User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2008 08 07

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Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:

[16:58] Sindy Tsure: heya andrew
[16:58] Andrew Linden: hello, I'm on time for once
[16:58] Sindy Tsure: :)
[16:58] Andrew Linden: early even
[16:58] Sindy Tsure: login problems until a few minutes ago.. may be quiet here tonight!
[16:59] Sindy Tsure: "[3:37PM Pacific] While we are still having some difficulty with logins, the other issues appear to be resolved. Stay tuned for further info."
[16:59] Sindy Tsure thinks they mean 4:37
[16:59] Andrew Linden: oh really? Hrm... there used to be a graph up on a big screen behind me showing SL vital stats
[17:00] Andrew Linden: but it appears to be off this week
[17:00] Sindy Tsure: main web page says 53k online now so it's coming back up.. was around 40k about 30 minutes ago
[17:01] Sindy Tsure: hi gaius
[17:01] Gaius Goodliffe: hiya
[17:01] Andrew Linden: Sindy, are you an estate owner? scriptor? developer? or just a concerned citizen here in SL?
[17:02] Sindy Tsure: not an estate owner
[17:02] Andrew Linden: Simon Linden says he'll be attending
[17:02] Sindy Tsure does like scripting but i don't have anything for sale.. yet
[17:02] Andrew Linden: I'll let him answer all performance related questions ;-)
[17:02] Sindy Tsure: bitofa geek - i like knowing how stuff works :)
[17:03] Gaius Goodliffe: Has anyone noticed anything funny about llSensorRepeat lately?
[17:03] Sindy Tsure: and if i ever get laid off, i plan to beg LL for a job so learning more is good.. :D
[17:03] Andrew Linden: I'm just curious. I'm somewhat interested in knowing why people chose to attend the office hours.
[17:03] Sindy Tsure: i haven't but i don't use it too often, gaius
[17:03] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:03] Andrew Linden: I haven't heard anything about llSensorRepeat.
[17:04] Sindy Tsure: think i read something in the forums recently.. lemme look
[17:04] Sindy Tsure: heya simon
[17:04] Simon Linden: Hi
[17:04] Gaius Goodliffe: It used to *occasionally* work across sim boundries. Like one in five sensor sweeps would detect across the board. I tried it today and it doesn
[17:04] Gaius Goodliffe: t seem to work anymore.
[17:04] Gaius Goodliffe: *across the border
[17:05] Andrew Linden: hrm... I'm not sure how the sensors work across the borders
[17:05] Andrew Linden: I'd have to examine the code
[17:05] Sindy Tsure: just avatars or objects?
[17:05] Andrew Linden: so, I don't really have any ideas off hand as to what would be going wrong
[17:05] Sindy Tsure: *agents
[17:05] Gaius Goodliffe: Avatars.
[17:05] Gaius Goodliffe sighs.
[17:06] Andrew Linden: Oh... I know how sensor of avatars would work across region boundaries
[17:06] Andrew Linden: if an avatar can see into a region then it should get an "agent" (a representation) in that region, even if they aren't actually in it
[17:06] Sindy Tsure: child agents?
[17:06] Andrew Linden: so the sensor should be able to pick them up
[17:07] Andrew Linden: yeah, in the code they are called "child agents", but that is LL developer-speak leakage
[17:07] Sindy Tsure: that's what the stats bar calls them, too
[17:07] Andrew Linden: ah yes
[17:07] Gaius Goodliffe: Yeah -- always wondered what exactly that meant.
[17:07] Andrew Linden: developers made those stats bars long time ago, before we paid much attention to UI details.
[17:08] Andrew Linden: and it was a debug tool, so it hasn't really had much attention devoted to it since then either
[17:08] Andrew Linden: "attention" == code changes or maintenance
[17:08] Sindy Tsure has seen some updates to it recently - h4 brought some more details on physics time, i think
[17:08] Gaius Goodliffe: It's recently moved into a movable window, which is nice. Unfortunately, it also grabs keyboard focus, which is annoying.
[17:08] Andrew Linden: Oh right, Simon added those I think
[17:09] Sindy Tsure keeps resolving to fix up some bits of it i don't like but i also keep getting distracted :)
[17:09] Andrew Linden: alright, I'll list off a few announcments (usually these are about things that I've been doing recently, or that I think maybe someone out there will want to know):
[17:10] Andrew Linden: I've got the latest bundle of havok maintenance bugs back into the QA pipeline. These don't really include any bugs fixed within the last two weeks... these have been fixed a while ago and are just trying to get through the QA and merge pipeline
[17:11] Andrew Linden: included in those fixes is SVC-2511 which some people have been asking about recently (in the comments)
[17:11] Andrew Linden: so, it is a safe bet that they'll be included in 1.25-Server
[17:12] Gaius Goodliffe: cool
[17:12] Sindy Tsure eeps - almost 250 votes
[17:12] Andrew Linden: maybe I'll have time to actually fix some vehicle bugs tomorrow
[17:13] Andrew Linden: I'm currently trying to get some old maintenance code merged back into our main codebase... this is just under the hood changes, some of which was done waaaay back in May and June
[17:13] Andrew Linden: Lessee, that is about it. I fixed some crash bugs (3) that got the rapid-treatment and made it into 1.24 with MONO
[17:14] Andrew Linden: Any news on the simulator performance work Simon?
[17:14] Simon Linden: A bit ... we found two fairly simple fixes that are going into the MONO release
[17:14] Andrew Linden: Oh really? Cool.
[17:15] Sindy Tsure w00ts!
[17:15] Simon Linden: One was removing some old debug code that was trying to catch a crash in the I/O system - it shouldn't have affected much, but did show up in our profiling since that code is used so much.
[17:15] Simon Linden: That (hopefully) is a 2-3% gain
[17:15] Sindy Tsure lives on a class 4 mainland host.. i'll take ever % you can squeeze out of it!
[17:16] Gaius Goodliffe: This is why I always add // DEBUG in my code and grep for that string...
[17:16] Sindy Tsure: *every
[17:16] Simon Linden: The other is with the simulator 'sleep' time - any spare time we have at the end of each frame
[17:16] Simon Linden: The regions should be better about sharing CPU power at that time
[17:16] Andrew Linden: unfortunately you can't search for DEBUG in our code... you'd be swimming in a bunch of #ifdef LL_DEBUG
[17:16] Sindy Tsure: is that an openspace thing, simon?
[17:16] Simon Linden: Hopefully it will give some more CPU time to busy regions and back-end processes
[17:16] Simon Linden: Both openspace and regular regions
[17:17] Andrew Linden: but yes, I use 'adebug' as my string that I then hunt down and eliminate later
[17:17] Gaius Goodliffe: I include the open-comment tag in the search :)
[17:17] Sindy Tsure: you've talked recently about dropping the fps on sims that don't have anybody there.. is this part of that?
[17:17] Simon Linden: yeah, well, this was debug stuff deliberately left in the released code. It was doing very little - just calling a sub-routine and saving the currennt source code file and line number
[17:18] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:18] Simon Linden: We had a crash that wasn't leaving much data, so this was trying to save some info
[17:18] Simon Linden: Unfortunately, it was called about 175 times in our code, especially in low-level I/O routines
[17:18] Simon Linden: I think the sub-routine call causes the internal CPU instruction cache to clear, so it had a measureable affect
[17:19] Sindy Tsure: code like that is best called on the interrupt stack..
[17:19] Sindy Tsure: sorry - been a long week already. just ignore 1/2 of everything i say
[17:19] Simon Linden: Anyway, it's gone now, and hopefully will give us a minor speedup
[17:19] Gaius Goodliffe: Sindy: Half the words in any English langauge sentance can be safely discarded anyhow. ;)
[17:20] Sindy Tsure: :)
[17:20] Aybabtu Aabye: good afternoon
[17:20] Sindy Tsure: hiya aybabtu
[17:20] Andrew Linden: hello
[17:20] Sindy Tsure afks to get the phone
[17:20] Simon Linden: It's in the MONO release, so the affect will probably be obscured by the larger changes there
[17:21] Andrew Linden: excellent, thanks for the summary Simon
[17:21] Gaius Goodliffe: Ah, the poor unsung minor optimizations...
[17:21] Aybabtu Aabye: half the letters too, i saw something once where they kept first and last letters in their place and mixed the interior letters, and people could usually still decipher the sentence.
[17:22] Sindy Tsure: yepyep
[17:22] Sindy Tsure: mono is next week?
[17:22] Aybabtu Aabye: i was reading the transcripts to see what had been talked about recently, sadly i didnt get through them all
[17:23] Aybabtu Aabye: has there been any discussion of objects with both phantom and physical prims?
[17:23] Sindy Tsure: ohh... i was gonna ask about that
[17:23] Andrew Linden: Not recently Aybabtu. What is the problem/issue?
[17:23] Aybabtu Aabye: a simple physics shell with detail that doesnt need to be physical or lag a server made phantom
[17:23] Gaius Goodliffe: Ah, yes, per-prim phantom.
[17:23] Andrew Linden: Oh right, per-prim phantom
[17:24] Aybabtu Aabye: physics load, always my issue i think, i am like a recording
[17:24] Andrew Linden: Gaius is hip
[17:24] Gaius Goodliffe: Hehe
[17:24] Sindy Tsure smiles
[17:24] Aybabtu Aabye: yep thats it
[17:24] Gaius Goodliffe: It's near the top of my wish list.
[17:24] Sindy Tsure doesn't know this term.. this is a feature request?
[17:24] Andrew Linden: It is something that I'd like to work on.
[17:24] Aybabtu Aabye: also related but not sure on how it complicates things
[17:24] Andrew Linden: I'm not afraid of the server-side implementation
[17:24] Sindy Tsure: hey rex
[17:24] Aybabtu Aabye: removing the av as being part of the physical prim list
[17:24] Rex Cronon: hi sindy
[17:25] Andrew Linden: but the UI is going to be a headache
[17:25] Rex Cronon: hi everybody
[17:25] Andrew Linden: how should it work?
[17:25] Aybabtu Aabye: edit linked parts, choose phantom?
[17:25] Gaius Goodliffe: llSetLinkPrimitiveParams :)
[17:25] Andrew Linden: right now there is one checkbox for phantom
[17:25] Gaius Goodliffe: There's any number of things the UI can't do. This can be just one more for now...
[17:25] Rex Cronon: did i miss some important announcement??
[17:26] Aybabtu Aabye: i can set colors per prim, couldnt the ui handle phantom, ah i see its in the object tab
[17:26] Andrew Linden: no Rex, we're just talking about the per-prim phantom feature idea
[17:26] Sindy Tsure: ack! sorry
[17:26] Sindy Tsure always forgets to take off her thing that rezzes stuff on chat
[17:26] Aybabtu Aabye: it would also be nice to be able make the av phantom
[17:26] Andrew Linden: well, yes one way would be to make it a script feature, and add the UI later
[17:27] Rex Cronon: sorry, my shield kind of broke that hand
[17:27] Aybabtu Aabye: for example, i have a vehicle that hides the av, its a small scale thing
[17:27] Andrew Linden: that is what most of the script-only object properties feature are... and we STILL haven't got around to adding the UI elements for them
[17:27] Andrew Linden: such as "floating text" that feature deserves a UI
[17:27] Aybabtu Aabye: but the av is still there, when the vehicle rolls on its top the av makes it sit oddly
[17:27] Gaius Goodliffe: Oh yes that would be nice.
[17:27] Andrew Linden: especially since the floating text does not clear if you delete the last script from the object
[17:27] Sindy Tsure: that one's a forums FAQ
[17:28] Gaius Goodliffe: Block grab would be nice in the UI too.
[17:28] Aybabtu Aabye: script only works
[17:28] Aybabtu Aabye: an offset for script text would be nice too, but one thing at a time
[17:28] Andrew Linden: right Aybabtu, the avatar's sitting collision shape is the same... regardless of how you fold the avatar's limbs
[17:28] Rex Cronon: btw, what is the status of the lltextbox?
[17:29] Sindy Tsure hears it's in the ui svn, along with the new touch stuff
[17:29] Sindy Tsure: hi pulse
[17:29] PulseBurst Flow: hi all
[17:29] Rex Cronon: hi
[17:29] Simon Linden: hi
[17:29] Aybabtu Aabye: yes i feel the pain of that, sets a minimum sit height for vehicles, below which the avs rear props the car up
[17:29] Andrew Linden: although... the feature you want Aybabtu conflicts with other stuff... for instance we always force the avatar prim to be collidable, even when sitting on a phantom vehicle or seat
[17:30] Aybabtu Aabye: why is that btw
[17:30] Simon Linden: The people who do combat want to be able to hit a sitting AV
[17:30] Andrew Linden: Aybabtu, there is a workaround... you can provide an animation offset when they sit... would work in theory but I don't think I've seen it done
[17:30] Aybabtu Aabye: ah
[17:30] Rex Cronon: it is available, but it only shows a dialog with only one button, and input box
[17:31] Aybabtu Aabye: i guess itd have to be a sim option then, to force that, and thatd be complex
[17:31] Rex Cronon: and no input*
[17:31] Simon Linden: We had a bug at one point in the Havok release where AVs were phantom, and it got some folks excited
[17:31] Gaius Goodliffe: I usually have my av sit animations offset the av up quite a bit, in part because of that but mostly to make sure they don't get stuck in the cockpit when they sit up.
[17:31] Sindy Tsure: i don't think that works, andrew - you have to actually have it in the animation itself
[17:31] Aybabtu Aabye: yeah to sindy, ive tried all sorts of offsets and folds
[17:31] Gaius Goodliffe: Alas, the trick doesn't work well for gondolas
[17:31] Aybabtu Aabye: not saying its impossible just because i cant do it, but it seemed that way
[17:32] Gaius Goodliffe really just needs llUnSitTarget :)
[17:32] Andrew Linden: SitTarget... another object property that should have associated UI
[17:32] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:32] Gaius Goodliffe: That'd be a tough one to do.
[17:32] Sindy Tsure: oh.. that'd be very helpful..
[17:32] Sindy Tsure: especially the rotation bit
[17:33] Andrew Linden: Hrm... if we could find a place to put the UI then that kind of stuff is "low hanging fruit" -- not too hard to implement
[17:33] Andrew Linden: the "UI design" is the hardest part
[17:33] Gaius Goodliffe shudders thinking about telehub point setting.
[17:33] Andrew Linden: Gaius, you use telehubs?
[17:33] Gaius Goodliffe: No
[17:33] Gaius Goodliffe: I played witht he interface before though.
[17:33] Sindy Tsure thinks a resizable edit window and another tab for prim properties is the answer
[17:34] Andrew Linden: Yes perhaps Sindy. It would be nice if advanced residents could choose which edit tabs to show
[17:35] Aybabtu Aabye: the issue mainly for me is so i dont have to make people wear awkard attachments to get the detail we want but still keep things light on load, it works but its messy
[17:35] Gaius Goodliffe: I'd be happy with an advanced interface that just let me enter numbers. I usually find that easier than the alternatives, acutally.
[17:35] Sindy Tsure: llTextBox, Gaius!!
[17:35] Andrew Linden: dunno... I don't want to hurt my brain too much thinking about UI design. I'd rather visualize vector math.
[17:35] Gaius Goodliffe: :)
[17:35] Aybabtu Aabye: script only works for me
[17:36] Gaius Goodliffe: Given script access, in theory people could just roll their own interface. :)
[17:36] Sindy Tsure can also do script-only but it does add limits to people who, say, are ubergood at building stuff but are clueless on scripting..
[17:37] Sindy Tsure: not a huge deal, i guess.. still making it easier for people to create is a good thing, imo
[17:37] Andrew Linden: Yeah, perhaps we should start a project to open up some of these object properties in the UI
[17:37] Andrew Linden: I'll bounce it off of some of the UI team... dunno what they're working on these days
[17:38] Gaius Goodliffe: What would be nice if a bit of architecture in the client for easy plugins, ala Firefox.
[17:38] Simon Linden: skinning seems to be a big focus, and ease-of-use for beginners
[17:38] Andrew Linden: yes, easy plugins would be nice
[17:39] Andrew Linden: I have no idea how hard that would be these days. I know that in the past it was "night impossible" but there has been some cleanup
[17:39] Andrew Linden: I'd have to ask around to find out.
[17:40] Aybabtu Aabye: i see a lot of megaprim related talk in the transcripts, looks like mostly physics related issues
[17:40] Andrew Linden: what transcripts Aybabtu?
[17:40] Gaius Goodliffe: Yeah someone dragged them back up the other day...
[17:40] Aybabtu Aabye: am i ok with nonphysical megaprims that cross my sim edge out into the void near my island
[17:40] Aybabtu Aabye: by void i dont mean sims, just unaccessible space
[17:41] Andrew Linden: yes I think such a megaprim would be fine Aybabtu
[17:41] Aybabtu Aabye: transcripts of office hours
[17:41] Sindy Tsure: "ok" as in legal?
[17:41] Andrew Linden: If you have the megaprim on hand, and the estate, yeah we're probably not going to mess with it
[17:41] Sindy Tsure thought LL was leaving private estate megaprims up to the estate managers
[17:42] Aybabtu Aabye: now if someone buys a location not too far from my sim, will my megaprim be seen from their island?
[17:42] Andrew Linden: the problem with these office hours is that they remind me of all the projects that I wante to do, said I would work on, but haven't been able to get to
[17:42] Gaius Goodliffe: Private islands are essentially in seperate universes.
[17:42] Aybabtu Aabye: if say it should reach distance wise, good thats what i wanted to hear, no conflicts
[17:43] Andrew Linden: Aybabtu, no they won't see your megaprim unless their estate actually touches yours, and the path is "walkable"... kitty-corner-only doesn't cut it
[17:43] Sindy Tsure: so if it's a 20-sim megaprim and there's one only void space between islands, they still won't see it?
[17:43] Aybabtu Aabye: any talk on scaled sims lately? inorder to get more space while losing some of the minute physics detail?
[17:44] Andrew Linden: Not quite separate universes Gaius, although maybe it doesn't work this way anymore... but it used to be the case that you could still see the kitty-corner region if you had been there recently (within a minute or two)
[17:44] PulseBurst Flow: hmm..I confused..megaprims are allowed..if they don't encroach..etc...aren't they? And why would four 10x10s be prefered to a 20x20?
[17:44] Aybabtu Aabye: yes ive experienced that andrew
[17:44] Gaius Goodliffe: AH yes -- you have a ghost image of it for a minute, but it soon disappears...
[17:44] Aybabtu Aabye: right
[17:45] Gaius Goodliffe: I thought that was a client-side artifact...
[17:45] Andrew Linden: that is, hang out in one region, then teleport to the kitty-corner one (or even one a few tiles away), then you should still be able to see the one you started in... if your draw distance goes that far
[17:45] Andrew Linden: It is sorta an artifact... it works until your "child agent" times out
[17:46] Gaius Goodliffe: Nifty -- I'll have to try that on some non-kitty corner ones just for fun. I usually have draw set to 512m
[17:46] Andrew Linden: Anybody been playing on the MONO beta this week?
[17:47] Sindy Tsure has not.. :(
[17:47] Andrew Linden: Is it open? I haven't been paying attention.
[17:47] Rex Cronon: i have a little
[17:47] Sindy Tsure: wiki says it'll start hitting the mainland early next week :)
[17:47] Gaius Goodliffe: I've just been dreading all the recompiling I'm gonna need to do...
[17:48] Gaius Goodliffe: Probably hit it this weekend
[17:48] Sindy Tsure: earlier would be ok with me :)
[17:48] Andrew Linden: Oh right, I did confirm with some of the other developers... the legacy script engine will remain in place for legacy content... indefinitely (that is, we don't have a date set yet when we would stop)
[17:48] Andrew Linden: however... they will be introducing some script resource balancing/accounting stuff
[17:48] Aybabtu Aabye: how hard would it be to have someone ruthed just on your client, like putting them on a mute list, a ruth list, i guess this would be an interface issue
[17:48] Gaius Goodliffe: Until the world collapses under the weight of all the legacy support? :)
[17:49] Andrew Linden: and legacy scripts may become constrained by resource limits before that script engine vanishes
[17:49] Sindy Tsure is a little worried about mono, though i'm mostly psyched for it..
[17:49] Andrew Linden: What I _think_ will happen, but this is just me trying to guess, is that eventually we'll start offering regions that have the legacy engine optiontally disabled
[17:50] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:50] Andrew Linden: er... we'll offer the option to disable it, for estate owners
[17:50] Gaius Goodliffe: Estate option, makes sense.
[17:50] Andrew Linden: and then places to _use_ legacy content will just become rare
[17:50] Andrew Linden: and perhaps extinct after a sufficiently long time (years? dunno)
[17:50] Rex Cronon: what will happen with all those thigs that their creators no longer come here?
[17:51] Gaius Goodliffe: Eventually bit-rot should eliminate them all.
[17:51] Gaius Goodliffe: :)
[17:51] Andrew Linden: Rex, that content will become obsolete (my guess)
[17:51] PulseBurst Flow: is there a content creator's guide to the changes?
[17:51] Sindy Tsure wonders if a Linden is planning to go through the library and recompile that content
[17:51] Andrew Linden: Not that I know of PulseBurst
[17:52] Andrew Linden: Good question about the library content Sindy... I'm not sure
[17:52] Gaius Goodliffe: As a last resort for completely discarding the old engine, they could recompile some of it, but some of it is missing the source.
[17:52] Sindy Tsure will jira it, if she remembers
[17:52] Andrew Linden: I suspect it will happen, but probably a week or more after MONO goes out
[17:53] Sindy Tsure calls slherald! "andrew is gonna break the starax wand by obsoleting the old vm!!"
[17:53] Sindy Tsure: :P
[17:53] Andrew Linden: right Gaius, but not a lot is missing source... just some of the higher-end stuff has been explicitly obfuscated in that way
[17:53] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:54] Gaius Goodliffe: And the occasional old script. :)
[17:54] Gaius Goodliffe: (Has had random old scripts loose their source, but still run.)
[17:54] Andrew Linden: I think starax's wand's days really are numbered... but that number may be large
[17:55] Andrew Linden: I was recently looking into the LSL engine code, trying to figure out a crash bug... the code made me very sad
[17:55] Sindy Tsure got to play with one a month/so ago.. it's a pretty cool toy.. too bad he bailed on that avatar
[17:55] Gaius Goodliffe: hehe
[17:55] Sindy Tsure: lots of bandaids and "// wtf does this do??" in there?
[17:55] PulseBurst Flow: all that's needed for content to not break is to recompile it?
[17:56] Andrew Linden: The wand was a truly original concept... there may have been some predecessor in some pale way, but the wand was the first excellent implementation of it
[17:56] Gaius Goodliffe: Reminds me of the old Obfuscated C constest. They never did a C++ version, it was just way too easy :)
[17:56] Andrew Linden: Now that the idea is out, someone could make a copy of the wand
[17:57] Andrew Linden: but still, it would take work to fill it with as much cool content as Starax's
[17:57] Gaius Goodliffe: Yeah -- recreating content is easy. Coming up the idea to begin with is the hard part.
[17:57] Sindy Tsure: some of the scripting in it is pretty clever...
[17:57] Rex Cronon: is that wand free?
[17:57] Andrew Linden: Definitely not free... it was pricey if I recall
[17:57] Gaius Goodliffe nods.
[17:58] Andrew Linden: I think it was equivalent to about $10 US or more
[17:58] Sindy Tsure has seen philip quoted as saying it was one of the most expensive and most cool things in sl
[17:58] Sindy Tsure: oh? that's not too horrible.. i expected another 0..
[17:58] Andrew Linden: yeah, maybe it was $50, I can't remember
[17:58] Aybabtu Aabye: what did it do, I am embarassed to ask
[17:58] Sindy Tsure: it listened to chat and rezzed things when people said certain words
[17:58] Andrew Linden: I seem to recall someone saying that it cost almost what a new PC game would cost... which was about $50 US at the time
[17:59] Gaius Goodliffe: At the time it came out, it was a lot more expensive, relatively speaking. These days people are willing to pay more for high-end stuff.
[17:59] Andrew Linden: Right, it would rez various temp objects based no the current chat
[17:59] Sindy Tsure: and he's a good scripter and one of the best builders there is.. it was a neat toy
[17:59] Andrew Linden: but some of the objects were complete sets, and very detailed dioramas
[18:00] Sindy Tsure puts on her no-way-near-as-cool-as-starax's-wand-wand
[18:00] Andrew Linden: In one sense, the new script engine opens up a new fertile field for content providers...
[18:00] Sindy Tsure: mine knows words like 'pie'
[18:01] Sindy Tsure: stuff like that but _Far_ nicer, aybabtu
[18:01] Andrew Linden: the first to provide a remake of some legacy but popular content whose creators have vanished
[18:01] Andrew Linden: I dunno how much content falls into that category
[18:01] Sindy Tsure: hiya jei.. cool avatar
[18:01] Aybabtu Aabye: very cool
[18:01] Jei Desoto: Hello. thanks.
[18:01] Aybabtu Aabye: just googled a few pages on it
[18:01] Rex Cronon: mario, jai?
[18:01] Jei Desoto: Yeah. Spiny.
[18:02] Jei Desoto: i'm not here to off tpoic though, sorry.
[18:02] Gaius Goodliffe: awesome!
[18:02] Aybabtu Aabye: do lindens get together in large groups and do linden type things?
[18:02] Sindy Tsure: the blackwater region has a bunch of his stuff on it - it's a huge open air art gallery.. worth a look if you haven't seen it, aybabtu
[18:02] Sindy Tsure: dunkings!
[18:02] Andrew Linden: "linden type things"?
[18:02] Gaius Goodliffe: lol
[18:03] Gaius Goodliffe: Like rip off their masks and wiggle their tentacles at each other? ;)
[18:03] Sindy Tsure: lol
[18:03] Aybabtu Aabye: dunno, hehe that would be scary
[18:03] Andrew Linden: What does happen sometimes is someone sends an email out saying "Check out this really cool place/content" and then you'll have a little flash-mob of lindens showing up there
[18:03] Rex Cronon: they throw code at each other?
[18:03] Sindy Tsure: once i open a store, how much do i have to bribe you guys to do that for me?
[18:03] Aybabtu Aabye: ah ok thats sort of what i meant
[18:03] Marianne McCann: Hiya
[18:03] Sindy Tsure: heya marianne
[18:03] Andrew Linden: The last one like that I can remember was some fire sale of cool mini-avatars
[18:03] Gaius Goodliffe doesn't want to know what grid monkeys throw.
[18:03] Rex Cronon: hi
[18:03] PulseBurst Flow: Hi Marianne
[18:03] Sindy Tsure: loco pocos!
[18:04] Andrew Linden: lol, gridmonkeys
[18:04] Sindy Tsure: maybe.. torley was pretty excited about 'em
[18:04] Sindy Tsure: ack.. stupid wand
[18:04] Marianne McCann: Hey Robin!
[18:04] Gaius Goodliffe: hehe
[18:04] Sindy Tsure: hi robin
[18:04] Robin Sojourner: Hi Mari, Hi Sindy
[18:04] Robin Sojourner: Waiting for things to rez. :D
[18:05] Andrew Linden: alright, thanks for attending. The hour is up and I've got to run.
[18:05] Aybabtu Aabye: ive a need for a large test of something on a sim, but wasnt sure how to get 30-40 people there at once
[18:05] Sindy Tsure: wow.. that was a quick hour
[18:05] Sindy Tsure: cya, andrew!
[18:05] Sindy Tsure: ty!
[18:05] Aybabtu Aabye: thanks andrew
[18:05] Rex Cronon: bye andrew
[18:06] Sindy Tsure shouts SVC-22 before andrew has a chance to escape