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Revision as of 17:09, 24 June 2007 by Anjin Meili (talk | contribs) (SculptO'Matic, an In World Sculpty Creation System.)
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SculptO'Matic requires a server backend to generate the final textures. This is due to the inability of any on grid tool to create any texture. As such, there is a licensing fee related to the usage of the server backend.

The author believes in Open Source, and is willing to share his work in the hopes of improving the User Interface, features, and functions. But, due to the security around the generated textures, all references to the server backend will be removed before sharing.

All textures created by this system are expressly owned by the operator of the tool. They are secured using UUID's and only given to the individual operating the tool. The texture may then be modified, or simply uploaded to Second Life. As the user uploads the final texture to Second Life, the user remains the creator and owner of all works they create.

The tool is in beta now, and has been well received. The backend is seamless requiring minimal interaction by the user. A filename is requested, and a finished texture is provided via a URL sent by IM to the operator.

A unique feature of this tool is its ability to mold other inworld objects. The system attempts to create an evenly distributed mesh along the 'hull' boundary of an object. The object must not be phantom. Attempting to mold a sculpted object will only create a funny malformed spherical shape due to boundary constraints in SL. The object may be a linked set, only the outside is examined to find the 'hull'.

Once molded, the mold is used to make a sculptie casting. This casting may be further cleaned and textured using any number of off grid tools. For landscapers, the finished textures can simply be uploaded to Second Life and textured using your favorite landscaping images... Rocks, trees, and other organic shapes can be created quickly and easily without every starting an offworld tool at all.

Demo's of the tool are done daily in our testing sandbox in Talakin. There is a group for management of bugs, feature requests, and discussion. Search for "SculptO'Matic" under groups.

For serious developers of other tools, the backend services to create textures using PPM format data is availible. Allowing integration of end to end texture creation with minimal effort and reliable servers.