- DOC-645 New LSL function documentation
- DOC-646 New documentation for llReplaceAgentEnvironment
- DOC-649 New documentation for llSetAgentEnvironment
- DOC-650 New LSL Documentation for a couple of environment related functions.
- SL-10000 [EEP] Ambient Color is always black on imported sky settings
- SL-10032 [EEP] BUG-225446 regression - HUDs are again affected by environment setting
- SL-10033 [EEP] Use instant environment transition for teleports
- SL-10041 EEP When Region Owner doesn't allow Parcel Owner to overwrite Env Setting, About Land Environment should only show Use Region Settings
- SL-10044 [EEP] Water is always stationary with ALM disabled
- SL-10045 [EEP] Terrain textures are full bright with ALM disabled
- SL-10055 EEP: Ability to change the sun/moon projector source.
- SL-10056 [EEP] Cloud Detail settings >1.0 always reverts to 1.0 when saving a fixed sky or day cycle.
- SL-10060 EEP: Add reset default sky altitudes functionality
- SL-10061 [EEP] Parcel Environment settings can't be changed from default values in the About Land floater
- SL-10066 [EEP] Default Moon texture is displayed in the sky when choosing none texture in the Moon texture picker
- SL-10067 [EEP] "Default Scene gamma" of EEP Viewer is much darker than Release Viewer
- SL-10070 [EEP] Settings do not fully load correctly on first attempt to load them into the Fixed Environment floater
- SL-10081 Viewer freezes while "Loading world..." - Intel HD 620 / Intel HD 630, Windows 10.
- SL-10086 [EEP] Rainbow and Halo use wrong textures
- SL-10087 [EEP] The Halo is displayed twice when the sun is near the horizon
- SL-10090 EEP: Member title not displayed correctly for Everybody role
- SL-10091 EEP Multiple environment requests for one event
- SL-10099 [EEP] Water is reflecting things that intersect the waterplane weirdly.
- SL-10116 Can not copy asset IDs for settings that I have created.
- SL-10117 Experience warning
- SL-10141 [EEP] Neighboring sky levels may be closer than 100 meters to each other in edit mode
- SL-10165 Load Frame button on Day Cycle editor is not working.
- SL-10166 Sky editor add/delete frame not enabling disabling correctly
- SL-10167 Wording on Add/Load/Delete buttons in the day editor
- SL-10181 [EEP] The water fog density exponent setting has no effect on EEP viewers
- SL-10186 EEP When attempting to apply Day Offset of 0.0 the slider jumps to the last set Offset value
- SL-10188 [EEP] add/delete/load should be disabled while the timeline "Play" button is engaged.
- SL-1019 EEP The UI is non-responsive when user tries to make an edit while a Keyframe is not selected.
- SL-10238 Viewer support for llSetAgentEnvironment
- SL-10241 EEP Allowed Abilities -> Toggle various About Land > Option Settings should include description about Environment Setting
- SL-10268 Correctly log an event when an experience changes environment
- SL-10274 [EEP] Settings object created by Save As cannot be copied from an object
- SL-10275 [EEP] Pressing Enter while setting "Settings From Inventory" opens the Day Cycle
- SL-10276 [EEP] Moon is invisible in the first keyframe of the Default Day Cycle
- SL-10279 Re layout the region and parcel environment tab.
- SL-10280 [EEP] Keyframe percentage does not line up with numbers above it.
- SL-10281 [EEP] Halo has extra ring at the hemisphere.
- SL-10282 [EEP] Rainbow has white ring to the hemisphere
- SL-10303 [EEP] Sun is not centered on the sun glow.
- SL-10304 [EEP] A lot of legacy water settings render oddly on EEP viewers after importing Fresnel Scale value incorrectly
- SL-10305 [EEP] Alpha blended textures render black when ALM is enabled
- SL-10323 Scripted sits are reported as triggered animations in toasts and experience event log.
- SL-10331 [EEP] Apply to Region/Parcel from the day editor sticks
- SL-10350 EEP Edit and save Save As from library writes back into library.
- SL-10355 [EEP] Object reflection in the water is off to the side.
- SL-10360 [EEP]Names of "Ground" and "Water" is not changed to the names of Region settings
- SL-10361 [EEP] Water setting sliders are shown with overlaps in the Environment editor
- SL-10362 EEP Viewer typo in Parcel must be at least 128 square meeters
- SL-10364 Parcel Sky Altitudes not set correct when opening About Land -> Environment for the first time upon region arrival
- SL-10368 [EEP][OSX] Normal and Specular textures aren't viewable on the box
- SL-10369 [EEP] Shadow from top face of a cube is visible on the side face.
- SL-10370 [EEP] 'Estate' tab is displayed with empty settings after opening 'Region/Estate' floater for the second time
- SL-10374 [EEP] Viewer crashes on Win10 / Intel HD 2000/3000 (and other unsupported) cards
- SL-10380 [EEP] 'Day Length/Day Offset' values don't apply to the region from the keyboard by pressing 'Enter'
- SL-10381 [EEP] Terrain textures don't fully load next time log in to the viewer
- SL-10384 [EEP] A distorted version of my Avatar is show around my avatar when facing water
- SL-10387 Revisit - Viewer support for llSetAgentEnvironment
- SL-10406 Experience setting injection locks underlying environment
- SL-10413 [EEP] environment does not change after double-clicking Sky Setting in Inventory the first time.
- SL-10414 [EEP] moon glow does not align with moon texture when moon is near the horizon
- SL-10415 [EEP] Shadows have lines when camera is horizontal and shadows disappear when camera is vertical
- SL-10416 [EEP] viewer crash after entering parcel with parcel media
- SL-10421 BugSplat Crash: SecondLifeViewer!LLTextureEntry::getGlow(159)
- SL-10424 [EEP] Avatar blinks under water on low quality
- SL-10426 [EEP] The day cycle doesn't apply to the parcel after select from 'Use Inventory' menu in "About land" -> "Environment" tab
- SL-10429 [EEP] Texture with alpha channel flicker
- SL-10430 [EEP] Slider control rendering broken
- SL-10434 [EEP] Weird parallax between stars and moon and clouds.
- SL-10442 [EEP] sun glow appears in front of sun image
- SL-10443 [EEP] The sun and moon textures are rotated and flipped.
- SL-10446 [EEP] The viewer crashes after opening 'Region/Estate' floater
- SL-10447 [EEP] Crash retrieving parcel environment from land floater.
- SL-10449 [EEP] On OSX, ALM cannot be forced at Mid+ graphics or lower
- SL-10455 [EEP] Moonlight can be brighter then daylight in right situations.
- SL-10456 [EEP] Viewer continues to show last EEP environment after teleporting from EEP to non-EEP region
- SL-10457 [EEP] There's a shadow beyond the draw distance.
- SL-10459 [EEP] Sun image looks fractured.
- SL-10461 [EEP] EEP lighting bug revealed a missed fix
- SL-10464 [EEP] llReplaceAgentEnvironment() does not load Water or Sky assets on a target agent once it has already loaded a Legacy Windlight asset on them.
- SL-10477 [EEP] Sky Altitudes sliders are blinking while applying a changes
- SL-10478 [EEP] Side of a sphere opposite the sun is lit when sun is below horizon and moon is up
- SL-10485 [EEP] The double-click doesn't open folder in the"Select Settings" picker
- SL-10486 [EEP] Please replace the sun texture with the brighter moon texture when clicking the Blank button.
- SL-10487 [EEP] Textures on some objects are moving when avatar with *.dae model and ALM 'on' moves
- SL-10488 [EEP] Changing the "Blur Multiplier" option does not affect the water
- SL-10495 [EEP] Please include a confirmation when clicking the Use Region Settings button in the Environment tab in About Land.
- SL-10496 [EEP] Please include upper and lower limit values for each component of settings on wiki page for llSetAgentEnvironment().
- SL-10500 [EEP] Objects with diffuse and normal textures rendering very dark
- SL-10501 [EEP] certain objects in field of view cause UI to wash out
- SL-10509 EEP Settings Picker gets closed by drag&drop
- SL-1053 EEP Day Cycle asset "Apply To Parcel" context menu option is not available until the Day Cycle editor has opened
- SL-1054 EEP odd highlight under the water
- SL-10546 [EEP] The sun is not visible unless it has an image
- SL-10548 [EEP] Commit button visible only the first time the Edit Day Cycle window is opened for a parcel
- SL-10551 Low Graphics asserts on GL_FOG state mismatch on login to Animesh2
- SL-10552 [EEP] Shadows change size and move around when the camera moves.
- SL-10561 [EEP] Even low values of Density Multiplier and Distance Multiplier sliders make the scene look like pea soup.
- SL-10566 [EEP] Low FPS on the Test DRTVWR-440 EEP project viewer
- SL-10568 [EEP] Environment windlight UI is present on region/estate floater for non-EEP regions
- SL-10569 [EEP] Shadows cast on objects change size when the camera rotates or zooms
- SL-10570 [EEP] Viewer is crashed after loading a day cycle by 'Load From' button and saving new environment setting
- SL-10581 [EEP] When Day Length > 24 hours, some portion of the day cycle is skipped between Day Offset 0.0 and 0.5.
- SL-1060 clicking on timeline in daycycle editor does not update environment
- SL-1061 EEP viewer crash after editing Day Cycle of a parcel with an invalid Day Cycle
- SL-10612 Specular doesn't look identical in EEP for some objects
- SL-10618 [EEP] Certain textures with transparency render black when camera is close when ALM is enabled & shadows are disabled
- SL-10634 [EEP] Strange lines appear on the lighted side of a primitive object
- SL-10635 [EEP] Crash when loading Environment settings from the Inventory
- SL-10640 [EEP] Sun glow is corrupted when ALM is disabled
- SL-10664 [EEP] Textures on rigged attachments not loading properly & attachments missing
- SL-10666 [EEP] Everything is blurry when Depth of Field is enabled.
- SL-10672 [EEP] Sun transitioned to image from previous keyframe
- SL-10681 [EEP] viewer crashed to desktop after failed teleport
- SL-10695 Rebuild CEF for Second Life is vulnerable to CVE-2019-5786
- SL-10698 [EEP] Objects show water reflections around their edges when they should not
- SL-10700 [EEP] The way that the sky altitude setting names display for both parcel & region is confusing
- SL-10702 Crash to desktop in mainland region St Lion due to Vivox error
- SL-10732 [EEP] Odd lighting & shadow effects - broken projectors?
- SL-10741 [EEP] Shadows are negative when sun in at certain angles.
- SL-10743 [EEP] semi-transparent objects are sometimes lit by a local light depending on camera angle
- SL-10744 [EEP] Disabling Basic Shaders made all HUDs vanish
- SL-10749 [EEP] Certain scenes cause the EEP viewer scene to flash wildly
- SL-10750 Objects appear "full bright"
- SL-10751 Odd sky appearance below horizon
- SL-10752 [EEP] Odd lighting effects on EEP Part 2
- SL-10756 [EEP] Unexpected particle appearance against water
- SL-10763 [EEP] When basic shaders are disabled, any texture with alpha renders as the water texture.
- SL-10764 [EEP] Viewer rendering problems on non-EEP regions w/ ALM disabled
- SL-10768 [EEP] Local lights don't seem to have falloff when ALM is off
- SL-10769 [EEP] Latest Dullahan/CEF update breaks parcel media playback - Dullahan: 1.1.1309 / CEF: 3.3626.1895.g7001d56 / Chromium: 72.0.3626.121
- SL-10773 [EEP] Sky altitudes all report "empty" for region and parcel
- SL-1079 EEP Several seconds of slow framerate when new DayCycle loads.
- SL-10818 [EEP] Keyframes that are close together behave as 1 keyframe.
- SL-10829 [EEP] point light brightness steps down as it gets closer
- SL-10830 [EEP] shadows from projectors disappear at some camera angles
- SL-10831 [EEP] Moon Brightness slider does not change brightness of the light cast by the moon.
- SL-10832 [EEP] Projector lights have a dim area in the center and a hard circular cutoff
- SL-10833 [EEP] Text in the Sky Altitudes boxes is low contrast and difficult to read.
- SL-10835 On Materials enabled viewers, emissive mask only works when ALM is enabled
- SL-1084 Region/Parcel panels
- SL-10842 EEP - Point and projector light colors are not being submitted in the correct color space
- SL-10843 EEP - Reflections are not in the correct color space
- SL-10844 EEP - Sunlight color appears to be broken
- SL-1088 EEP add a menu item that directs people to the environment settings folder in Inventory
- SL-1094 EEP No frames needed for water settings
- SL-1107 EEP When clicking a keyframe, the Sun and Moon image from the previously selected keyframe is displayed.
- SL-1121 Viewer Framerate is much lower with certain environment settings.
- SL-1127 EEP - weird flickering when changing environment
- SL-1130 Crash in LLRender::loadMatrix()
- SL-1144 water disappears when camera is a little above the water surface
- SL-1162 EEP Shadows are not aligned with object face.
- SL-1163 Environment pulled from asset store not applied when loaded
- SL-1168 EEP more than 20 keframes can be created
- SL-1169 EEP viewer crash when opening World > About Land
- SL-1173 EEP Environment looks different when logging in on vs. entering parcel.
- SL-1176 EEP sun glow does not align with the sun texture.
- SL-1181 [EEP] "Use Region Settings" function has changed & name no longer makes sense
- SL-1183 EEP clicking near a keyframe may activate it without highlighting it green
- SL-1186 EEP Edit Day Cycle window needs Save & Cancel buttons linked to bottom of the window
- SL-1187 EEP Parcel Environment Source cannot be set to Default Environment
- SL-1193 [EEP] Environment tab UI issues when not on EEP region
- SL-1209 EEP Identical Day Cycle keyframes look different in-world
- SL-1213 Water freznel settings inconsistent on joined private regions.
- SL-1226 When creating new settings in inventory they should point to the appropriate default asset id.
- SL-1227 EEP - Setting a local sky or water changes both sky and water
- SL-1228 EEP "Load" button on Sky and Water editors does not open a selector.
- SL-1235 EEP Make the EEP editor windows a fixed size.
- SL-1255 Make sky shaders use sun disc texture again
- SL-1258 [EEP] Custom cloud, sun & moon textures don't update when you apply a Windlight sky locally.
- SL-1263 When day editor is first brought up all controls are disabled
- SL-1280 EEP Blue Horizon swatch does not display the color set for that keyframe.
- SL-1289 EEP "Randomness" to clouds
- SL-1293 EEP closing Day Cycle editor by clicking Cancel makes the environment static
- SL-1307 EEP At startup viewer does not recognize what parcel you are on.
- SL-1313 EEP projected shadows from objects are too high
- SL-1315 Update Aditi helper_uri
- SL-1319 EEP Default Density Multiplier value cannot be replicated with the UI
- SL-1336 When the name in the settings is changed. Rename the corresponding inventory item.
- SL-1342 EEP Day Cycle keyframe cannot be deleted
- SL-1368 EEP "Cannot create that inventory" notification every time Save or Save As is clicked in the Edit Day Cycle window.
- SL-1373 [EEP] Edit, Copy, Copy UUID options greyed out in My Environments floater
- SL-1376 EEP Apply To Parcel in Edit Day Cycle window applies to the Region
- SL-1400 EEP Mac Water has colors that don't rotate when the camera does.
- SL-1402 Change wording on Environments "Use Region Settings"
- SL-1408 EEP "Blue Horizon" and "Blue Density" values do not lerp between keyframes
- SL-1418 EEP Choosing an option from the Save button in the Edit Day Cycle window immediately executes that option.
- SL-1440 [EEP] [IMPROVEMENT] Add minimize button to floater_fixedenvironment
- SL-1445 EEP Viewer is generating sky settings that fail
- SL-1472 EEP white portions of Sun image are rendered as black.
- SL-1475 stars are rendered in water reflections but don't actually appear
- SL-1476 EEP Environment on a parcel looks different when entering from different adjacent parcels
- SL-1483 EEP - switching settings from inventory doesn't reset environment properly
- SL-1491 EEP Lens flare when the sun is near the horizon
- SL-1493 EEP Make image swatches square for Sun, Moon, Clouds, and Normal Map
- SL-1496 Caleb's Mac EEP Viewer shows black sky
- SL-1505 EEP entire moon is reflected on the water while half of the moon is visible
- SL-1523 EEP - image transitions(blending) is reversed
- SL-1531 EEP: Visual feedback on the timeline
- SL-1546 EEP Heavenly bodies move too quickly while pressing the rotation arrows.
- SL-1549 EEP Settings folder is missing
- SL-1556 [EEP] Going to About Land on neighbour region produces 7+ modal error windows.
- SL-1576 Current frame sometimes gets stuck when editing a day cycle
- SL-1584 EEP Select Settings picker is empty sometimes
- SL-1607 On day cycle tab.
- SL-1608 Crash in loadShadersEnvironment()
- SL-1638 EEP Changing Day Cycle Keyframe 20 changes Keyframe 5
- SL-1648 EEP UI Controls: XYVector and VirtualTrackball leftovers
- SL-1655 EEP Horizon and Heavenly bodies move when ALM is toggled.
- SL-1656 EEP Shadows move around when camera is pointed in certain directions.
- SL-1669 EEP rename "Default Environment" option in About Land > Environment
- SL-1689 EEP - clicking at settings embedded into notecard does nothing
- SL-1697 EEP Moon is up while editor shows it should be down.
- SL-1704 EEP viewer crash if Day Cycle editor is closed while play is engaged.
- SL-1725 Second Life Project EEP (64bit) lets you create New Day Cycle on Non-EEP simular
- SL-1727 EEP: Moon track ball needs a better icon
- SL-1728 EEP Day cycle editor - Move import button
- SL-1756 EEP Changing the first Day Cycle keyframe also changes the last keyframe
- SL-1766 EEP Clicking About Land > Edit Custom edits the Day Cycle of the parcel your avatar is over instead of the parcel that was selected.
- SL-1772 Disable sky layer tabs
- SL-1807 EEP Parcels smaller than 128 m^2 should only be able to use the Region's Environment setting.
- SL-1817 EEP Day Cycle timeline scrubber can't be repositioned while it's playing back
- SL-1819 clicking frame in daycycle editor after a drag leaves controls disabled
- SL-1825 Default Description for Environment Settings (Daycycle, Sky, Water) Asset
- SL-1837 EEP should not be able to delete all Keyframes from Ground Level or Water
- SL-1840 EEP viewer crash when clicking Commit if the About Land window has been closed.
- SL-1843 EEP viewer crash when clicking Commit while no parcel is selected
- SL-1850 Virtual Track Ball
- SL-1857 EEP the current Density Multiplier values are not displayed in the Day Cycle editor
- SL-1862 EEP clicking Edit Environment button edits Day Cycle from parcel or from unsaved settings in memory
- SL-1872 daycycle water editor should have proper blank normal map
- SL-1873 EEP Allow a higher Star Brightness setting
- SL-1878 EEP: Lock icon should be replaced
- SL-1879 Day Cycle edit is stuck in night time during playback
- SL-1882 EEP UI control: Virtual Trackball
- SL-1886 Disable "Copy" perm checkbox for settings type objects
- SL-1894 Adjustable region altitudes.
- SL-1900 EEP Check for parcels < 128m^2 when dividing parcels, set them to Default Environment
- SL-1906 XUI: Make the LLSliderCtrl value editable
- SL-1911 Scale setting for sun and moon images
- SL-1915 EEP UI: New user interface icons for Settings
- SL-1919 Ignore Parcel menu option
- SL-1925 Create new shaders for optical phenomena
- SL-1929 Modify atmospherics shaders to include volumetric lighting
- SL-1931 EEP UI control: XYVector
- SL-1932 Day Cycle Edit feature: "Load Track"
- SL-1943 EEP UI: Fixed water and sky editors
- SL-1945 Day Cycle Editor: Copy Track
- SL-1948 EEP UI dialog: Day Cycle Editor
- SL-1949 New system folder for "Settings"
- SL-1955 EEP UI: Graphics: Virtual Trackball Graphical Elements
- SL-1957 Disallow "No Copy" for Settings objects
- SL-1958 EEP Interface, directly set tracks with settings from inventory.
- SL-2184 Specialize settings object for Sky Settings
- SL-2900 Specialization for Day cycle
- SL-2909 Environment manager able to manipulate and blend settings objects
- SL-2918 Adjust day cycles to account for longer potential days and altitude transitions
- SL-2926 New settings in windlight sky for god rays.
- SL-2931 Specialize settings object for water settings
- SL-2940 Existing Windlight settings import
- SL-2943 Settings asset class for manipulating generic blocks of settings.
- SL-2965 Settings assets attached to new inventory objects
- SL-2971 Use new cap to set/retrieve settings for a region and parcel
- SL-2974 Upload and download of settings asset type via simhost
- SL-2978 New UI for extended settings
- SL-2979 Settings Asset Support
- SL-2985 Apply environment settings based on region/parcel/script/local(inventory)
- SL-3585 Water surface not visible looking up while underwater if water level has 2 digits after decimal
- SL-5186 Projected light with high Ambiance setting causes textures containing transparency to render too dark.
- SL-5245 The moon looks darker when Advanced lighting is enabled.
- SL-5546 Crash on skinned, texture animated geometry with deferred rendering enabled.
- SL-5621 Stars render black against lighter coloured night skies and against clouds when ALM is enabled.
- SL-6121 On Materials enabled viewers, textures containing alpha display as full bright if basic shaders are disabled
- SL-6432 Some prims have black moire-like patterns when ALM is enabled
- SL-6628 WL Haze effects are inconsistent between solid and transparent objects under water.
- SL-9618 underwater rendering does not reflect WL time of day
- SL-9619 opening fixed env editor and daycycle editor leads to confusing env
- SL-9620 Viewer crashes after clicking "Commit" button while editing Day Cycle preset
- SL-9621 Current Environment settings are greyed out in the About Land floater
- SL-9625 EEP "Save As" and "Save" are initially unavailable in Day Cycle
- SL-9626 Settings picker is not closed when Region/estate or About Land floater is closed.
- SL-9629 [EEP] Unable to uncheck permission checkboxes in Environment Asset properties
- SL-9632 [EEP] HUDs are affected by Atmosphere & Lighting changes.
- SL-9634 [EEP] Snapshot shows and saves Black screen
- SL-9635 [EEP] Viewer crashed while initializing graphic drivers
- SL-9636 Objects that can not be rezed in world should not show certain properties
- SL-9643 Conversion Issue (Sun and Moon positions not changed between key frames)
- SL-9644 EEP An extra Settings folder was created
- SL-9652 [EEP] Not allowed characters in Environment Assets name are replaced by empty space after saving
- SL-9653 [EEP] Slider set to 100% displays the same settings as the last keyframe
- SL-9654 [EEP] 'OK' button and Double click have different behaviors in the 'Pick: SELECT SETTING floater'
- SL-9656 EEP viewer crash by buying a parcel then right-clicking a Day Cycle in Inventory
- SL-9660 Residual code in LLEnvironment
- SL-9661 [EEP] "New Day Cycle" settings Opened from My Environment don't apply to the parcel after clicking "Apply To Parcel" button
- SL-9662 [EEP] Push some pixels in panel_region_environment.xml
- SL-9663 [EEP] Stars are practically invisible when ALM is disabled
- SL-9664 [EEP] File pickers are not threaded
- SL-9665 [EEP] "Rename" greyed out for assets in My Environments
- SL-9667 [EEP] Viewer crashes after opening About Land floater in the non-EEP region
- SL-9669 EEP Crash on Region info
- SL-9670 [EEP] 'New Day' is named as 'Default' in the Day Cycle editor.
- SL-9672 [EEP] Right-click "Copy Asset UUID" should be inactive
- SL-9676 EEP Pick:SELECT SETTINGS limit folder operations options
- SL-9677 EEP Small adjustment to error message for not applying enviroment setting due to parcel size
- SL-9678 Fixed environment editors not automatically showing edited day cycle
- SL-9679 EEP Edit Environment button shows a Default Day Cycle the first time it's pressed in a session
- SL-9685 lowest graphics settings sometimes uses wrong texture for water
- SL-9686 EEP Blue Density and Blue Horizon have no visible effect.
- SL-9687 EEP the clouds lurch every 10 seconds
- SL-9696 [EEP] Water rendering has a seam when ALM is enabled
- SL-9698 [EEP] Add beacons that point to sun & moon position
- SL-9707 EEP: Edit floater strips asset ID on apply
- SL-9708 [EEP] Attachments become invisible underwater
- SL-9716 [EEP] "Use Shared Environment" does not enable when applying an environment to a parcel or region
- SL-9719 [EEP] Shaders refuse to turn On, advanced lightning checkbox disabled on Intel HD
- SL-9729 [EEP] Density multiplier in EEP is a factor of 1000 off from WL
- SL-9731 [EEP] Viewer crash when getting environment string while logged in
- SL-9732 [EEP] Save As does not provide dialogue to supply new setting name
- SL-9733 [EEP] Each time the "My Environments" floater is opened, the viewer freezes twice
- SL-9736 Recenter cloud delta on 0,0 in settings
- SL-9744 Default environment assets need to have star brightness corrected
- SL-9746 [EEP] Local Texture options should work with EEP
- SL-9751 [EEP] emissive glow from sun/moon textures
- SL-9752 [EEP] The ’Show Empty Folders’ option is displayed over the lower scroll bar in the “My Environment’ floater
- SL-9753 EEP Group Deeded Parcel's Setting Name appears differently between members of the group
- SL-9755 EEP Cannot apply a new Sky setting to the parcel.
- SL-9758 [EEP] Different button names in 'Day Cycle' Editor
- SL-976 EEP MissingStrings(settings blob) in shared message of Settings asset
- SL-9762 EEP Several Day Cycle UI bits are movable
- SL-9775 EEP viewer crash when looking at the sun (which is playing parcel media)
- SL-9778 [EEP] It's possible to open more then one My Environments floater
- SL-9779 [EEP] Midday, Sunset, Sunrise & the default day cycle need to have cloud scroll fixed.
- SL-978 EEP Anyone-Copy, Group-Share permanently turned on when ticking Next Owner-Transfer or Copy
- SL-9780 [EEP] Environment gets stuck on region environment after closing Region/Estate floater unless floater was closed with Environment tab active.
- SL-9783 Viewer - Adjustable region altitudes.
- SL-9787 EEP Remove Apply to Region from right-click menus.
- SL-9789 [EEP] Viewer crashes after reloading the same frame
- SL-9791 [EEP] After editing region, day cycle is stuck.
- SL-9792 EEP viewer stopped seeing parcel environments
- SL-9793 EEP Apply to myself environment does not transition smoothly
- SL-9806 [EEP] Textures used for Sun, Moon and clouds transit behind stars, should be in front of stars
- SL-9808 [EEP] The ‘Apply’ button is inactive after clicking the ‘Commit’ button in the ‘Edit Day Cycle’ floater
- SL-9809 [EEP]Environment becomes dark after setting "Glow Size" to the maximum value
- SL-9817 [EEP] Switching by Region/Estate tabs reset Day Cycle settings
- SL-9818 [EEP] Single click on Cloud Scroll input field doesn't select it in the Edit Day Cycle floater
- SL-9819 [EEP] Show Empty Folders checkbox is shifted to the left side of 'My Environments' floater
- SL-9820 EEP My Environments finds the parcel's DayCycle unbidden.
- SL-9821 [EEP] The bottom scrollbar does not work in the ‘Pick: Select Settings’ floater
- SL-9822 [EEP] Resetting values while editing the daily cycle through ‘About Land -> Environment tab-> Edit environment’
- SL-983 When selecting a new parcel with the day editor open follow in editor
- SL-984 EEP Right-Click create EEP settings under Lost and Found folder
- SL-9850 [EEP] The ‘Cloud Detail’ settings are always equal to the ‘Cloud Density’ settings when opening the ‘Edit Day Cycle’ floater
- SL-9851 [EEP] The sky is filled with textures when ‘Cloud Scale’ setting = 0
- SL-9852 [EEP] Selecting Sky/Water settings is displayed as 'Custom Environment' in the Region/Estate floater
- SL-9853 EEP Default Settings object cannot be copied by other users.
- SL-9854 [EEP]Some object textures are displayed in white color after changing parameters 'Glow Size' and 'Glow Focus' to minimum value
- SL-9862 EEP could not set Local environment during a session
- SL-9863 EEP Saving a Daycycle after Loading Frame saves a Sky setting rather than a Daycycle setting.
- SL-9867 EEP Set the cloud speed 2d vector control max to [-10 - 10]
- SL-9868 [EEP] 'cloud detail' sliders break cloud settings in new EEP test viewer
- SL-9869 [EEP] The applied environmental changes are not displayed although the ‘Use shared environment’ option is selected
- SL-9870 [EEP] The water texture does not apply to the observer
- SL-9873 EEP setting Day Offset > 8.0 causes it to go to -12.0
- SL-9874 [EEP]Setting environment from menu overrides day cycle editor
- SL-988 EEP Sun reflection is out of alignment when sun is to the North
- SL-9882 [EEP] The percentage at the right end of the timeline does not update
- SL-9883 [EEP] The 'Edit Environment' button is enabled in About Land > Environment tab on the parcel less than 128m^2.
- SL-9884 EEP Mac rainbows are not visible
- SL-9886 [EEP] Only day cycle names display in "Settings from inventory" in About Land & Region environments. Fixed sky names do not display.
- SL-9887 [EEP] Sky detail setting in preferences no longer has any effect.
- SL-9889 Reconvert default day cycles to account for settings changes.
- SL-9891 Get FS settings from Whirly
- SL-9892 Add "Well known" windlight settings to Alexandria's Inventory
- SL-9893 EEP water transitions look rough.
- SL-9895 rainbows only appear in deferred rendering if shadow detail > none
- SL-9897 EEP Sun position is incorrect for legacy viewers.
- SL-9902 [EEP] Editing Day cycle without saving will result in other settings also prompting for save even without changes
- SL-9905 [EEP] Teleporting from EEP Region with parcel environment does not clear on non-eep region.
- SL-9911 [EEP] Day Settings are modifiable in About Land floater for parcel that uses Region Settings
- SL-9916 [EEP] Inventory cache loses asset ID for settings objects.
- SL-9917 [EEP] Default Sun texture has a bad quality
- SL-9918 [EEP] Cloud image set to None displays the same clouds as Default
- SL-9919 [EEP] "Large Wav" field in "Edit Day Cycle" floater has the name which misleads the user
- SL-9921 [EEP] Rename the 'Delete this setting' tooltip in the My Environment floater to 'Remove selected item'
- SL-9922 [EEP] The Day environment settings are changed when open the Water setting in ‘Fixed Environment’ editor
- SL-9923 [EEP] The sliders on the ‘Atmosphere & Lighting’ tab are offset from each other
- SL-9924 [EEP] Environment Settings permissions can be dropped by Save As button
- SL-9925 [EEP] Unable to import the Days settings from some locations
- SL-9928 EEP Rendering of ALM haze does not match non-ALM haze
- SL-9929 Sun coloring of specular light on water does not match.
- SL-9930 EEP The default cloud scroll speed of 0.2 doesn't move the clouds at all.
- SL-9931 [EEP] Clouds are dripping as they hit the horizon
- SL-9941 [EEP] Vector control should have an option for a logarithmic scale
- SL-9960 [EEP][Feature Request] The user can drag and drop "Day Cycle" to the "Settings from Inventory" field in "About Land" floater
- SL-9966 [EEP] Certain environments render the sky as water when ALM is disabled.
- SL-9972 [EEP] Transitions between certain environments render very oddly & avatar becomes invisible
- SL-9973 Sky has belly button due to knock on from fix for 9931 dripping clouds
- SL-9976 [EEP] Moon textures with transparency do not render correctly
- SL-9977 [EEP] Cannot apply Ambient Color changes to region environment on regions running Riders Raceway
- SL-9994 [EEP] Viewer launching is frozen on Win10 x64 with Intel HD2000 video card when launching Second Life Project EEP (32bit)
- SL-9995 [EEP] Unable to select settings using Ctrl or Shift selection in 'My Environments' floater
- SL-9996 [EEP] Clouds overlap water near the horizon line
- SL-9997 [EEP] The name in "Settings from inventory" field and "Edit Day Cycle" floater is the same