation schedule page to confirm your session has been scheduled. If there are any conflicts with your chosen date or time we will contact you.
    • Coaches may offer one orientation session per day, a total of 2 per week and should only schedule sessions one week in advance.

Hosting Guidelines and Techniques

  • Sessions should be 30-60 minutes long. Mentor Coaches should find a replacement Coach for their session if they are unable to attend, as well as notifying a VTeam Linden of the changes as soon as possible. Please remember many attendees have arranged their daily schedules to be present. Coaches should make every effort to not miss a scheduled orientation or be late.
  • Mentor Coaches may host alone but hosting in pairs is a great idea!
  • To host an orientation using voice, please check in with a VTeam member for approval. Orientations do not have to be hosted in English.
  • It is acceptable to ask for questions to be held until you ask for them. Stick to orientation questions and topics only. Questions you need assistance answering can be directed to a VTeam Linden by you or the resident with the question.

How To Submit Your Attendance List

  • Please take attendance during your session. You may collect attendance manually or by using a visitor counter. This attendance list with [Attendance List] in the subject area should be emailed to LindenVTeam@gmail.com in the following format as soon as possible.
    • Coach Name
    • Mentor Buddy Name (optional)
    • Date of Session
    • Time of Session
    • List of Attendee's Names
    • Attendance Total
  • If someone is not counted or there is a dispute over attendance, please let them know you will check with Mia Linden about the issue, and she will investigate from there. This will not be your burden.
  • Please let the attendees know they will be moved to Second Life Mentors group within approximately 48 hours. Weekend orientations may take a little bit more time to process attendees.

Sample Orientation Outline

Coaches: A sample session outline that meets checklist requirements can be seen here

Remember, VTeam will ask that you meet the check list requirements, but will not review every outline. Once you are registered as a host, you may make changes to your outline at your discretion, but be sure to keep the basic check list information intact.

Presentation Materials

Some presentation materials such as the presentation screen and some information notecards are provided. However, you are free to use your own. For information on materials offered at the SL Volunteer HI staging area, please click the link below. You are welcome to leave the presentation screen (or a prim of your choice) at the "media texture" slide for easy viewing of the Tao of Volunteers during your orientation.

Mentor Orientation - Orientation Materials

Orientation Checklist

If you choose to create your own orientation plan, please use the checklist to ensure your plan goes over the following; you may go over the following in a manner that fits your style and add your own ideas to the mix:

  • Tao of Volunteers (video or text)
  • Volunteer Mission/Purpose (An explanation of our open ended way of doing things, and some choices available for volunteering.)
  • Hot Spots for Volunteering (Welcome Areas, Help/Orientation Islands, Infohubs, etc.)
  • When To/When Not To Volunteer (Activate title when in best spirits!)
  • Volunteer Resources
  • Mentor Buddies explanation
  • Communication Etiquette
  • SL Volunteer Island
  • Incentives / Parties

Use of a personal class template is encouraged for all Coaches. Copy and paste during your session is acceptable as well as ad lib. Please feel free to adapt this information to a format that is fun and functional for you! Be creative if you like and feel free to experiment!

How To Sign Up

Click the link below to sign up to become a Host!

Orientation Host Sign Up