User:Jasmine Chemistry

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Revision as of 16:40, 18 November 2009 by Jasmine Chemistry (talk | contribs) (→‎Welcome Welcome Welcome)
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Welcome Welcome Welcome

Welcome to Second Life and my minimal introduction page - I'm Jasmine Chemistry! Take a look at my profile in world and learn more about me. I'm a gentle being, honest, a lady, and give and expect respect just like in real life (RL). *smiles*

  • Original Rez Date - (first ever into SL) May 2007
  • Accepted into SL Mentor Program - 2008, SL Mentors disbanded 12/2009
  • Avatar - Female. Tall, Short, BBW, Furry, Vampire (I like them all; Why not try everything? This is pretend! Be creative)
  • SL Skills - SL Building, emoting/talking/listening, viewer installation
  • Interests - People, Learning, Talking/Asking Questions, Dancing, Shopping
  • Hobbies - Music, SciFi, People, Pets/Critters
  • Education - BS, Master's Certificate in Project Management, was PMP, in Master's Program now
  • Languages - English - but will attempt basic German and even horrid Spanish if needed - Thank goodness for translators!!

Translators I Use

Where to Find Me

  • I am a mentor where ever you see me, with or without a title over my head.
  • Feel free to IM me, or drop me a notecard in-world, and ask questions, and I'll do my best to help you.

What I Can Help With

  • I'm wonderful at learning to control your inventory! This is an vital skill. Folders and Outfits Rule!
  • I keep and improve continually a list of places to go visit - music, exploration, learning, and more...
  • Basic SL Skills Training - opening boxes, wearing things, camera viewpoints
  • I can read the scripting language (LSL), but I'm not an active scripter.
  • I'm good with taking pictures with the camera in world.
  • I'm improving my building skills and using textures, and putting them on various sides of a given primitive (object).

The Tough Parts of Being Online in Today's World

My Favorite Web Links

Learning Web Links

Detailed Second Life Web Links

Different Viewers or Clients (what runs on your computer)

Some Quick Terms

  • Official SecondLife Terminology
  • Official SecondLife Glossary
  • An Unofficial Glossary for SecondLife
  • ani - short for animation, also you'll see anim
  • avi - short for avatar. This is you in SecondLife.
  • grid - This is the world of SecondLife
  • LM - short for landmark, this is a quick link you store in your inventory, used to teleport
  • poseballs - these are balls that you sit your avatar on to do different things, often color coded boy/girl
  • touch - this means to either left click on something, or to right click and select 'touch' in the pie menu
  • TP - short for teleport, the way to travel in SL other than walking or flying. (Think of Star Trek!)

(Permission Obtained to Reference other Users SecondLife wiki pages in SecondLife)