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Release Notes for v3.7.31 (302640) - Second Life Viewer

Known Issues
Please see the Known Issues for important information and limitations.

Second Life Release Viewer version

Released on June 16, 2015.

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[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

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Release Notes


Project BigBird

This viewer has fixes for some attachment-related issues, particularly when multiple attachments are added or removed at the same time. It also has enhanced logging, so your SecondLife.log file will have some additional lines related to avatar state in general and attachments in particular.

Please file bugs for any issues seen, and attach your viewer log file with the bug report. Feedback from people who have previously had problems with attachments getting dropped or otherwise getting into the wrong state would be particularly helpful.

No birds were harmed in the making of this viewer, although one developer was bitten by a parrot.

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Resolved Issues

  • MAINT-4351 HUDs and attachments intermittently and randomly detach after teleports, sometimes reattaching on their own shortly after, sometimes staying detached completely, or showing as "worn on Invalid Attachment Point" while still detached
  • MAINT-4653 [Attachment-RC] When using "Add" or "Attach to" to attach multiple attachments at the same time, some attachments fall off and some get attached to the wrong attachment point
  • MAINT-4917 Attaching multiple objects generates multiple bake requests
  • MAINT-4918 Removing multiple attachments generates redundant detach requests
  • MAINT-5065 Add diagnostic logging for attachments
  • MAINT-5069 [Project BigBird] Objects attached to avatar from the ground do not show in the Current Outfit folder & do not show as worn in the appearance panel.
  • MAINT-5071 [Project BigBird] Attachments removed from avatar by dropping are not removed from the Current Outfit folder and still show as worn.
  • MAINT-5222 Crash on exit in

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Known Issues

  • MAINT-3198 Legacy bumpiness renders funny on HUD faces with custom alpha mode
  • MAINT-3213 Brightness and Darkness legacy bump maps render incorrectly on Intel GPUs.