User:Bobbyb30 Zohari

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Revision as of 13:26, 2 December 2008 by Bobbyb30 Swashbuckler (talk | contribs)
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Who is Bobbyb?

Hello. My name is Bobbyb30 but people call me Bobbyb. I can script, build, animate, and create textures. I've been around in SL since 06' so I'm a fairly seasoned player. I'm in and out of SL a lot. I haven't been on much since gambling was banned. If you need any help with anything(I can do almost anything), feel free to contact me ingame. (I will not tolerate any nonsense that belongs on the teen grid!)

I will be leaving SL on August 8, 2008 because of a new job assignment with Goldman Sachs.

You may contact me at Bobbyb30 Swashbuckler now.


I generally script whenever I'm on now. I've scripted hundreds of projects for a variety of people. I know how to use all the functions and have made a number of contributions to both the official wiki and the lslwiki. If you're looking for assistance in writing a script, a custom script, or simply a lsl teacher, give me an IM. If you're looking for a custom script, I have references available on request. For my snippets, see .


Official SL Forums

I was named on the SL blog as one of the "New Volunteers" for the official SL forums.