User:Pandora Igaly

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Revision as of 01:16, 16 June 2009 by Pandora Igaly (talk | contribs) (→‎Pandora Igaly)
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It's me and Sutek. :p

Pandora Igaly

  • Rez-day: 2007 May 8th
  • Race: Nelf (Neko-elf)
  • Pet: Demon Cat Sutek (on my shoulder)
  • Hobbies: Shopping, spending time with friends and my dearest Jyrras
  • Skills: Smiling ^________^, shopping, texturing, event planning, translating (from English to Traditional Chinese) and a bit scripting. Oh, and multitasking. :p
  • Languages: 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) & English
  • Real Life Location: Taiwan (yes, I'm native speaker of Traditional Chinese)
  • Why I'm here: Volunteer to translate SL Wiki, so Taiwanese could have the accurate information about Second Life.
  • My own SL glossary: is here!! And it'll be growing and changing as I translate SL Wiki. I use my experiences and professional judgment to translate important SL terms into Traditional Chinese. Please feel free to use it. And if you find any unsuitable term, please let me know.