Pyogp/Chat Logs/Daily Meeting/2008 09 08
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Revision as of 09:12, 8 September 2008 by Saijanai Kuhn (talk | contribs) (New page: * [9:29] Opensource Obscure: hi all : ) * [9:29] Saijanai Kuhn: Hey Enus, this is Pogan. He was lurking in the pyogp channel * [9:29] [...)
- [9:29] Opensource Obscure: hi all : )
- [9:29] Saijanai Kuhn: Hey Enus, this is Pogan. He was lurking in the pyogp channel
- [9:29] Saijanai Kuhn: Hey OPen
- [9:29] pogan Palianta: right i was askin about that
- [9:29] Enus Linden: hi sai
- [9:29] Enus Linden: pleasure to meet you pogan
- [9:30] Bartholomew Kleiber: Hi
- [9:30] Saijanai Kuhn: love teh Totoro avie
- [9:30] Saijanai Kuhn: one of my favorite anime
- [9:30] Enus Linden: <3 totoro
- [9:30] pogan Palianta: hi nice come hire
- [9:30] Bartholomew Kleiber: Enus ... you look ... different.
- [9:30] Saijanai Kuhn: he put on weight at the convention
- [9:31] Bartholomew Kleiber: yup
- [9:31] Tray Guisse: well met
- [9:31] pogan Palianta: i have problem with navigation; )
- [9:31] Enus Linden: let's wait a mo to see if Tao is gonna show before getting started
- [9:31] pogan Palianta: i like strafe left /right
- [9:31] Saijanai Kuhn: if you want to sit somewhere, left click on the chair and select sit
- [9:34] Saijanai Kuhn: OK.
- [9:34] Enus Linden: well, Tao is nowhere to be seen
- [9:34] Saijanai Kuhn: He wasn't on last night. Had the irc up and he neer logged in
- [9:34] Saijanai Kuhn: never*
- [9:34] Bartholomew Kleiber: probably still drunk from his private award party
- [9:34] pogan Palianta: i must customize client res/details ... so need reset
- [9:34] Enus Linden: so we might as well huddle and run off, there is not much to chat about anyway. i've actually been wondering, if the monday and wednesday huddles are no longer needed with reduced churn
- [9:35] Saijanai Kuhn: ah, well, might be. I do have one thing to report at least ;-)
- [9:35] Enus Linden: fire
- [9:35] Saijanai Kuhn: managed to get the loggin working in a wx window, so now we can work from wx for all things
- [9:35] Tray Guisse: i have not even got up and running yet just got in
- [9:36] Bartholomew Kleiber: ah Sai, you switched to wx then? cool.
- [9:36] Enus Linden: thats not mandatory tho is it sai?
- [9:36] Enus Linden: optional = good. what exactly were you using it with?
- [9:36] Saijanai Kuhn: no, but will make things easier, I think.
- [9:37] Saijanai Kuhn: just modded a window class to let the log redirect. So we can create simple interfaces for login/tp,/and testing, all in the same window
- [9:38] Saijanai Kuhn: all log messages will go to a scrolling text panel
- [9:38] Enus Linden: neato.
- [9:38] Saijanai Kuhn: wx pretty powerful. Based on standard Windows GUI apparently
- [9:39] Enus Linden: so as for other lib work, Tao and I are slowly going through and updating with logging and exceptions
- [9:39] Bartholomew Kleiber: its implemented natively on every plattform IIRC.
- [9:39] Enus Linden: this should wrap early this week. i'm nearly done (at least with the first pass, more will follow i'm sure)
- [9:39] Saijanai Kuhn: so once I get the interaface worked up for testing and login we can show our output consistently and save to disk/print
- [9:40] Saijanai Kuhn: ah, one thing though. Downloaded latest svn and the unnit tests fail again
- [9:40] Enus Linden: but i have done very little with interop. i've gotten the teleport test cleaned up, and all tests that needed to work with the messaging files updated. but general cleanup otherwise still awaits
- [9:40] Enus Linden: i'll check the unit tests
- [9:40] Saijanai Kuhn: I would fix, but still learnign how that stuff works :-(
- [9:40] Saijanai Kuhn: I need to learn all the stuff Lock was doing before he left :-?
- [9:41] Saijanai Kuhn: :-/
- [9:41] Saijanai Kuhn: Tao says he will help me (thank heavens)
- [9:41] Enus Linden: all 3 failures in unit tests have to do with rez_avatar/place
- [9:42] Enus Linden: i'll check that out
- [9:42] Multi Gadget: v2.0.3b by Timeless Prototype, '/44 info'
- [9:42] Saijanai Kuhn: Tao just logged in
- [9:42] Enus Linden: hi tao
- [9:42] Tao Takashi: Hi
- [9:42] Saijanai Kuhn: for those who are new,
- [9:42] Bartholomew Kleiber: hi
- [9:42] Saijanai Kuhn: download instructions
- [9:42] Multi Gadget: v2.0.3b by Timeless Prototype, '/44 info'
- [9:43] Saijanai Kuhn: Tao, I got logging working in a wx window
- [9:43] Saijanai Kuhn: just needed to add "file-like" methods to a text control
- [9:43] Tao Takashi: cool, Sai :)
- [9:44] Bartholomew Kleiber: congrats Tao, btw
- [9:44] Saijanai Kuhn: should work prperly with threading. Used existing thread safe example
- [9:44] Saijanai Kuhn: yeah, grats. Were you even aware you were nominated?
- [9:44] Tao Takashi: thanks, Barth. Saijanai also should have been mentioned though for his doc and transcript work
- [9:44] Tao Takashi: no, I wasn't
- [9:44] Bartholomew Kleiber: absolutely
- [9:45] Saijanai Kuhn: well, the French and Japanese translators won. I knew they would. That is a LOT of work
- [9:45] Enus Linden: what are the congrats for?
- [9:45] Saijanai Kuhn: Hippo award. Best comunity organization work
- [9:45] Enus Linden: super yay!
- [9:45] Saijanai Kuhn: I was nominated for documentation
- [9:45] Tao Takashi: It was more a Linden Lab organizing work though ;-)
- [9:46] Enus Linden: :)
- [9:46] Enus Linden: much deserved Tao
- [9:47] Enus Linden: so Tao, I got little done... you
- [9:47] Enus Linden: ?
- [9:48] Saijanai Kuhn: pokes Tao
- [9:48] Saijanai Kuhn: wonders if tao crashed
- [9:49] Saijanai Kuhn: So Enus, what next steps do you want to take?
- [9:49] Saijanai Kuhn: the OGP version three isn't out yet as far as I know
- [9:50] Bartholomew Kleiber: you mean the draft?
- [9:50] Enus Linden: finish the work at hand, tag, branch, and move on
- [9:50] Enus Linden: we can accomodate OGP spec changes along the way
- [9:50] Enus Linden: first thing i will focus on will be enabling login and tp for current protocols
- [9:50] Enus Linden: and then message, well, packet, handlers
- [9:50] Saijanai Kuhn: so work at hand is getting OGP 3 working, or is that even implemented yet.
- [9:51] Enus Linden: but that is a little way out, couple of weeks i think
- [9:51] Enus Linden: is 3 published yet? i don't think it is, nor deployed
- [9:51] Saijanai Kuhn: well, should be able to figure out redirect for packet handlers. COuld have two different log instances, one for debug and one for packet display
- [9:52] Tao Takashi: sorry, had a phone call
- [9:53] Enus Linden: that is an application detail, not for the lib itself imo. or am i wrong?
- [9:53] Saijanai Kuhn: errorlor(errortextcntrl) and packetdisplay(packettextcntrl)
- [9:53] Tao Takashi: I didn't get anything done, too much work before going to the conf this week and then vaca
- [9:53] Saijanai Kuhn: absolutely
- [9:53] Enus Linden: k Tao.
- [9:53] Saijanai Kuhn: but like I said, if the GUI is done right, interface can be stndardized without making it required
- [9:54] Tao Takashi: as for going on I would like to get this twisted test done as soon as the cleanup work is done so we know that the network stuff works in all situations
- [9:54] Enus Linden: right. it will need to be done right then :)
- [9:54] Enus Linden: that will be when you return though Tao? or before you depart?
- [9:54] Saijanai Kuhn: should be trivial at this level. have a logger instance for each kind of message we want to send.
- [9:54] Tao Takashi: probably after I return, maybe I also get something done during vaca ;-)
- [9:54] Saijanai Kuhn: display
- [9:55] Saijanai Kuhn: when do you leave, Tao?
- [9:55] Tao Takashi: but the abstraction can also go on in some separate sandbox/package I think
- [9:55] Tao Takashi: I will be at the conference (and my OGP talk was accepted) wed-fri
- [9:55] Saijanai Kuhn: oh, every neat
- [9:55] Enus Linden: yay Tao
- [9:55] Tao Takashi: I will leave 16th and be back on 27th
- [9:55] Saijanai Kuhn: I need a reading list from you. Want to be productive while you are gone
- [9:56] Tao Takashi: so I think we should do some experimentation with things and see what comes out of that (like some plan)
- [9:56] Saijanai Kuhn: ZCA and grok, twisted, eventlets...
- [9:57] Tao Takashi: not grok but grokcore.component
- [9:57] Saijanai Kuhn: ah, OK
- [9:57] Tao Takashi: you can find it on pypi
- [9:57] Saijanai Kuhn: OK
- [9:57] Bartholomew Kleiber: I have to dig in also :-/
- [9:57] Saijanai Kuhn: I learned more about ZCA arguing with Gareth ;-)
- [9:58] Saijanai Kuhn: lots of nice features
- [9:58] Tao Takashi: heh :)
- [9:58] pogan Palianta: must make svn evnironment ; /
- [9:58] Enus Linden: k, i need to run to my next meting
- [9:58] Enus Linden: see you all soon
- [9:58] Tao Takashi: Sai: maybe twisted also would make sense to check how it integrates with wx
- [9:58] Bartholomew Kleiber: bye enus
- [9:58] Tao Takashi: tc Enus!
- [9:58] Enus Linden: bye
- [9:58] Saijanai Kuhn: pogan, you can get a free copy of WindIDE for pyogp work, if you sign the papers [1]
- [9:58] Tray Guisse: ttyl
- [9:58] pogan Palianta: cya
- [9:59] pogan Palianta: im on lx
- [9:59] Saijanai Kuhn: I have heard that twisted works fine with wx but don't know.
- [9:59] pogan Palianta: im hungry..
- [9:59] Tao Takashi: I heard so, too. which is why I think the msgsystem should work with twisted
- [10:00] Saijanai Kuhn: the simple thing I did should work ok with any threading package. Calls a method from timer or idle event.
- [10:00] Tao Takashi: in general for your reading list: everything which is in the library.. exceptions, logging, ZCA, grokcore.component, maybe setuptools and buildout
- [10:01] Saijanai Kuhn: and writing to window can be done via log instance which automatically sets it to callafter event if its not the wx thread
- [10:01] Tao Takashi: so I think what's also valuable is if you produce code like this :)
- [10:01] Saijanai Kuhn: can have a log instance for each kind of text we want displayed, and redirect to a different text panel in the window
- [10:02] Saijanai Kuhn: so, error messages, packet analysis, chat, etc
- [10:03] Saijanai Kuhn: all handled with same format, just differnt log instances
- [10:03] Tao Takashi: that sounds quite nice
- [10:03] Saijanai Kuhn: created a text control which has "file like" methods
- [10:03] Saijanai Kuhn: so insstead of sending to console, send to specific text control
- [10:04] Tao Takashi: sounds like the StreamHandler
- [10:04] Tao Takashi: also has to go though
- [10:04] Saijanai Kuhn: 10 lines of code. Trvial to write. Took 2 days to figure out :-0/
- [10:04] Tao Takashi: it's my gf's bday and I should be at her party ;-)
- [10:04] Tao Takashi: it's always like that I guess with the 2 days
- [10:04] Saijanai Kuhn: exactly. Just use textcontrol for target stream handler instead of console
- [10:04] Saijanai Kuhn: definitely you should take off. Will see you in irc
- [10:05] Tao Takashi: yep, hope to be online here and there.. cya all later!
- [10:05] Mirt Tenk: happy b'day to gf, happy party! :-)
- [10:05] Saijanai Kuhn: laters all
- [10:05] Tao Takashi: thanks :)