User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2007 Jun 14

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[15:01] Benjamin Linden: hi there
[15:01] Squirrel Wood: It's quite quiet today ^^
[15:02] Benjamin Linden: I figured it might be since I changed the times
[15:02] Benjamin Linden: I didn't broadly advertise the new time
[15:02] Benjamin Linden: so we'll see who shows up
[15:02] Squirrel Wood: hehe
[15:02] Benjamin Linden: glad you made it :-)
[15:02] Squirrel Wood: Well, I did NOT forget ^^
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: excellent
[15:03] Squirrel Wood gave you AutoSizing Ring Seat 20+.
[15:03] Squirrel Wood: That one is a modified version of the original one
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: cool. did you build it?
[15:03] Squirrel Wood: It will make all who seat change the sit animation at random
[15:03] Squirrel Wood: Aye
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: great, I'll check it out!
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: hi there Pyrii
[15:04] Pyrii Akula: Hiyas
[15:04] Squirrel Wood: and there's two "games" built in... /1random will kick one random person off the ring and /1wildcard will kick all but one
[15:04] Squirrel Wood: Yellow ^^
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: sounds like russian roulette :-)
[15:05] Squirrel Wood: Ye. Sort of
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: so Pyrii, while we're waiting for others to arrive, did you have a question?
[15:06] Pyrii Akula: Question? Hmmm, dunno, what inspired the "Communicate" window of late?
[15:06] Squirrel Wood: I have noticed one thing as of late... Every time I log in I get to see the message " Gesture is missing from database."
[15:07] Squirrel Wood: never tells me *which* gesture though
[15:07] Benjamin Linden: are you using the voice first look squirrel?
[15:07] Squirrel Wood: nope
[15:07] Pyrii Akula: I am
[15:07] Squirrel Wood: using the regular client
[15:08] lufpleh Obstreperous: Hi all
[15:08] Pyrii Akula: I think the activated gesture list hasn't been updated to a deleted gesture... maybe
[15:08] Pyrii Akula: I always had weirdness like that when I played with gestures a year ago
[15:09] Squirrel Wood: hmm
[15:09] Squirrel Wood: mayhaps I just need to clear the cache
[15:09] Pyrii Akula: This estate doesn't have voice chat enabled. Either that or it just doesn't show fo rme
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: there are new gestures for voice
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: but I'm not sure if that's the problem
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: hi lufpleh
[15:09] lufpleh Obstreperous: Hi Benjamin
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: Pyrii, you had a comment about the Communicate window?
[15:09] Squirrel Wood: Meow!
[15:09] Pyrii Akula: I don't see the voice gestures on the main grid, at least not in my library, unless they're now mandatory
[15:10] Pyrii Akula: Yeah, it's currently taking up half my screen almost
[15:10] Pyrii Akula: I liked the simple history window, especially for events where I need to keep an eye on chat and be able to see inside second life
[15:10] lufpleh Obstreperous: YIFFY! ^.^
[15:11] Pyrii Akula: What inspired the change from the more modular UI to this big, do-it-all window?
[15:11] lufpleh Obstreperous: I have a few points on the comm window!! :)
[15:11] Benjamin Linden: yes, Pyrii, we've received lots of feedback that the new window is too big
[15:11] Pyrii Akula: There's already a window for seeing active speakers and muting/turning them down.
[15:11] Benjamin Linden: we will be scaling it down and also adding the ability to hide the voice panel at the top and tear out the near Me tab
[15:12] Benjamin Linden: so you can reconfigure it to look like your old windows if you wish
[15:12] Squirrel Wood: I have the UI shrunk down to 90% here because I happen to find the default setting too space occupying
[15:12] Pyrii Akula: It's just since it's inception, noone I've asked so far has liked it, and not everyone uses 1280x1024 like me so it probably is far worse for them
[15:13] lufpleh Obstreperous: lol Benjamin, that about covers everythin i was going to say about it
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: most of these issues we realized before the first look went out, we just ran out of time to implement them
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: but we wanted to get the feature out there so we could start gathering your feedback
[15:13] Pyrii Akula: And I haven't heard anything or seen any changes so I wondered if comments were being ignored and I didn't see anything on that JIRA thing
[15:13] lufpleh Obstreperous: ok if i drop you a card with what i had noted
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: the main idea behind the new window is to streamline the various communication-related UI
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: before there were redunant friends and groups lists for example
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: yes, I'd love that Lufpleh!
[15:14] lufpleh Obstreperous: combine them fine, but the layout in the comm window of thsoe takes up too much room
[15:14] Pyrii Akula: Well how about this, how about havingthe voice features at the side instead of on top. That way people can at least make it vertically smaller if they want to keep it in
[15:14] lufpleh Obstreperous gave you communicate window notes.
[15:15] Pyrii Akula: If the XML will allow different positions
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: that's been discussed
[15:15] lufpleh Obstreperous: sounds like we all agree and its being done
[15:16] Pyrii Akula: I started aplaying witht he XML and possible skinning awhile ago, seems you've tied the textures into the UUID system so it becomes a bit more expensive
[15:16] Benjamin Linden: what do you mean by expensive Pyrii?
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: thanks for the notecard Lufpleh!
[15:17] Pyrii Akula: I just wonder why the need to bring it all together when it's worked well till now. It's sort of the old addage, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I understand wanting to incorperate voice, but seems like a far departure with no real explination.
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: have you guys seen the public jira for reporting feedback on the chatterbox?
[15:17] Pyrii Akula: I try to understand why, but some people don't
[15:17] lufpleh Obstreperous: just stuff i joted down while using the FL today
[15:18] Pyrii Akula: The JIRA is a mess imho
[15:18] Pyrii Akula: I saw voice and didn't see anything ont he chatterbox
[15:18] Squirrel Wood: the public Jira has the problem of being excessively slow :(
[15:18] Benjamin Linden: let me get the link for you
[15:19] Benjamin Linden:
[15:19] lufpleh Obstreperous: I like the idea of the Jira, its just difficult to check if your creating a duplicate, there is no format/standard for reporting
[15:19] Pyrii Akula: And I dunno if it's gonna suffer the same fate as the last system which was completely ignored by the lindens
[15:20] lufpleh Obstreperous: its not ignored, bug triage meeting lists all those considered every Monday
[15:21] Squirrel Wood: It is certainly valued :)
[15:21] Benjamin Linden: I'm glad you feel it's useful
[15:21] Benjamin Linden: we definitely value your input in Jira
[15:22] Benjamin Linden: it makes it much easier for us to track bugs
[15:22] lufpleh Obstreperous: like most things though could be better!1
[15:22] Benjamin Linden: and respond to them
[15:22] Benjamin Linden: you can put feedback on Jira in Jira! :-)
[15:22] Pyrii Akula: Hmmm
[15:23] Pyrii Akula: I'll keep that in mind, I just prefer to do this, talk to the lindens in person. guess I've gotten used to it.
[15:23] lufpleh Obstreperous: personal touch is always nice
[15:23] Pyrii Akula: But the lindens seemt o be detaching themselves from SL's citizens more and more by the looks of it. Hell, Coffee Linden's account doesn't exist anymore
[15:24] Pyrii Akula: Or is Search/GM hide
[15:24] Benjamin Linden: I'm not sure who Coffee Linden was
[15:24] Pyrii Akula: He was fun
[15:24] Benjamin Linden: Your input in jira is very valuable and gets seen by a lot of people
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: I always love talking to residents but not everyone has time to
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: so it's important to have a way for other lindens to track resident feedback
[15:25] Squirrel Wood:
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: lufpleh, if you could add this notecard to the Jira link I sent you that would so helpful
[15:25] Pyrii Akula: I can relate to that, but if you detach yourself too much from the community you're meant to help, how are you can you help it?
[15:26] lufpleh Obstreperous: ok
[15:26] Benjamin Linden: I agree, pyrii, that's why I have office hours. :-)
[15:26] Squirrel Wood: the community is growing fast so it surely looks like this... but try dealing with more and more people per LL employee ...
[15:27] Pyrii Akula: Eh, but being GM of ragnarok was slightly different.
[15:27] Pyrii Akula: But it was nice to show my face and get myself seen, even if I got a hundred whispers.
[15:27] Squirrel Wood points at the url ^^
[15:27] Squirrel Wood: that game had one UI I liked
[15:27] Pyrii Akula: That's an integrated battle UI.
[15:27] Pyrii Akula: Guild wars had something similar which was nice
[15:27] Benjamin Linden: hi Corona!
[15:28] Squirrel Wood: not integrated. it is fully configurable
[15:28] Benjamin Linden: hi Brendary
[15:28] Corona Anatine: Hi Ben
[15:28] Pyrii Akula: But you can't really move it around can you?
[15:28] Corona Anatine: are you an officail Linden
[15:28] Pyrii Akula: No-one else can have linden after thier name unless they're an employee of linden labs
[15:28] Corona Anatine: ok
[15:28] Squirrel Wood: Are there unofficial Lindens? ^^
[15:28] Pyrii Akula: XD
[15:28] Benjamin Linden: yes, I'm "official" :-)
[15:29] Pyrii Akula: "paid"
[15:29] Corona Anatine: i want to bring up two minor problems i ahve had this past weeks
[15:29] Brendary Mills: Hello y'al.
[15:29] Brendary Mills: y'all.
[15:29] Corona Anatine: first tonight i brought 25 000 lindens at the website
[15:29] Benjamin Linden: hi fairform
[15:29] Benjamin Linden: fairgorn
[15:30] Corona Anatine: and thay have not appeared in my in world linden account
[15:30] Pyrii Akula: Do they show in your "My Account" page int he website?
[15:30] Corona Anatine: secondly
[15:30] Corona Anatine: tno
[15:30] Corona Anatine: not in there either
[15:30] Pyrii Akula: Did you only just place the order for the lindens?
[15:30] Corona Anatine: but the payemtn was processed
[15:30] Corona Anatine: was about an hour ago
[15:31] Pyrii Akula: The way the echange works is you "Order" lindens at a set amount, and when someone exchanges the other way around, that order will be filled as soon as it can.
[15:31] Pyrii Akula: It isn't always an instant process
[15:31] Corona Anatine: i need the cash because three days ago i 'returneed' my items on my land
[15:31] Benjamin Linden: how long does it generally take Pyrii, in your experience?
[15:32] Corona Anatine: but none have come back to my invent
[15:32] Pyrii Akula: It's been awhile =P
[15:32] Pyrii Akula: usually I order my USD from Lindens to pay for my account
[15:32] Pyrii Akula: can take days
[15:32] Corona Anatine: it is normally immedite
[15:32] Benjamin Linden: interesting
[15:32] Benjamin Linden: I personally haven't used the Lindex
[15:33] Pyrii Akula: depending on what rate I order. as I'm a paying resident I get a choice of exchange rate
[15:33] Benjamin Linden: I'm sorry you're having difficulty Corona
[15:33] Benjamin Linden: have you filed a support request?
[15:33] Corona Anatine: but the bigger problem is th eloss of all my items
[15:33] Corona Anatine: yes
[15:33] Corona Anatine: about 30 hours ago
[15:33] Corona Anatine: and i have heard nothing in reply
[15:34] Squirrel Wood: give it time.
[15:34] Benjamin Linden: I'm sorry for the delay, I know it's frustrating.
[15:34] Benjamin Linden: The support team is working as hard as they can to keep up with reqeusts.
[15:34] Corona Anatine: ok
[15:34] Corona Anatine: two things i want to know
[15:34] Corona Anatine: wil lmy lost itmes be retreived and returned
[15:34] Squirrel Wood: If you don't have an answer in five minutes.... just wait longer ;)
[15:35] Corona Anatine: at some point or time
[15:35] Benjamin Linden: unfortunately I can't answer your question Corona
[15:35] Corona Anatine: in th efurture
[15:35] Pyrii Akula: Haveyou checked your subject folders? (Notecards, Objects, landmarks etc) for them, there was a thing where returned objects weren't going in "lost and found"
[15:35] Benjamin Linden: the support team will be able to help you
[15:35] Corona Anatine: ok
[15:35] Corona Anatine: and on the cash matter
[15:35] Pyrii Akula:
[15:35] Pyrii Akula: Corona, check that page and see if there's an open order
[15:35] Corona Anatine: is there a way of knowing if the transaction has occurred and is pending
[15:36] Corona Anatine: or has not happened
[15:36] Pyrii Akula: Umm, please =P Sorry, bad manners on me
[15:36] Pyrii Akula: Corona, checkt he link I just ... said
[15:36] Corona Anatine: as i dont want to buy more if the fuirst purchase ahs happened
[15:36] Pyrii Akula:
[15:37] Pyrii Akula: IF it's still pending it should be under "Your open orders" on that page
[15:37] Corona Anatine: sorry cant type and veiw screen at sam e time
[15:37] Pyrii Akula: It's okay, I try to do both, but I suck at typing without looking at the keyboard.
[15:37] Pyrii Akula: Make too many mistakes.
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: hi Garrison
[15:38] Tomazi Barbosa: did somebody order a sex machine?
[15:38] Pyrii Akula: Hah
[15:38] Tomazi Barbosa: come on thats funny!
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: hi Tomazi
[15:38] Corona Anatine: no entries in open order
[15:38] Tomazi Barbosa: hello
[15:39] Tomazi Barbosa: whos home is this ?
[15:39] Pyrii Akula: Hmmm, do you see your order in closed?
[15:39] Benjamin Linden: this is my office :-)
[15:39] Corona Anatine: no not there either
[15:39] Benjamin Linden: hi Hovi1
[15:39] Tomazi Barbosa: yeah...this looks like my summer place in italy......
[15:39] Pyrii Akula: And you see the transaction on your card/paypal statement?
[15:40] Tomazi Barbosa: bye!
[15:40] Benjamin Linden: hi Selocia!
[15:40] Corona Anatine: no way to know
[15:40] Pyrii Akula: If so I'd talk to support.
[15:40] Selocia Masala: hello
[15:40] Corona Anatine: as it is a visa card payment
[15:40] Benjamin Linden: Corona you should be able to check with Visa
[15:40] Pyrii Akula: My bank allows me to see an up to date history of my credit card online
[15:41] Corona Anatine: how would that be done
[15:41] Corona Anatine: thru the bank ?
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: Sorry guys but this is a little off-topic
[15:41] Pyrii Akula: Sorry, kinda boasting there, i forget not everyone has that
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: let's try to get back to UI design and usability
[15:41] Pyrii Akula: Sorry, just trying to help out.
[15:42] Pyrii Akula: I dunno, could talk tot he lindens, but unless you can prove money has come out of your account, you might be stuck with just ordering more lindens
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: no, that's ok Pyrii
[15:42] Corona Anatine: ok how many days is it likely to take support to get back to me
[15:42] Squirrel Wood: Hmm.. sometimes I wish there was a button or shortcut to hide/show the entire UI
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: Corona, it depends on how backlogged the support staff is right now.
[15:43] Pyrii Akula: CTRL_ALT_1
[15:43] Corona Anatine: true
[15:43] Benjamin Linden: Squirrel, yes I would love to see a button for that as well
[15:43] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[15:43] Corona Anatine: how backlogged are the support staff at this moment in time
[15:43] Benjamin Linden: Ctrl_Alt_1 is a little hard to discover
[15:43] Pyrii Akula: Debug menus are handy, I always have them open
[15:43] Pyrii Akula: But yeah, hard to notice
[15:43] Benjamin Linden: Corona, unfortunately I don't know
[15:43] Corona Anatine: lol
[15:44] Pyrii Akula: There's no way to have a UI button up the reshow the UI as you've already hidden it
[15:44] Benjamin Linden: lol @ Pyrii
[15:44] Benjamin Linden: well you could have JUST that button stay
[15:44] Benjamin Linden: or maybe you hit escape to bring back the UI
[15:44] Pyrii Akula: Doesn't CTRL_ALT_1 stop the UI layer from rendering?
[15:45] Corona Anatine: look i dont mind HOW long it takes I need to know a l figure so I can plan around it - who might know the answers
[15:45] Corona Anatine: who shoul di contact
[15:45] Pyrii Akula: You could phone billing, they should be toll free
[15:45] Pyrii Akula: Unless I'm thinking of wow
[15:46] Corona Anatine: what number might htat be
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: hi Spurs
[15:46] Pyrii Akula: Or have they changed that for premium accounts?
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: hi Buildit
[15:46] Buildit Nikolaidis: heya
[15:46] Spurs Seattle: Hello Benjamin
[15:47] Pyrii Akula: I know they tiered the support system
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: all of the support options are listed here
[15:47] Benjamin Linden:
[15:47] Pyrii Akula: Hmm, I can't phone anymore?
[15:47] Corona Anatine: ty
[15:48] Benjamin Linden: has anyone else had a chance to use the voice first look viewer?
[15:48] Spurs Seattle: Im on it right now
[15:48] Benjamin Linden: oh great!
[15:48] Benjamin Linden: we were discussing the new communicate window before you showed up Spurs
[15:48] Benjamin Linden: that it's too big :-)
[15:48] Spurs Seattle: Im not happy with it
[15:49] Spurs Seattle: And, even in trans view, it just blocks too much
[15:49] Spurs Seattle: I think we should be able to Show/Hide the extra window
[15:49] Benjamin Linden: we are working to make it smaller like the chat history window
[15:49] Corona Anatine: voice ? no thanks
[15:49] Benjamin Linden: and yes, you will be able to hide the voice panel
[15:49] Pyrii Akula: Voice not enabled here
[15:49] Pyrii Akula: So you can;'t hear my sexy voice
[15:49] Spurs Seattle: That would be great, it just takes up too much room
[15:50] Spurs Seattle: A question about that; how do we get our sim Voice enabled
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: yes, we've gotten that message loud and clear
[15:50] Pyrii Akula: The UI doesn't seemt o communicate with the "seperate application" properly still
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: hi Alexa!
[15:50] Corona Anatine: lol the day voice becomes necessary for sL is the day i leave it
[15:50] Alexa Linden: Hi all :D
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: what do you mean by that Pyrii
[15:50] Pyrii Akula: I mute people and they can still talk, no matter how many times I try
[15:50] Buildit Nikolaidis: hello!
[15:50] Spurs Seattle: Ive been noticing a 8 to 10 FPS drop on average when using Voice
[15:50] Pyrii Akula: It happens randomly, but frequently enough
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: interesting. that must be a bug
[15:51] Corona Anatine: hi Alexa
[15:51] Alexa Linden: Hi Corona
[15:51] Spurs Seattle: Ben, do you know who I can talk to about voice enabling the sim I manage?
[15:51] Corona Anatine: might you know more concerning problems then ben
[15:51] Buildit Nikolaidis: Do the Lindens go to Siggraph?
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: Have you seen the voice map, Spurs?
[15:51] Spurs Seattle: I have, Ben
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: I believe some do Buildit
[15:51] Pyrii Akula: I think having the voice app seperately is kind of a bad idea. Possibly because SL takes up so many system resources that the voice app doesn't get enough breathing room. But from what I understand it's commercial/proprietory software whcih you can't add to yoru open source
[15:51] Buildit Nikolaidis: very cool
[15:51] Buildit Nikolaidis: i am trying to get some tix now
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: is your region voice enabled, Spurs?
[15:52] Benjamin Linden: on the map
[15:52] Spurs Seattle: There is an empty sim next to ours, muxh newer then ours - it has voice, we do not
[15:52] Buildit Nikolaidis: maybe i will see you lindens there!
[15:52] Spurs Seattle: much* sorry
[15:52] Benjamin Linden: my understanding is that voice was supposed to roll out in the order that sims came online
[15:52] Spurs Seattle: And I've been trying to get an answer from someone since yesterday, about who I can contact to enable
[15:53] Spurs Seattle: As I said, that isnt the case sadly; there is a much newer sim next to ours that has it
[15:53] Pyrii Akula: Yeah, mainland estate controls are down to lindens, I think. SO only they can enable it
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: what region is it Spurs?
[15:53] Spurs Seattle: Our region is Pamran, Ben
[15:54] Pyrii Akula: And when enabled from estate and parcel controls, you have to re-enter the parcel for it to work?
[15:54] Pyrii Akula: That's what I've heard
[15:54] Spurs Seattle: I think so Py, just like with music and movie
[15:54] Benjamin Linden: and which sim did you say has voice?
[15:54] Pyrii Akula: movies and music should update on the fly
[15:54] Spurs Seattle: Give me a second to pull it up please
[15:55] Spurs Seattle: Denenchofu is listed as having Voice on the voice-map
[15:56] Benjamin Linden: I'm not sure why that happened, Spurs. Is it possible that region is older than yours?
[15:57] Spurs Seattle: No, it didnt even exist when I moved onto Pamran
[15:57] Pyrii Akula: And it's set on the parcel settings as estate or private?
[15:58] Benjamin Linden: Unfortunately I can't explain that. I do know that voice is being rolled out as quickly as possible.
[15:58] Spurs Seattle: estate has Voice enabled on our sim
[15:58] Benjamin Linden: you mean your sim has voice, Spurs?
[15:58] Pyrii Akula: The estate maybe, but I think it has to be on the parcels aswell
[15:59] Spurs Seattle: No, Ben, we have the estate and parcel set FOR voice, but it hasnt been enabled yet
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: I see
[15:59] Pyrii Akula: I can't experiment unfortunately to learn all this. so I can only ask questions from what I think might be wrong. Sorry if I'm being annoying
[16:00] Benjamin Linden: As I said, they are pushing voice out as quickly as possible but it may take some time to reach every region
[16:00] Benjamin Linden: you could try filing a support ticket about this Spurs.
[16:00] Spurs Seattle nods
[16:00] Pyrii Akula: I was slightly worried about that statement
[16:01] Benjamin Linden: which statement?
[16:01] Pyrii Akula: You're pushing out voice as fast as possible
[16:01] Pyrii Akula: I say was
[16:02] Edisand Juran: Evening all
[16:02] Alexa Linden: Hi Edisand
[16:02] Spurs Seattle: Im also a bit concerned about the FPS difference...I just upgraded my computer, so its not really laggin me, but on my old way I would be able to move
[16:02] Benjamin Linden: we are monitoring the performance issues
[16:02] Edisand Juran: Hi Alexa I am a bit discombobulated at the mo
[16:02] Squirrel Wood: voice sure generates quite a lot of traffic
[16:03] Pyrii Akula: SLVoice.exe needs it's own resources and CPU power, which si the problem of it being seperate. but it also means many people are very choppy in thier voice. Nothing can compete with SL for resources
[16:03] Corona Anatine: ok
[16:03] Pyrii Akula: SL be like pacman, it wanna EAT!
[16:03] Edisand Juran: Pyrii loving the hair
[16:03] Benjamin Linden: I believe the voice choppiness is also a network issue.
[16:04] Spurs Seattle: A 10 FPS drop doesnt do too much to me now, as I normally run 30 and up, but before, my average was like 10-15 - a 10 FPS drop would be death lol
[16:04] Squirrel Wood: Humm... any way to see the grid load, asset server load, IMs per second and stuff like that in the client? ^^
[16:04] Spurs Seattle: Some people have a workaround for shop - they leave their mic locked on
[16:04] Benjamin Linden: I don't believe so Squirrel
[16:04] Edisand Juran: I am not passing comment on the system rather my new found experience of it
[16:04] Spurs Seattle: chop*
[16:04] Pyrii Akula: I found getting some people to raise the priority of SLVoice.exe to above normal can also help
[16:04] Benjamin Linden: hi Edisand
[16:04] Spurs Seattle: Chop is also caused by poor connections, in almost every case I have seen
[16:04] Benjamin Linden: itneresting Pyrii, I'll pass that on
[16:05] Squirrel Wood: btw... running on a dual core cpu here... sl gets about 30% of the cpu time
[16:05] Edisand Juran: Sorry to crash serious professionals here thanks for passing the time
[16:05] Benjamin Linden: ok guys, we're out of time.
[16:05] Benjamin Linden: thanks for coming!
[16:05] Spurs Seattle: Ok Ben thanks for your time!
[16:05] Benjamin Linden: my next office hours are next Tuesday at 10am
[16:05] Benjamin Linden: hope to see some of you there!
[16:05] Alexa Linden: Have a nice afternoon/evening everyone
[16:05] Squirrel Wood: Roller Coaster I say ^^
[16:05] Pyrii Akula: Okies
[16:05] Spurs Seattle: Be well all
[16:06] Benjamin Linden: take care everyone!
[16:06] Pyrii Akula: Nice to talk, I look forward to seeing more of SL
[16:06] Squirrel Wood: cyas ^^