User:Seph Swain/perl

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Here's a frist example of how to make server side CGI scripts to interact with SL objects.

(Unfortunatly the Wiki-Formating doesn't really work for this, if you know how to fix it, please tell me)

 # multi purpose WWW->SL Gateway
 require 5;
 use LWP::Simple;
 use CGI;
 use POSIX('strftime');
 # Config Section
   my %VERSION = (
     'MyControl HUD Translator'	=> 0.02,
     'LineGraph'			=> 0.9,
 # EOC
 # global variables
 my $out = "ERROR";
 # collect input data
 my $query = new CGI;
 my $action = $query->param("action");
 my $client_version = $query->param("version");
 my $client_object_name = $ENV{"HTTP_X_SECONDLIFE_OBJECT_NAME"};
    $client_object_name =~ s/ v[\d\.]*$//o;
 my $client_owner_name = $ENV{"HTTP_X_SECONDLIFE_OWNER_NAME"};
 #foreach (sort keys %ENV) { print STDERR "$_ = $ENV{$_}\n"; }
 # some logging:
 print STDERR (strftime "%F %T", localtime) . 
 	       " $client_object_name [v${client_version}]" .
 	       " (owner: $client_owner_name)\n";
 # version checking:
 if ($client_version < $VERSION{$client_object_name}) {
   $out = "Version expired. New Version $VERSION{$client_object_name} " .
 	   "available from MyControl";
   $action = "error";
 if ($action eq 'SL-online-now') {
   my $html = get("");
   my $total = $1 if $html =~ /.*Total Residents:.*\n.*>([\d,]{1,})</;
      $total =~ s/,//go;
   my $online = $1 if $html =~ /.*Online Now:.*\n.*>([\d,]{1,})</;
      $online =~ s/,//go;
   $out = join(';', $online, $total);
 } elsif ($action eq '') {
   # version checking:
   my $word = $query->param("word");
   my $language = $query->param("language");
   my $language_str = "ende";
   # 0-englisch(default), 1-franzoesisch, 2-spanisch
      if ($language == 1) { $language_str = "frde" }
   elsif ($language == 2) { $language_str = "esde" }
   my $html = get("${language_str}?lp=${language_string}&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&sectHdr=on&spellToler=on&relink=on&search=$word");
   #print STDERR "HTML:\n$html\n";
   my $content;
   $content = $1
     if $html =~ /<table[^>]*id="results"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/table>/s; # no i!
   my @entries = split /\<tr/i, $content;
   # remove leading and trailing 2 entries:
   #@entries = splice(@entries, 2, -2);
   my @out;
   foreach (@entries) {

my @cells = split /]*>//o;

s/<[^>]*>//go; $_; } @cells;

     if ($cell_count == 6) {
 	push @out, $cells[2] . " - " . $cells[4];
   if (@out) {
     $out = join("\n", @out);
   } else {
     $out = "no results";
 # cut to size
 $out = substr($out, 0, 2048);
 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n$out\n";