User:Cow Taurog/Prim cloner

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<lsl> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLONE PRIMITIVE v 2.31 // // // This script chats out lines of text that can be pasted back // into a blank script to clone the original prim. // // It also produces codeblocks optimized for automated transforms. // //


// // HOW TO USE // // // Drag 'n Drop this script into the prim you want to copy. // // It will output a complete script for replicating the object // in Owner-Only chat. Then it will delete itself. // // Copy and paste the chatted script into a *completly blank* // new script // // Then use the Search/Replace function under the Edit menu // to replace the "[HH:MM]  :" line prefixes with a blank. // // Just hit the 'Replace All' button. // // It can take 2 minutes or more to print out, so you may have to // do this a few times. // // // The Primitve Paramaters will be chatted out in the oder that // they're featured on the offical Wiki: // // //


// // WHY? // // Chances are you're not going to need an end-to-end // script to dupe your prim. Shift-drag copy is a lot easier. // // But if you're reading this you probably want some of the code, // so carve out what you need from the output. // // The output code is also commented where appropriate. If you want // To know more about what's going on, read the comments here and // check out the wiki. The wiki's good. // // Many advanced items on the grid transform from one object to // another. Builders have used scrips like this to generate the // code that goes into those products. // // Consider the use of both of llSetPrimitiveParams([]) and // llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([]). A multi-prim prim object can be // metamorphed with a single scipt. // // In my experience you can pack five complete primitive trans- // formations into one script before you run out of bytes. //


// // Released nder the terms of the // GNU General Public Liscence v3 // // This source code is free to use / modify / resell // with the following restrictions: // // If you include any portion of -this- script in a product you // distribute you must make the script fully mod/copy/trans for // the next user/owner. You must also liscence it under the GPL // and give attribution to the contributors. // // This does not extend to the code this script generates. That // is yours to liscense as you see fit. // // No warantee expressed or implied. // // For more info see //


// // Written by // Clarknova Helvetic [2008.01.04] // w/ thanks to Bopete Yossarian // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

/// Global Functions & Vars to make life easier

float pause = .1  ; //// Change this to change the delay between each printed line.

                         //// The laggier the server the more delay you'll need to 
                         //// prevent line mix-up.

// Object-Specific parameters 2 string string osp(integer p) {return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p]),","); }

// Face-Specific parameters 2 string string fsp(integer p, integer f) { return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p,f]),","); }

// Parameter prefixed and formatted for output string param(string p , integer q) { return p + "," + osp(q); }

// General owner chat w\ Sleep function to stop chat lag from screwing up the line order say(string c) { llSleep(pause); llOwnerSay(c); }

// Printing out next element to add to the parameter list sayn(string c) { say("\t" + c + " , "); }

// Printing out the last element to add to the parameter list saynd(string c) { say("\t" + c + "\n\n\t];"); }

// Print out the code to apply the parameters to the object define() { say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\n\tparams = [];"); }


       string object_name = llGetObjectName();
       string object_desc = llGetObjectDesc();
       say("\ndefault\n{\n\tstate_entry()\n\t{\n\tlist params;\n\t\n\n\t// If you are cutting code out to paste into custon functions\n\t// Define \"params\" as a global list and start cutting below this line.\n\n\tparams =");
   integer i; // You're going to see a lot of use, integer i!
   integer length; // So are you, integer length!

   length = (llGetListLength(Param_Names)); // I'm way lazy.  Let's make LsL do basic math for us.

   for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i = i +2) // This is may answer to list strides.  Take that!
       if (i > length -3 ) // If we're at the last stride
           saynd(param(llList2String(Param_Names,length -2), llList2Integer(Param_Names,length -1))) ; // Fecth the constants out of Param_Names.
           i = length;
       else if (i == 0) // PRIM_TYPE is a special case.  But then what isn't?
           //  Checking if it's a sculptie in a rather extravagant way,  
           //  but I also want to check my work.

           integer j = llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1); // What's the param we're checking?
           list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([j]); // What are its values?
           integer t = llList2Integer(r,0); // What's the first value?

           if (t == 7) // if it's a sculptie
               sayn("[\n\tPRIM_TYPE,"+ (string)t + ",\""+ llList2String(r,1) + "\"," + llList2String(r,2) ); 

           else sayn("[ \n \n \t" + param(llList2String(Param_Names,i), j));
       else if (i < length -3 && i != length -6 ) sayn(param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) ) ;
       else if (i < length -3 && i == length -6 )
           say("\t// It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one\n\t// " + param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) + " ] + (params = []) +"); 


   Param_Names = []; // Free up some memory

   // I reallllly want our script to set all of the paramaters at once, with one llSetPrimitiveParams() 
   // call at the end of the script but we can't because of bugs in LsL.  
   // See  for more info.  Please vote to fix it.\n\t


   comment("Set all of the above paramaters as a group.");

   comment("We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others \n\t// during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See for more info.\n\t// Please vote to fix it. \n");

    //// Okay, now for the hard stuff: 4 out of 5 of the Face-Specific params, starting with the hardest:
    //// PRIM_TEXTURE.  Why is PRIM_TEXTURE a pain?  Because llSetPrimitiveParams wants it in qoutes, but
    //// llGetPrimitiveParams doesn't give it to us in quotes.  It's a pickle.
    //// The Face-Specific params each need thier own For loop because the number of faces is variable
    //// from prim to prim.  A simple sphere only has one.  A tube can have up to 9.

   integer sides = llGetNumberOfSides();  // So here we find out how many faces we've got

       ///  PRIM_TEXTURE ///

       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  

           list r =llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE,i]);
           string s = 
           "\""  + llList2String(r,0) + "\"" // First element is the texture key.
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,1)
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,2)
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,3) ;

           if (i < sides -1)  s = s + " , " ; 
           else if (i == sides -1)  s = s + "\n\n\t];";

           say("\tPRIM_TEXTURE," + (string)i + "," + s );    

           // Local variables aren't cleared when we leave thier scope.  Can you believe that crap?
           r = []; s = ""; 


       ///  PRIM_COLOR ///
       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  

            if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
            if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i)); 

       ///  PRIM_BUMP_SHINY ///
       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i) );
           if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i)); 


       ///  PRIM_FULLBRIGHT ///

       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           sayn("PRIM_FULLBRIGHT," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,i)); 

   sayn(param( "PRIM_FLEXIBLE",21));
   sayn("// " + param( "PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS",24));
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXGEN,i]);
           if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 0) say("\t// PRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");
           if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 1) say("\tPRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");    
   say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\tparams = [];");  //  Print the final function call, braces & some blank lines

   say("\n\n\t// If you were cut/pasting this code into a custom transform function\n\t// end your cut above this comment.\n\t// Otherwise ignore this.\n\n\tllSetObjectName(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");
   llSetObjectName(object_name); // Change our object's name back.
   llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());  // Delete this script.

} </lsl>