User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2008-05-08

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[15:07] Stephany Linden: Ben says to start
[15:08] Stephany Linden: SO
[15:08] Stephany Linden: topic is...
[15:08] Stephany Linden: "What do I do now?"
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: (hi everybody)
[15:08] Jacek Antonelli: (Hi Ben!)
[15:08] Dirk Talamasca: Hi Benjamin!
[15:08] Simon Kline: hi ben :D
[15:08] Stephany Linden: focused on helping new folks find and do more in their first moments in SL
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: don't let me interrupt
[15:08] And Eun: Hi Benjamin
[15:08] McCabe Maxsted waves. Hey there ben
[15:08] Bevan Whitfield: (hello Benjamin)
[15:08] Kippie Friedkin: Hi Ben
[15:08] McCabe Maxsted: I like the new download page, with links to stuff to do
[15:09] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, I noticed that on the download page too :D
[15:09] Dirk Talamasca: We are kind of working on that a bit with the showcase stuff, correct?
[15:09] McCabe Maxsted waves to Q
[15:09] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy there! Nice to finally see you at a reasonable hour hehe
[15:09] Q Linden: :-)
[15:09] Stephany Linden: showcase is one small step dirk, yes
[15:09] Stephany Linden: but also more "what are live things happening in SL now"
[15:10] Stephany Linden: people I can meet perhaps, events to attend
[15:10] Jacek Antonelli nods
[15:11] McCabe Maxsted: it would be nifty if we had some linden-sponsored event places to get people acclimated to the culture. Like an OI concert hall where people could play live music and come hear a concert on first login
[15:11] Dirk Talamasca: Well that of course varies at the time of day.. Will postings be daily or will the be dynamic, within a few hours of the event, etc?
[15:12] Simon Kline: hehe thre's an idea mccabe.. with a tutorial on the path do it about turning on and off music
[15:12] Simon Kline: *do = to it
[15:13] McCabe Maxsted: and you could have a tutorial about how to find events too; let people look up the concert they're seeing in a custom event page for newbies
[15:13] Jacek Antonelli: I think you're on to something there, McCabe :D
[15:13] Caitlyn Clawtooth: have a repeated loop of someone scratching a blackboard ..... ppl will figure out how to turn off music *fast* :)
[15:13] Jacek Antonelli: lol
[15:13] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[15:13] Kippie Friedkin: *mute, mute!
[15:13] Malbers Linden: Interesting ideas there. (except for the blackboard)
[15:13] Dirk Talamasca: That would be a very good idea if lag were not such a concern but if a new resident signs into a sim packed with concertgoers they aren't going to rez very quickly.
[15:14] Trinity Coulter: one thing you might do is make the events page where it can be RSS feeds, and then have a few in-world billboards showing upcoming events for new people to go to
[15:14] And Eun: Maybe there could be multiple areas with limits on the number of participants?
[15:14] McCabe Maxsted: that's true; although it won't be like attending a normal event with really laggy avatars since it'll be just noobs. I imagine the lag would be better than a typical crowded inworld event
[15:14] Kippie Friedkin: Trinity..that's a good idea
[15:14] Simon Kline: maybe more emphisis on searching for events.. i can't think of anywhere in the new resident process where searching for events is highlited
[15:15] Kippie Friedkin: Perhaps even pop open the built-in browser when the app is first launched to show an RSS feed of current events
[15:15] Trinity Coulter: i don't like the built in browser
[15:15] Kippie Friedkin: The browser adds a lot of possibility to changing a new Resident's first impressions
[15:15] Kooky Jetaime: It should be, since newbs don't have attachments and scripts out the butt
[15:15] Trinity Coulter: its not SL
[15:15] Trinity Coulter: it breaks the connection between the 3D and the 2D
[15:16] Kippie Friedkin: Perhaps...but it can also help bridge the gap between 2D and 3D. Entering a 3D environment for the first time can be daunting.
[15:16] Trinity Coulter: web page on a prim is more "in world"
[15:16] McCabe Maxsted: web page on a prim is effectively useless though
[15:16] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm. I wonder if we'd see a culture shift as newbies come into SL expecting content in the browser... *ponders*
[15:16] Stephany Linden: I am interested also in "how it's OK to find me/attend my event" or not
[15:16] Kippie Friedkin: good thing to ponder ;)
[15:17] Trinity Coulter: yes, i think most things from the web need to be set up for SL viewing, not just showing a webpage
[15:17] Simon Kline: kippie you're tlaking about the new litle pop up one in the corner used for the tutorials.. have u seen that trin? it's in the new rc's and is less intrusive then the big browser
[15:17] McCabe Maxsted: would an rss feed be something newbies coudl even understand?
[15:17] Malbers Linden: What other mechanisms could we use wit hnew residents (other than the in-world browser)?
[15:17] Trinity Coulter: newbies wouldn't need to understand an RSS feed if it was done behind the scenes
[15:17] Kippie Friedkin: Right
[15:18] Trinity Coulter: just a scripted billboard with events is all they might see
[15:18] Jacek Antonelli: I'd say teach them to use the Search window. Maybe not toss them into it all at once, but acclimate them to the normal way SL residents do things
[15:18] Trinity Coulter: LL used to do that it looks like
[15:18] Dirk Talamasca: Bring back relevant streaming audio in the welcome areas, infohubs etc?
[15:18] Stephany Linden: we've been thinking about that jacek - in the events tab
[15:18] Trinity Coulter: the Welcome Areas have these billboards for news
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: when a newbie opens search for the first time run a short tutorial guiding them to event searching?
[15:19] Trinity Coulter: yes, Dirk that would also be great
[15:19] Stephany Linden: or perhaps more browsable content in the events tab itself
[15:19] Kippie Friedkin: Yeah. That would help.
[15:19] Stephany Linden: like "here are events that began in the last 2 min that are OK for you to attend"
[15:19] Kippie Friedkin: You spend a lot of time right now weeding out spam in the events listing.
[15:19] Stephany Linden: yes kippie
[15:19] McCabe Maxsted: true
[15:19] Stephany Linden: + 1
[15:19] Trinity Coulter: you're talking about really new people tho, right Stephany?
[15:19] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah. One of the things about the Search is that you have to know what you're looking for. There's no "Oh, hey, that sounds neat" from seeing things you'd never thing to search for
[15:20] Stephany Linden: well ideally both
[15:20] Stephany Linden: but yet new users
[15:20] Stephany Linden: who often can't "find other people or things that interst them" quickly
[15:20] Malbers Linden: Yes, new residents -- think <10 hours
[15:20] Trinity Coulter: i think if we ask people to learn all sorts of things about the Viwer right away it might make them less interested
[15:21] Trinity Coulter: *Viewer
[15:21] Stephany Linden: good point trinity
[15:21] Kooky Jetaime: Just drop all new arrivals in a sex sim.. they'll stay.
[15:21] Kooky Jetaime: :)
[15:21] McCabe Maxsted: hehe
[15:21] Jacek Antonelli: Although you'd get lots of residents claiming Linden-favoritism if certain events started to show up on a "main page", unless it was fair
[15:21] Stephany Linden: yes jacek
[15:21] Kooky Jetaime: or ask: Like Sex? if yes, send to sex sim. If no, send them to some Disneyish sim
[15:21] Stephany Linden: this is why resident submitted content for showcase is importat
[15:21] Stephany Linden: tant.
[15:21] Jacek Antonelli: Yes
[15:21] Stephany Linden: well, resi-submitted content in general
[15:21] Stephany Linden: :-)
[15:22] McCabe Maxsted: how are newbies introduced to showcase now?
[15:22] And Eun: The showcase could run on n in-world lottery
[15:22] Trinity Coulter: i don't know if asking new people to exit 3D second life and go to a web page is the best way to keep them interested in-world
[15:22] And Eun: I agree with Trinity on that point
[15:22] Trinity Coulter: maybe after a bit, but especially new users... its already so much to take in
[15:22] Jacek Antonelli: I don't think a flagging system would be very practical for events (because they only appear for a limited time), but maybe you could check for events on the Showcase locations?
[15:23] Stephany Linden: + 1 trinity
[15:23] Stephany Linden: would rather keep them IW
[15:23] Trinity Coulter: lol Steph
[15:23] Stephany Linden: but meaning more "something to GO TO"
[15:23] Stephany Linden: IW not a web page
[15:23] Trinity Coulter: I'm only 13,254 points away from SL level 2
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli: hehehe
[15:23] Dirk Talamasca: How about just adding the ability to search between time parameters and eliminate any results not within those parameters? I want to attend something between 3:00 and 5:00 related to computing.
[15:23] Stephany Linden: :)
[15:23] Stephany Linden: I like that dirk
[15:23] Simon Kline: imaybe something that's artist centric .. so like yu see posters outside entertainment venues.. have like an entertainment profile for entertainers showing heir pic and the type of entertainment they provide and their next events
[15:23] Stephany Linden: useful beyond new/first experience
[15:24] And Eun: Advanced search options. good idea
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Hehehe... crazy thought: an "I'm Bored!!" button you press, and a random ongoing event comes up in a window :D
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Press it over and over until something strikes your fancy
[15:24] Kippie Friedkin: ha..that's a great idea
[15:24] Stephany Linden: I LIKE that
[15:24] Simon Kline: ha Jacek! awesome!
[15:24] Stephany Linden: I really do!
[15:24] McCabe Maxsted: haha I would use that
[15:24] Trinity Coulter: oh i had an idea yesterday, i don't know how much programming this would take... but i know you don't want to give people L$'s but what about things they can do to earn "tickets"
[15:24] Malbers Linden: the google "I feel lucky" version of events
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Exactly, Malbers
[15:24] Simon Kline: i needed one of those last night!
[15:25] Dirk Talamasca: That is not a bad idea either Yahoo! did it for years.. They still do but it is buried. Google kind of has that with "I'm Feeling Lucky"
[15:25] Stephany Linden: :-)
[15:25] Stephany Linden: Trinity I like the tickets too
[15:25] Trinity Coulter: like a person could earn tickets doing something fun or something educational, but then spend those on something else nearby
[15:25] Stephany Linden: :-)
[15:25] Trinity Coulter: like 10 tickets gets you a Welcome Area bear
[15:25] Stephany Linden: my mom wanted that
[15:25] Jacek Antonelli: That would be cool, Trinity
[15:25] Stephany Linden: "how do I get tickets?"
[15:25] Caitlyn Clawtooth: could certainly wind up with a lot of cross-cultural exposure with an 'I feel lucky'
[15:26] Stephany Linden: +1 caitlyn
[15:26] Malbers Linden: cross-cultural and cross-interest
[15:26] Dirk Talamasca wants to become a virtual ticket scalper
[15:26] Trinity Coulter: yes, i would love something in all the search things for just go to a random whatever
[15:26] Simon Kline: unfortunately i have to go, this has been great tho take care all
[15:26] Jacek Antonelli: Take care Simon
[15:26] McCabe Maxsted: take care simon
[15:26] Dirk Talamasca: Bye Simon
[15:27] Malbers Linden: bye simon
[15:27] Stephany Linden: bye simon
[15:27] Yuu Nakamichi: (the biggest drawback to cultivating corss-interest are group limits IMHO)
[15:27] Bevan Whitfield: bye Simon
[15:27] Kippie Friedkin: Cya Simon
[15:27] Caitlyn Clawtooth: unfortunately without a filtered event listing 90% of the time you will end up at some store's sale *GIGGLES* :)Benjamin Linden 13:56, 30 May 2008 (PDT)
[15:27] Jacek Antonelli: Or slingo, lol. Although maybe not as much now after the gambling ban
[15:28] Jacek Antonelli: But yeah... just press the button over and over "Nah, don't like that... hmm, nope... ooh, that one looks good"
[15:28] Dirk Talamasca: There are periods during the day when there are few events listed. What would we do at those times?
[15:28] Stephany Linden: Maybe a related question is: Is there anything new users should NOT go to, see, etc?
[15:28] Stephany Linden: private events, etc.
[15:29] Stephany Linden: exaclty dirk
[15:29] Stephany Linden: "what's the time span we use to show an event now, an event that ended, how do we know, etc."
[15:29] Saijanai Kuhn: I always give newbies a LM to the New LIbrary of Second LIfe. Librarians are on duty about 60 hours of hte week
[15:29] Trinity Coulter: 15 minutes after its started its usually late
[15:29] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm. You'd probably want a way to eliminate events that have a cover charge, since new residents often don't have any L$
[15:29] Stephany Linden: saijanai that is great
[15:30] Stephany Linden: good point jacek
[15:30] Dirk Talamasca: Maybe offer Dwell incentives to keep the event listings packed and our job here is done!
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli: It depends on what sort of event, Trinity. If it's a dance or something, you could even show up an hour late and it's still going
[15:30] Dirk Talamasca: LOL
[15:30] Stephany Linden: lol
[15:30] Trinity Coulter: oh true, Jacek :)
[15:30] Caitlyn Clawtooth: right, the more the merrier at most events, but you do not want to fill it up with new users who could care less about it and the ppl that have been looking forward to it for weeks unable to get into the sim
[15:30] Stephany Linden: there is also a "groups doing something" possibility to extend beyond formal events
[15:30] McCabe Maxsted: yeah. Most event listings seem to be L$ related, and a lot of stuff happens in world that isn't posted to the events list
[15:30] Stephany Linden: i.e., should we even show clusters of people just hanging out
[15:31] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah. I think a lot of people "look for green dots"
[15:31] Stephany Linden: "critical mass is here"
[15:31] Jacek Antonelli: I often have random people teleport in and say "I saw your dots, anything going on here?"
[15:31] Jacek Antonelli: From looking at the map, hehe
[15:31] Saijanai Kuhn: per haps a newbies event listing of all the places where you can usually find mentors and other helpful people?
[15:31] Malbers Linden: How many constitutes "critical mass"?
[15:31] Stephany Linden: oh so we don't need to make that then jacek ;-) next task!
[15:31] Stephany Linden: lol
[15:31] Jacek Antonelli: hahaha
[15:31] Saijanai Kuhn: the lbirarieans have a published schedule of hours.
[15:31] Stephany Linden: right malbers
[15:31] Stora Zhora: lol. thats what I did 5 mins ago :)
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli: The thing about looking for clusters is... is it a private event, where random people aren't welcome? Then you wouldn't want to send people there
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli: But there's no way of knowing, just from the dots
[15:32] McCabe Maxsted: hehe I got into trouble for teleporting randomly to the isle of lesbos in that very manner
[15:32] Kooky Jetaime: Hahah McCabe
[15:32] Stephany Linden: right jacek
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli: woops!
[15:32] Saijanai Kuhn searches for Island of Lesbos
[15:33] Caitlyn Clawtooth: a lot of things just happen at the spur of the moment .... some of the best events I have been to sprang up with no planning [1 person starts dancing, then another, eventually someone hauls out a dance ball]
[15:33] Stephany Linden: Any thoughts about visual displays?
[15:33] Stephany Linden: Lists? Maps? Other stuff?
[15:33] Trinity Coulter: i'm not sure i'm following what you're asking, Stephany
[15:33] Jacek Antonelli: Maybe if you had an impromptu way to create an event. Sort of a "There's a party all up in here!" button
[15:33] Kooky Jetaime: Maps are OK, as long as they arn't over-saturated with data
[15:33] Stephany Linden: How certain information can/should be presented or not
[15:34] Jacek Antonelli: Or rather, not a formal event, but just a way to signal that there's something fun going on and that more people are welcome
[15:34] Kooky Jetaime: The map while zoomed out completely is... useless for most information
[15:34] Saijanai Kuhn: are these to be returned by search in some way
[15:34] Yuu Nakamichi: for sl?
[15:34] Yuu Nakamichi: meetup*
[15:34] Stephany Linden: not necessarily saijanai
[15:34] Stephany Linden: Like that Yuu
[15:34] Stephany Linden: good idea
[15:34] Caitlyn Clawtooth: heya again xlr8rick
[15:35] And Eun: The search windows could be more engaging; I'm thinking about the Google maps interface.
[15:35] Saijanai Kuhn: have you got a way of soilving the non-inventory items in folders problem
[15:35] Yuu Nakamichi: using that way?
[15:35] Stephany Linden: not that I'm aware of yet saijanai
[15:35] XLR8RRICK Hudson: hiya everyone
[15:35] Saijanai Kuhn: Dale Glass created his own classes to allow private folder contents, I think. I never figured out how
[15:36] And Eun: with search overlays
[15:36] Kooky Jetaime: Wow, the entire sim next to Caldbeck is for sale.
[15:36] And Eun: but in-worl
[15:36] Yuu Nakamichi: and: yes
[15:36] Jacek Antonelli: I think Caitlyn had a really good point, about spur of the moment things
[15:36] Dirk Talamasca: When it comes to displays, if we use data available as it is now, we end up with lots of blank patches because not everyone places an image on their parcel and if they do it may be totally irrelevant to the event.
[15:37] And Eun: Also, Dirk, there's no way to further search within the returned data
[15:37] Kooky Jetaime: I so wish that was possible, search within results
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted: something like "an event is happening here" button wouldn't tell you much though, and would probably become horribly abused
[15:37] Kippie Friedkin: Yeah...filtering in search results would be very helpful.
[15:37] Roof Doors: Trinity Coulter is at the door.
[15:38] Stephany Linden: that is the direction we were leaning in
[15:38] And Eun: Search for "dance", then "formal", then "instruction", for example
[15:38] Stephany Linden: re: search filtering
[15:38] And Eun: cool, Stephany
[15:38] Saijanai Kuhn: could a newcomers filter be useful? Registered newcomer areas would appear when they have staff on duty. Libraians, Second House of Sweden, etc
[15:38] Kippie Friedkin: sweeeet :)
[15:39] Stephany Linden: / I like that!
[15:39] Stephany Linden: saijanai
[15:39] And Eun: Good idea, Saijanai
[15:39] Trinity Coulter: I might say that new people are interested in non-newbie things too tho
[15:39] Yuu Nakamichi: +1 sai
[15:39] Saijanai Kuhn: ;-)
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: There's a "newcomer friendly" category for places... maybe could have a similar thing for events?
[15:40] Trinity Coulter: so if you can filter the newbie-oriented stuff out, that might be nice
[15:40] Jacek Antonelli: Or leverage that system somehow
[15:40] Saijanai Kuhn: fun thing about those groups is that they are mostly old-timers who can direct people to their own favorite spots. LIbrarians know people who know people who know...
[15:40] And Eun: Could entries be tagged with meta data?
[15:40] Jacek Antonelli: Yay, meta data :D
[15:41] Stephany Linden: tagging is cropping up everywher ethese days!
[15:41] Stephany Linden: :)
[15:41] Jacek Antonelli: yep :D
[15:41] Caitlyn Clawtooth: right, I hang out all the time at a place that comes up all the time on a keyword search for transgendered ... we get a *lot* of people there who came there right from welcome island
[15:41] Stephany Linden: it's inevitable.
[15:41] Stephany Linden: lol
[15:41] Saijanai Kuhn: defined categories
[15:41] And Eun: The problem with data in general now is there is simply too much to handle with simple filtering
[15:41] And Eun: Not just in SL
[15:41] Caitlyn Clawtooth: ie, they came to sl, they figured out the basics, then they searched for their interests at the first opportunity
[15:41] Saijanai Kuhn: could have a vote for most used meta-data tags
[15:42] Saijanai Kuhn: sex and...
[15:42] Jacek Antonelli: heh
[15:42] Malbers Linden: lots of proir art for tag clouds
[15:42] And Eun: You'd have to take "sex" and "dance" out of the running : 0
[15:42] McCabe Maxsted: how about using meta data and cloud searching?
[15:42] And Eun: What is cloud searching?
[15:42] Trinity Coulter: um, will all this be simple for new people?
[15:42] Jacek Antonelli: Good question, Trinity!
[15:42] Caitlyn Clawtooth: oop
[15:43] McCabe Maxsted: who cares as long as we get island sal--I mean, err, good point
[15:43] Saijanai Kuhn wonders if that dates back to 3D interface for old Project X out of Apple
[15:43] Saijanai Kuhn: fly through clouds of related links and zoom in on link you're looking for
[15:43] And Eun: Think about sites like Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, etc. Tagging is what allows people to zero in on what they are looking for quickly
[15:43] Trinity Coulter: i know it might seem kind of bot-ish, but how about another couple of Chatmasters who can help people find things
[15:43] Jacek Antonelli: One interesting and easy-to-use idea for tags, is to be able to click on tags to view events with similar tags -- then you get "related" events
[15:43] McCabe Maxsted: pretty much, sai
[15:43] Malbers Linden:
[15:44] Yuu Nakamichi: you tag clouds?
[15:44] Yuu Nakamichi: mean*
[15:44] Yuu Nakamichi: jinx :)
[15:44] And Eun: Thanks for the link, Malbers
[15:44] Kippie Friedkin: Ugh..I hate to leave with all this lovely metadata talk. But I must be off.
[15:44] Kippie Friedkin: Cheers for now, all!
[15:44] Jacek Antonelli: So if you see an event that's tagged as "golf", and you click on that word, you'd see other golfy events
[15:44] McCabe Maxsted: see ya next week kippie
[15:44] Malbers Linden: bye kippie
[15:44] Jacek Antonelli: Bye, Kippie!
[15:44] Trinity Coulter: the OI Parrot and Chatmasters could have some relatives
[15:44] Kippie Friedkin waves
[15:45] Trinity Coulter: "Helpful Hippo"
[15:45] Yuu Nakamichi: ;p
[15:45] Jacek Antonelli: hehehe
[15:45] Trinity Coulter: pure cheese name, but anyway :)
[15:45] Dirk Talamasca: So what is to keep a club with a large following from getting their regulars to invade search and blast their club with the top meta tags?
[15:46] Jacek Antonelli: Hmm, good point
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted: another example of spontanus events: just got a notecard about a standup show in world
[15:46] Jacek Antonelli: That's one of the concerns I have about search flagging
[15:46] Trinity Coulter: have a rule in the ToS that bans people who do that, Dirk
[15:46] And Eun: Catch you later, Kippie
[15:46] Saijanai Kuhn: heh. Bring back Hotsauce in SL?
[15:46] Stephany Linden: lol
[15:47] Trinity Coulter: Magellan Linden's parrot
[15:47] Trinity Coulter: could help you find things
[15:47] Jacek Antonelli: There's this neat "visual thesaurus" online, built in Flash. It has words in bubbles, and when you click a word, related words pop out... then you can click those... and so on
[15:47] Saijanai Kuhn: actually, wonder if that COULD be done and if it could, would it be useful...
[15:48] Jacek Antonelli: I could see that being useful for discovering new types of events
[15:48] Stephany Linden: agreed jacek
[15:48] Jacek Antonelli: Also, for discovering that every event is just 6 steps away from a "Kevin Bacon fan club" event
[15:48] And Eun: There are some truly amazing Flash tools online for searching data
[15:48] Stephany Linden: I love the visual thesaura
[15:48] Stephany Linden: you know
[15:48] Stephany Linden: :)
[15:48] Malbers Linden: yes, it is cool
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted:
[15:49] Trinity Coulter: might be nice to have a mobile or a backpack that can store the places that newbies have gone
[15:49] Trinity Coulter: since they might lose track easily
[15:49] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah
[15:49] And Eun: Would it be possible to use Flash in the search windows to enable dynamic searching
[15:49] And Eun: ?
[15:49] Trinity Coulter: the in-world browser doesn't allow flash
[15:49] Jacek Antonelli: And a way to "star" events that look interesting, so you can look at them later
[15:50] Stephany Linden: nice!
[15:50] Yuu Nakamichi: locations perhaps, rather than events
[15:50] McCabe Maxsted: like a "to do" list of stuff you want to check out or remember
[15:50] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, locations and events both -- as separate systems, but both are needed
[15:50] Malbers Linden needs to spend more time looking at the GTA4's mobile phone UI
[15:50] And Eun: Good ideas,!
[15:51] Stephany Linden: yes, bookmarks and "saving notes to self somehow' are definitely a theme :)
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Hehe Malbers. "I'm not goofing off, I'm doing research! *bam, boom, tire squealing*
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted pictures malbers running over grandmas
[15:51] Malbers Linden: that's my story.....
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: :)
[15:51] Trinity Coulter: could you tell whoever is in charge of it that they should make notes searchable too
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: "it was a jellyfish! a jellyfish I tells ya!"
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Searchable everything! :D
[15:51] Dirk Talamasca: Increasing media types viewable in SL would do wonders for sure
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: Search and tag and filter everything. Muahahaha!
[15:52] And Eun: LOL
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli runs around cackling and attaching pieces of paper with tags on it to people's foreheads
[15:52] Trinity Coulter sticks a post-it on Dirk's head
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: jinx!
[15:52] And Eun: Keep that stapler away from my!
[15:52] Trinity Coulter: lol
[15:53] Dirk Talamasca: Lots of metal in my body.. You can just use a fridge magnet
[15:53] McCabe Maxsted: so newbies with staplers then?
[15:53] And Eun: scary!
[15:53] Malbers Linden: nailguns.
[15:54] McCabe Maxsted: I like it. Nailgun was always my favorite
[15:54] Dirk Talamasca: Okay so maps better than parcel images because parcel images are not reliable
[15:54] Stephany Linden: ok
[15:54] Trinity Coulter: what would you use maps for?
[15:55] Dirk Talamasca: Location of the event, you could see how many residents are there currently
[15:55] Stephany Linden: any other high NAILS (heh) in our last few minutes? Maps, in the traditional sense, I like for "areas of certain population or characteristics"
[15:55] Trinity Coulter: hmm
[15:55] Trinity Coulter: that sounds like too much for newbies
[15:55] Stephany Linden: not that we are currently equipped for that
[15:55] McCabe Maxsted: how about adding "create event" to somewhere more visible and using an inworld submission tool instead of sending people out of world
[15:56] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah!
[15:56] Trinity Coulter: the events web search never works right for me
[15:56] Stephany Linden: how so trinitiy?
[15:56] Trinity Coulter: it always has some error
[15:56] Stephany Linden: like... :-)
[15:56] Stephany Linden: I work on search so I'm esp. curious
[15:56] Trinity Coulter: i don't know it says some weird error and nothing works
[15:57] Stephany Linden: and we hope to move that search to teh GSAs this quarter (google boxen like other tabs)
[15:57] Dirk Talamasca: It seems that sometimes people add invalid characters which breaks up the integrity of the listings..
[15:57] Stephany Linden: so first order of business is get it to WORK
[15:57] Stephany Linden: :)
[15:57] Jacek Antonelli: Things that work are always nice
[15:57] Trinity Coulter: oh, someone i was talking to was mentioning the Google search in SL
[15:58] McCabe Maxsted: the thing that's always bothered me the most about sl search is the times don't explictly say SLT *nitpicker*
[15:58] Trinity Coulter: they had a criticism of it
[15:58] McCabe Maxsted: *event search rather
[15:58] Stephany Linden: SLT did?
[15:58] Stephany Linden: who is the they w/ the criticism?
[15:58] Saijanai Kuhn: heh bit of history. HOtsauce was the first techology that used RSS format
[15:58] Stephany Linden: ok
[15:58] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, it would be nice if you could view events both in SLT and local time
[15:58] Trinity Coulter: i've noticed the google search doesn't find some things
[15:59] Trinity Coulter: it makes assumptions or something
[15:59] Dirk Talamasca: can you give some keyword examples?
[15:59] Jacek Antonelli: For me, I know my timezone offset, so it's not such a big deal, but I imagine it's quite difficult for new residents and residents in distant timezones
[15:59] Stephany Linden: if only we got documentation about how the world's most valuable algorithm works when we buy google boxen. ;-)
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted: especially people who have no idea what PT means
[15:59] Trinity Coulter: ok
[15:59] And Eun: Agreed, Jacek. SLT and your local time should be displayed
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted: would love to see them both in slt and local time
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: I read it runs by pigeons, Stephany. Millions of pigeons. Pigeon Rank, they call it.
[16:00] Trinity Coulter: i first saw it with a group name
[16:00] Trinity Coulter: 1/137.0359
[16:00] Saijanai Kuhn still uses Secondlife TIme
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: hehehe
[16:00] And Eun: I have a chart on my monitor for seven different zones
[16:00] Trinity Coulter: this guy i was helping was in a group with that name
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, "SLT" is out of vogue with LL... we're supposed to say PDT now, heh heh. But we love our SLT
[16:00] Trinity Coulter: and it would never find it in the google search
[16:00] Caitlyn Clawtooth: who needs a chart?
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: oh woah. I hadn't even noticed it changed
[16:01] Stephany Linden: ok - I think our time is up :)
[16:01] Caitlyn Clawtooth: I know one person that has *never* worked out the dif between her local time and SLT .... it is not like it is a constant or anything :)
[16:01] Stephany Linden: ben?
[16:01] Stephany Linden: thanks for bringing up the time issue!
[16:02] Dirk Talamasca: Easy solution to that Trin. have group removed
[16:02] McCabe Maxsted: bah, Particularly Dull Time. SLT ftw
[16:02] Dirk Talamasca: Problem solved
[16:02] Jacek Antonelli: Hehe, it's lots of trouble for international residents. The early daylight saving time this year threw a lot of people mixed up!
[16:02] Trinity Coulter: well then i saw it with a person's name
[16:02] Trinity Coulter: a week or two later
[16:02] Dirk Talamasca: So it is not searching numericals?
[16:02] Trinity Coulter: it was like "Don't you mean xxx?"
[16:02] Jacek Antonelli: Oh, yes, we're at the end of the hour. Time to take User Experience off the psychologist's couch for a week. We'll analyze its brain next week :D
[16:03] Dirk Talamasca: like 10Khz Tone for instance?
[16:03] Trinity Coulter: and i was like no... i mean what i typed
[16:03] McCabe Maxsted: do you think it'll live without its mailing list, dr jacek?
[16:03] Jacek Antonelli: These office hours are always fun :D
[16:03] Jacek Antonelli: The prognosis is grim, Mr. Maxsted
[16:03] Dirk Talamasca: Thanks Ben! Thanks Stephany! Thanks Malbers!!!
[16:03] McCabe Maxsted nods sagely
[16:03] Malbers Linden: thanks all.
[16:03] And Eun: Thanks for hosting, Ben
[16:04] Jacek Antonelli: We need 100ccs of mailing list, STAT!
[16:04] Yuu Nakamichi: and unlimited groups :)
[16:04] Stephany Linden: thanks dirk and all
[16:04] Stephany Linden: Yuu unlimited or larger groups is still a huge demand
[16:04] Stephany Linden: it is a problem
[16:04] And Eun: Thanks for the discussion!
[16:04] Trinity Coulter: give people 10 groups again for a while
[16:04] Jacek Antonelli: Thanks for hosting, Stephany and Ben and Malbers!
[16:05] Kooky Jetaime: Everett covered groups about 6 months ago
[16:05] Malbers Linden: see you all next week. bye.
[16:05] Yuu Nakamichi: I'm sure Stephany :)
[16:05] Stephany Linden: see you next week! Thank you so much for coming and taking time to give us your input.
[16:05] McCabe Maxsted: hehe I'd settle for group chat working routinely
[16:05] McCabe Maxsted: take care lindens!
[16:05] Stephany Linden: we reall appreciate and note it
[16:05] Trinity Coulter: + 1 McCabe
[16:05] Trinity Coulter: :)
[16:05] Stephany Linden: bye all!
[16:05] McCabe Maxsted: woot! first point
[16:05] Saijanai Kuhn:
[16:05] Yuu Nakamichi: thanks Stephany, Ben, Malbers
[16:05] Kooky Jetaime: we don't necessisarily need more groups, but we need different types of groups.. half of the groups are simply for land access
[16:05] Bevan Whitfield: Thank you!
[16:05] Kooky Jetaime: ok
[16:05] Kooky Jetaime: Im out
[16:05] Kooky Jetaime: things to do
[16:05] Jacek Antonelli: Take care, everyone!