User:Simone Linden/Office Hours/2009 06 01 Transcript
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Revision as of 05:52, 21 August 2009 by Wiki Scribe (talk | contribs) (Robot: Adding __NOINDEX__ on request by Simone)
List of Attendees
- [12:05 SLT] Simone Linden: hihi
- [12:06 SLT] Simone Linden: Tessta war vorhin im Buero und da wurde gegrieft.
- [12:06 SLT] Simone Linden: Weiss nicht, ob Support das schon beseitigt hat.
- [12:06 SLT] Simone Linden: Deshalb ist die OH heute hier :)
- [12:06 SLT] Lara Shepherd: eben war alles ruhig, aber hier ist auch schön
- [12:07 SLT] Simone Linden: Hallo Lore :)
- [12:07 SLT] Lore Lamont: Hallo
- [12:07 SLT] Torben Trautman: hallo Lore
- [12:07 SLT] Zai Lynch: huhu =)
- [12:07 SLT] Simone Linden: Danke, Zai!
- [12:07 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hey Lore :)
- [12:07 SLT] Zai Lynch: welcome =)
- [12:08 SLT] Tessta String: ich muss leider gehen. ... zuviel lag....
- [12:08 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ok, mach es gut Tessta
- [12:08 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: ätsch
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: Tessta's computer ist etwas alt....
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: Pfui Jewell!
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: ;)
- [12:08 SLT] Torben Trautman: hehe
- [12:08 SLT] Torben Trautman: ist schlecht erzogen... ihre Eltern lassen sich gerade scheiden
- [12:09 SLT] Torben Trautman: also die SL-Eltern
- [12:09 SLT] Simone Linden: oh je, die Aermste....
- [12:09 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hi Gren
- [12:09 SLT] Simone Linden: kommt in den besten Familien vor
- [12:09 SLT] Torben Trautman: jetzt geht sie zum family counselling
- [12:09 SLT] Simone Linden: Hallo Gren!
- [12:09 SLT] Gren Yifu: Hallo
- [12:09 SLT] Torben Trautman: huhu Gren
- [12:09 SLT] Gren Yifu: ich seh noch nic lol.
- [12:09 SLT] Simone Linden: Danke, dass Ihr alle so zahlreich erschienen seid!
- [12:10 SLT] Simone Linden: Es ist ja Feiertag bei Euch!!!
- [12:10 SLT] Torben Trautman: YAY!
- [12:10 SLT] Simone Linden: Ihr solltet doch eigentlich feiern.
- [12:10 SLT] Zai Lynch: hat jemand sekt mitgebracht?
- [12:10 SLT] Lore Lamont hat den ganzen Tag nichts anderes gemacht ;)
- [12:10 SLT] Gren Yifu: jep
- [12:10 SLT] Zai Lynch: yay! ^^
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: Erst mal danke an Euch alle, fuer die fleissige Arbeit an den JIRAs!!
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: Lara hat fleissig aktualisiert und uebersetzt!
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai hat viele, viele Artikel ins Wiki gestellt!
- [12:11 SLT] Gren Yifu gave you Divivity Champagne Flute.
- [12:11 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^_^ danke gren
- [12:12 SLT] Simone Linden: Lore hat editiert und uebersetzt!
- [12:12 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: das sag ich meiner Mama Gren
- [12:12 SLT] Simone Linden: Gren hat uebersetzt...
- [12:12 SLT] Lore Lamont: prösterchen
- [12:12 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hehe
- [12:12 SLT] Glass of Milk whispers: Ahhh,, got milk!!
- [12:12 SLT] Lore Lamont: und kisten ausgepackt ;)
- [12:12 SLT] Gren Yifu: prosti
- [12:12 SLT] Simone Linden: Prost :)
- [12:12 SLT] Zai Lynch: prost ^^
- [12:13 SLT] Torben Trautman: danke Gren
- [12:13 SLT] Simone Linden: Das/der/die Wiki sieht wirklich gut aus!
- [12:13 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot!
- [12:13 SLT] Heineken whispers: Drink up!
- [12:13 SLT] Gren Yifu: Haben alle jetzt ein Glas ;) hoff ich
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: Leider haben wir noch nicht alle Artikel/Links ueberpruefen koennen... aber das kommt noch.
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: Habt Ihr das JIRA von Danica gesehen? Ct-382?
- [12:14 SLT] Lara Shepherd: yep
- [12:14 SLT] Zai Lynch: da klingelt irgendwas... ah SL6B?
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: Das ist erst teilweise uebersetzt von Sylvia Baxter....
- [12:14 SLT] Gren Yifu: ? Jewell was?
- [12:15 SLT] Zai Lynch: Second Life 6th Birthday
- [12:15 SLT] Gren Yifu: nein noch nicht gesehen
- [12:15 SLT] Lore Lamont: nur kurz draufgeguckt und da ich nicht wusste wie sylvia da weitermacht nichts angerührt
- [12:15 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich wollte nur darauf hinweisen. Ich glaube, Danica ist nicht bewusst, das das noch uebersetzt werden muss....
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: ich glaube nicht, dass Sylvia da noch weitermacht.
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: Also, wenn einer/eine von Euch das machen koennte, waere klasse.
- [12:16 SLT] Torben Trautman: ich brauche Abwechslung und habe Urlaub
- [12:16 SLT] Torben Trautman: aber ich wollte erst mal die anderen Sachen machen
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: Du bist ein Schatz, Torben!
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich glaube, der Text wird Dir Spass machen!
- [12:17 SLT] Torben Trautman: ooo
- [12:17 SLT] Torben Trautman: hehe
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Da Sylvia ganz neu ist, koenntest Du bitte auch einen Blick auf Ihre Uebersetzung werfen?
- [12:17 SLT] Gren Yifu: ;) jewell lösche das Glas wieder *g danke
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Oops, Lara...
- [12:17 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: du hast mir doch die Milch gegeben, oder?
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: faengt gleich an zu singen.. :)
- [12:18 SLT] Lara Shepherd: aber hallo Simone :)
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:18 SLT] Lore Lamont: alles besoffen hier ;)
- [12:18 SLT] Torben Trautman: hahaha
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: lol
- [12:18 SLT] Gren Yifu: *lach *
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: Es gibt kein Bier auf Hawaii....
- [12:18 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hehe
- [12:19 SLT] Lara Shepherd: was gibt es denn noch neues?
- [12:19 SLT] Simone Linden: Also, in der JIRA sind noch ein paar Artikel, die liebevolle Haendchen gebrauchen koennnten.
- [12:19 SLT] Zai Lynch: Frage: machen wir die Warnungboxen bei den KB artikeln erst weg, wenn die links einmal getestet wurden?`oder können wir die jetzt rausnehmen
- [12:20 SLT] Lore Lamont: ich kann jetzt langsam wieder etwas mehr machen
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: Wenn der Kater ausgeschlafen ist, dann koennt Ihr vielleicht mal reinkucken >
- [12:20 SLT] Lara Shepherd: lol
- [12:20 SLT] Gren Yifu: gut gern
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, Lore! Schoen, dass du wieder Zeit hast!!!
- [12:20 SLT] Lara Shepherd: Wenn es recht ist, mach ich erst die Sachen fertig, die bei mir anliegen, oder besser die Artikel übersetzen, die da sind?
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, Lara. Natuerlich!
- [12:21 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ok :)
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: die Warnboxen sollten vielleicht noch drinbleiben, bis die Links getestet wurden. Ist vielleicht besser, oder?
- [12:21 SLT] Zai Lynch: oki =)
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: dann noch was neues, wo Ihr bestimmt weiterhelfen koennt:
- [12:22 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ui
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: Es wird bald eine neue 'Willkommens-Email' geben, die an neue Resis geschickt wird, nach der Registrierung.
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: In diese Email moechten wir Landespezifische Links reinpacken.
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: Deshalb moecht ich Euch bitten, mir slurls zu Orten in deutschsprachigen Regionen zu schicken....
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: also zu Plaetzen, die Ihr empfehlen koennt...
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: dabei kann es sich um Landschaften, die besonders schoen sind,
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: Museen, Clubs, etc handeln.
- [12:24 SLT] Gren Yifu: gut gern mature und pg`?
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: Eben Orte, die was mit 'Deutsch' zu tun haben.
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: Gute Frage, Gren!
- [12:24 SLT] Lara Shepherd: cool
- [12:24 SLT] Gren Yifu: gut
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich wuerde mal annehmen, PG...
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: aber ich frage mal nach!
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: ich habe 2 Orte gefunden, nur so als Bespiel
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: das VMOA virtual museum of art
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden:
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: und das Goethe Institut
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden:
- [12:26 SLT] Gren Yifu: volkshochschule hab ich
- [12:26 SLT] Zai Lynch:
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: aber Ihr kennt Euch ja viel besser aus als ich....
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja Zai.
- [12:26 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ja, die vhs gibt es, kann ich aber leider nicht so empfehlen, aber einige mögen es.
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden: Wenn ihr mir die slurls in einer Email schicken koenntet, waere super.
- [12:27 SLT] Lara Shepherd: AHH!!!!
- [12:27 SLT] Gren Yifu: gut
- [12:27 SLT] Torben Trautman: hahaha
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden: Danica!
- [12:27 SLT] Torben Trautman: Danica you missed the boos
- [12:27 SLT] Gren Yifu: ;)
- [12:27 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hi Danica :)
- [12:27 SLT] Danica Linden: hello
- [12:27 SLT] Zai Lynch: a cat, a cat, a cat
- [12:27 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:27 SLT] Danica Linden: ?
- [12:27 SLT] Danica Linden: hehe
- [12:27 SLT] Torben Trautman: lols
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden: We are all drunk :)
- [12:27 SLT] Danica Linden: nice!!!!!!
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: excellent
- [12:28 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: I´m not
- [12:28 SLT] Lore Lamont: hi danica
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: congratulations! :)
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: Lara is having a hard time to sit :)
- [12:28 SLT] Lore Lamont: great to see you again ㋡
- [12:28 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hahaha
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: lol
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: and you too
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: woooops
- [12:28 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [12:28 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: YAY!
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: Danica, I just asked them about German locations
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: LOL.
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: yikes... sorry
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: Poor Jewell.
- [12:29 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: dis okies
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: sowwy
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: ^-&^
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: Danica, what can we do for you?
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: nothing
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: I just came to say hi
- [12:30 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [12:30 SLT] Simone Linden: Oh! that's nice!!!!
- [12:30 SLT] Simone Linden: We love you!!!!!!
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: and thank you for all that awesome work you have been doing with the KB
- [12:30 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss =)
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: thank you
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: You guys are so awesome
- [12:30 SLT] Gren Yifu: yw ;)
- [12:30 SLT] Lara Shepherd: have a seat with us :)
- [12:31 SLT] Simone Linden: I was just asking everyone to send in suggestions for German locations that would be interesting to new residents.
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: ok... good
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: awesome
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: thank you
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: that would be great
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: also, did you guys see the little 6th birthday translation bit in JIRA?
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: we are trying to get it in as many lang's as possible
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: we have a german translation but if one of you wants to edit, go ahead :)
- [12:32 SLT] Simone Linden: torben will translate this.
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: cool
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: thanks
- [12:32 SLT] Torben Trautman nods
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: and thanks for adding the German locations
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: that would be great
- [12:32 SLT] Simone Linden: The German translation in the JIRA is only the first paragraph, so Torben will need to translate all the rest.
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: thanks Torben!
- [12:33 SLT] Torben Trautman: yw
- [12:33 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [12:33 SLT] Simone Linden: We still have to discuss the categories for the wiki KB
- [12:34 SLT] Zai Lynch: I think this might not be our decision anymore...
- [12:34 SLT] Simone Linden: I don't know if you all had a chance to look at the current start page:
- [12:34 SLT] Simone Linden: Oh, Zai. that is right. Can you update us on the situation?
- [12:34 SLT] Simone Linden: did you go to the OH of the doc team?
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah: I know that eventually the English KB will move to wiki and there will be new categories
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: so we were going to follow English
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: however and in the meantime
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: if there is an easy way to streamline the articles, that would e awesome :)
- [12:35 SLT] Simone Linden: danica, do you know the time frame for moving the English KB?
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: well, they are working on it slowly now
- [12:35 SLT] Zai Lynch: we talked a little, though the OH wasn't really focused on a topic. it will be different on next wednesday and they appearently created an inworld group for the KB -> wiki project... I just read about it today in a blog
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: then there will be an A/B test
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: I imagine this will be all done by latter part of July
- [12:36 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay.
- [12:37 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai, how much work would it be to change the categories now and then again in July?
- [12:38 SLT] Zai Lynch: every article would need to be edited. it's not hard work and not soooo much though in case we do that, I'd ask you for maintanance work later. to delete the then obsolete categories. since redirects of categories aren't a nice solution
- [12:38 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay. Is this deletion something I could do with my limited wiki skills?
- [12:38 SLT] Zai Lynch: yepp
- [12:38 SLT] Zai Lynch: =)
- [12:38 SLT] Simone Linden: Well , then it is no problem :)
- [12:39 SLT] Simone Linden: I'll be happy to do that.
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: how much changes do we need, what do you guys think?
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: (in order to make it better)
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden:
- [12:40 SLT] Torben Trautman: brb
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: Have a look at this page, please
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: We want to try to make it more user friendly
- [12:40 SLT] Gren Yifu: good
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: to group the articles in a better way
- [12:41 SLT] Zai Lynch: I'm not sure but we need something like an "account" and something like a "group" category, which we don't have atm
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: I agree, Zai
- [12:42 SLT] Simone Linden: We need the most important ones only
- [12:42 SLT] Simone Linden: Avatar, Land, L$, Communicate
- [12:42 SLT] Simone Linden: Avatar would contain articles like movement, appearance
- [12:43 SLT] Simone Linden: -I am jsut thinking out loud
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: at the moment, we got avatar and navigation
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: and land
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: don#t have one for L$
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: but communication we got as well
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: so we'd add L$, Group and Account?
- [12:44 SLT] Simone Linden: Account and L$ should maybe be one category?
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: we can name the cat "Account & L$"
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: yep
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: mewo
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: meow
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: otherwise it wouldn't be obvious that L$ stuff is in account
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: :)
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: *purrs*
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: that's right. I just don't want to have too many categories
- [12:45 SLT] Torben Trautman: ok back
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: wb Torben
- [12:45 SLT] Torben Trautman: ty :)
- [12:46 SLT] Simone Linden: Account & L$, Groups, Avatars, Land
- [12:46 SLT] Danica Linden: well, there is the whole "New to SL? Look at these articles",
- [12:46 SLT] Simone Linden: what else?
- [12:46 SLT] Danica Linden: "Manage your account", "Manage your L$", "Land", "Groups
- [12:47 SLT] Danica Linden: right, Avatars
- [12:47 SLT] Danica Linden: and maybe "Creating in SL"
- [12:47 SLT] Danica Linden: anywho, you guys know better
- [12:47 SLT] Simone Linden: lol
- [12:47 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:47 SLT] Gren Yifu: ;)
- [12:47 SLT] Zai Lynch: how to name the beginners cat?
- [12:48 SLT] Simone Linden: Erste Schritte?
- [12:48 SLT] Simone Linden: Neu bei SL?
- [12:48 SLT] Torben Trautman: SL für Einsteiger
- [12:48 SLT] Zai Lynch: Am besten was kurzes, damit es in den header passt. von daher is "Erste Schritte" glaube bisher am besten?
- [12:49 SLT] Torben Trautman nickt
- [12:49 SLT] Simone Linden: ok
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: sorry, I was only on IM. I just now see you, Zai, you look like me more and more every day
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: hehe
- [12:49 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe ^_^
- [12:49 SLT] Lara Shepherd: lol
- [12:49 SLT] Simone Linden: lol
- [12:49 SLT] Gren Yifu: lach
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: hehe
- [12:49 SLT] Zai Lynch: I need to grow me some horns ^^
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: your ears are way better
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: they move nicely
- [12:50 SLT] Danica Linden: horns come with age
- [12:50 SLT] Danica Linden: don't rush it ;o)
- [12:50 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hehe
- [12:50 SLT] Simone Linden: rofl
- [12:50 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^_^
- [12:50 SLT] Gren Yifu: oh noo
- [12:50 SLT] Gren Yifu: :)
- [12:51 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok, I'll create "Account & L$", "Erste Schritte" and "Gruppen" ?
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: So we got "Erste Schritte" (New to SL) just adding the English in brackets for Danica
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: danke
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Konto & L$ (Account and L$)
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Gruppen
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Land
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Avatar
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Bauen
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: I have my Google MT turned on here so y'll can talk in German if you'd like :)
- [12:51 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ooooo
- [12:52 SLT] Simone Linden: Waht do you get for Liebe Genossen in Moskau?
- [12:53 SLT] Simone Linden: Do we have all covered with above cats?
- [12:53 SLT] Danica Linden: meow...
- [12:54 SLT] Zai Lynch: I think so. we got "abuse" articles too, but i guess they are so few, that we can put em in "misc"
- [12:54 SLT] Danica Linden: i think that's good
- [12:54 SLT] Simone Linden: Good.
- [12:54 SLT] Lara Shepherd: Hmmm, maybe Skripting as well, so I would name maybe the category with Bauen together. Maybe something like Creating instead of Building?
- [12:54 SLT] Lara Shepherd: sorry, sounds crazy, lol
- [12:54 SLT] Danica Linden: I like creating
- [12:55 SLT] Lara Shepherd: yes, as you can create animations, textures etc.
- [12:55 SLT] Danica Linden: "Creating"
- [12:55 SLT] Simone Linden: what do we use in German
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: scripting is part of the LSL Portal. hm... we got something for building *looks*
- [12:55 SLT] Simone Linden: Erstellen?
- [12:55 SLT] Lara Shepherd: Erstellen
- [12:55 SLT] Lara Shepherd: hmmm
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: I think it's part of the "object" category
- [12:55 SLT] Simone Linden: Bauen/Skripting
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: Bauen & Objekte?
- [12:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: No scripting. scripting is @
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: oki
- [12:56 SLT] Lara Shepherd: yes, but some article about it are in the KB
- [12:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm...
- [12:56 SLT] Lara Shepherd: not many, just a few
- [12:57 SLT] Simone Linden: and those are currently in Objekte?
- [12:57 SLT] Lara Shepherd: we didn't translate any of them yet I think
- [12:57 SLT] Zai Lynch: we don't have any translated atm /me thinks. so we can wait what the doc team comes up with in late june / early july?
- [12:57 SLT] Simone Linden: oh, I see.
- [12:57 SLT] Lara Shepherd: under creating --> coding scripts
- [12:57 SLT] Simone Linden: Ok.
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: I think that is fine.
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: We can wait with those until July....
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: There are enough other articles to translate for ow.
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: *now
- [12:59 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah, scripting / creating articles are not as high priority as stuff around AO, land, 1st user experience and such...
- [12:59 SLT] Lara Shepherd: just was a thought when we get one day to all articles (!) to translate, we could amke the category larger as creating means building, scripting, filming, texture etc. :) But doc team will habe the answer
- [12:59 SLT] Lara Shepherd: sorry for typos, lolol
- [12:59 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: too much beer
- [13:00 SLT] Lore Lamont: too much beer
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: lol
- [13:00 SLT] Lore Lamont: :))
- [13:00 SLT] Lara Shepherd: LOL
- [13:00 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: lol
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: Yes, it is going to be interesting to see what the doc team is going to do with the categories
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: I think we have a good solution for now.
- [13:01 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [13:01 SLT] Lara Shepherd: yes
- [13:01 SLT] Torben Trautman: I gotta go :(
- [13:01 SLT] Lara Shepherd: oh
- [13:01 SLT] Torben Trautman: have a great evening everybody
- [13:01 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: Ok.
- [13:01 SLT] Torben Trautman waves
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: It is late
- [13:01 SLT] Lara Shepherd: you too torben, hugs
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: Bye Torben!
- [13:01 SLT] Danica Linden: you too, torben
- [13:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: cyas torben =)
- [13:01 SLT] Danica Linden: great seeing you!!!!
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: Thanks for all your help!
- [13:01 SLT] Lore Lamont: tschüss torben ㋡
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: thank you very much everyong!
- [13:02 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: I just figured out that I can be at two places at a time
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: Are there any more questions?
- [13:02 SLT] Lara Shepherd: lol
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: LOL
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: OK, guys, I have to run too but just wanted to stop by and say hi
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: I'll see you soon
- [13:02 SLT] Lara Shepherd: yes, to one article I am testing. Do you have time for that?
- [13:02 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: bye Miss Danica
- [13:02 SLT] Lore Lamont: bye danica ㋡
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: bye Danica!!
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: big hug to everyone
- [13:02 SLT] Lara Shepherd: See you Danica!!!
- [13:02 SLT] Zai Lynch waves
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: Thanks for coming!!!!
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: by Jewell :)
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: ciao!!!!
- [13:02 SLT] Zai Lynch: cyas =)
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Lara, you had a question regarding an article.... but I have to run now, too... can you send me an email?
- [13:03 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ja, kann ich :)
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Danke
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: :)
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay, liebe Leute... dann ist Schluss für heute :)
- [13:03 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok, dann mach ich mich auch. bin grad mal wieder nich zuhause *wink* =)
- [13:03 SLT] Jewell Laryukov: nacht alle ㋡
- [13:04 SLT] Lore Lamont: bis dann
- [13:04 SLT] Lara Shepherd: ok, NAcht zusammen und bis demnächst
- [13:04 SLT] Lore Lamont: adios ㋡
- [13:04 SLT] Simone Linden: ciao!!!
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