Preview Grid/it

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Aditi, la Preview Grid

Oltre a Second Life, il servizio usato quotidianamente da tutti gli utenti, esiste una seconda grid aperta al pubblico. Questa grid è nota come Preview Grid, o "Beta Grid", o "Aditi" (mentre "Agni" è il nome dato all'ambiente principale di Second Life). Aditi è dove viene testato il software per i server a cui Linden Lab sta lavorando, o che sta per essere installato in Second Life.

Come entro su Aditi, la Preview Grid?

Puoi usare lo stesso client che usi per Second Life. Alla schermata di login premi Ctrl-⇧ Shift-G e ti apparirà un menu a tendina:

  • Whichgrid.jpg
  • Seleziona "Agni" per entrare in Second Life
  • Seleziona "Aditi" per entrare nella Preview Grid
  • Le altre grid sono per sviluppo interno e non sono normalmente accessibili

Snapshot Date: Su Aditi, la Preview Grid, viene usato una copia del database di Agni, la grid principale. Il database viene aggiornato alcune volte all'anno. Se il tuo account è recente, potresti non essere in grado di entrare nella Preview Grid. L'inventario a tua disposizione in Aditi è quello del primo login che effettui. Gli articoli di cui entri in possesso in Second Life non saranno disponibili dentro Aditi. In nessun caso è possibile trasferire oggetti o denaro dalla Preview Grid in Second Life.


How do I know what version is running on the region I'm in?

Some regions have a "channel name" imprinted into the ground over and over again. If the ground texture doesn't make it obvious, look at "About Second Life" in the help menu. There, you will see a wealth of information about your own system, as well as about the server software that the region you are in is running. The image below shows you where in the help dialog to find the channel the region you're in is running. (Just to the right of that is the version.)


The most important information in the image here is "Second Life Server"; that's the channel that you're on. The version number is also important, but the biggest changes you will see are between different channels.

Reporting Bugs or Problems

This will vary depending on the channel of the region, and on the state of the release. If you find problems in the "Second Life Beta Server" channel before that version has been deployed to the main Second Life service, please use our Issue Tracker to check to see if that problem has already been reported, and to report it if not. When reporting a problem, please give as much information as possible: what region you were in, exactly what you did and what behavior you saw, when it happened, and the version of both your viewer software and of the server software running in the region where you saw the problem.

In general, you will use the same procedure for problems found on regions in other channels, but sometimes those channels are being used for a focused test by other developers.


  • Preview Grid Common Questions
  • Blog Post about Beta Testing
    • Server Release Beta Testing office hours are Tue @ 1PM (with Prospero Linden) and Thu at 3PM (with Vektor Linden); they are held on the preview grid at Morris (192, 251, 35). These are to discuss beta testing of the next upcoming release of Second Life; when there is not a release pending, we will discuss general SVC issues listed in the JIRA.
  • The Server Deploy Forums have forum discussions about rolling restarts, server release beta testing in general, and specific versions of the server that are about to be released.