User:Tid Kidd/Use Tips

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Useful tips to get money

  • (i) low pay You can actually get paid for doing nothing in SL! Well, for nothing more than sitting in a chair or dancing on a dance pad or wielding a mop. Mall- and club-owners like 'traffic' to their places (nothing worse than a place where no-one goes!) and are prepared to make small payments - typically a few L$ per hour - for residents to come along and sit or dance on their "premises". Look out too for money trees, with low-value bills among the leaves, or maybe fruit that pays out money. Search > All, type in CAMPING or MONEY TREES and teleport to any places in the list
  • (ii) medium pay You can be paid for completing online surveys. These are usually based at special ATMs, and involve you giving your email address and answering questions that are consumer- or market-research based. (If you are going to do these, I recommend that you get a hotmail for the purpose, as you may well end up getting spam). Not all the surveys you do actually pay out, so the more you do the more chance of actually getting L$. Two of the biggest survey hosts in SL are Money Island and hippie pay, which you can find with Search > Places
  • (iii) higher pay You can get work as a nightclub dancer or as an escort. This is often work that is of a "sexual" nature, though it is up to you how far you take it. (And the higher you take it, the better the pay, of course). As well as your basic pay, there are tips, which can boost your earnings. Search > All, type in JOBS, study the list, teleport anywhere that interests you and have a look around; if there is no-one there, make a note of the Owner or Manager and send them an IM telling them about yourself and what you are prepared to do
  • (iv) competitions and prizes There are opportunities to win money - sometimes BIG money - by entering SL competitions. Look out for these - it may simply be a DJ at your favourite nightclub running a "Best In..." avatar competition, or "Name That Tune", for instant prizes.
  • (v) the easy way You can buy Linden dollars with your own cash. The exchange rate varies, but you should be able to get a bit over 250 L$ for 1 USD. Once you have your payment details set up with LL, use the tiny blue button (top right of your screen) to buy L$ inworld
  • (vi) the long road Ultimately, though, the biggest immersion in SL is by joining the builders, artists and artisans, designers, shopkeepers, photographers, writers, all those who provide skilled and professional services. These residents may even come to make a RL career out of what they do in SL, and earn their RL living, or at least part of it. For this, you will need to do your market research just as you would have to in Real Life. Ask yourself, "What are my particular talents?", "Is there an obvious gap in the market for something?", "Could I do something that few others are doing here?", "Have I got something to sell?"

An introduction to Land

Many people either want or need to have a stake in Second Life by owning their own piece of land, even if that simply means renting an apartment. And if you intend to run a business in Second Life involving creating and selling things, property is absolutely essential. There are basically three ways to have a 'base' in the form of land, or somewhere to live:

  • (i) Owning land The only true way to actually own a piece of Second Life is to buy land from Linden Lab, often referred to as Mainland. To do this you need to have a Premium Account (paid) - upgrade via the website if you only have a Basic Account. There a few points to note:
    1. ALL land has to be bought - this can be via auctions on the website, or via the Land Sales tab in Search; prices vary according to desirability
    2. all land apart from your first 512 sq.m carries a monthly land fee also known as tier - these fees are listed on the website; tiering up means increasing your land holding and therefore how much you pay in land fees
    3. within reason, there are no restrictions on what you can do with your mainland - which can work either for or against you, depending on what your neighbours decide to do with theirs
  • (ii) Leasing land People will tell you that you can "own" land using a Basic Account, and up to a point this is true. But... your "purchase" is not from LL but an existing landowner, who may have bought land specifically to parcel it out and make a profit. This private landowner is still responsible to LL for the land fees, and you will be paying a share of these, but in a private deal with the landowner, not LL. There is no security of land tenure, as the landowner could sell their holding and the new owner decide to take it all over without notice. If this begins to sound like paying rent, rather than ownership, then that is essentially what it is. The advantages:
    1. there is often a Covenant with the sale that prevents the land from being developed for example, so the sim keeps a certain character
    2. the seller may be a Group they belong to (the issue of Groups, land, and deeding land is too complex to cover here)
    3. a lease "owner" retains the power to "sell" on the land to someone else, including back to the actual landowner
  • (iii) Renting property As well as apartments, plots (parcels) of land can be rented - these are straightforward arrangements with a landowner whereby the rent is paid to them for a specific period of time, after which the arrangement can usually be continued unless stated in advance.

To find out details about the land in any area of Second Life you're in, use the World menu > About Land.., or double click the region name at the top of your screen. The About Land window has a lot of detailed information in various tabs, including details of whether the land is for sale - if it is, an offer to buy can usually be made right there and then.

Each region supports a certain number of prims (the basic unit of building in Second Life), and once these are used up, no more are available for use. Anything you are wearing when you go somewhere does not count towards this allowance. Objects which are rezzed on land where it is allowed (e.g. Sandboxes) often have an auto-return function apply to them, whereby they are returned to your inventory (Lost and Found folder) after a specified time period. The About Land window gives all this information and much more.

Most landowners will not let you rezz objects on their land. Purchases can usually be rezzed instore, or else you will need to find a Sandbox (there is one on every Help Island). Usually too, you cannot set your Home to somewhere unless it is an InfoHub, or your own land, or a friend or Group has given you that privilege. You can most often Create a Landmark Here, but there a some private places that will not allow even that.

There is very much more about land - and many good articles - in the Second Life Knowledge Base on this (you can find this via the Support link on the website).

My first visit to a club

There are many nightclubs in Second Life, and there are similarities in the kind of features you will find in them. First you need to ensure your music button is enabled:

  • (i) Enabling audio Click Edit > Preferences > Audio & Video, and make sure that Play Streaming Audio... is checked. Ok this and close Preferences; then, whenever you are in a region where audio is being streamed, a small music button (with a Play / Pause symbol) will appear at the bottom of the viewer. Clicking the Play symbol will let you hear the music.
  • (ii) Dancing There will sometimes be a board or sign telling you to click it for dancing, but if not, just look overhead - one of the large rotating balls there should be a danceball; right-click it and then follow the instructions you will get via blue popups top right (you will get at least one, which will ask ...animate your avatar?. Click Yes (or Ok), and you will find your avatar is dancing, and will continue to dance until you click the sign, board, danceball again. Don't teleport away from the club while still dancing! This will make it difficult for you to stop dancing.
  • (iii) Sploders You used to be able to make a small gamble in clubs, by placing an amount of money in a sploder, a device that at a certain point, "exploded" and paid out most of "the pot" to some - or all - of the gamblers. You might get more or less than you paid in. Second Life does not permit any form of gambling now, so those old sploders are outlawed. However, if there is an element of skill involved, then sploders are still legal - for example some wait until a certain number of residents have paid in, then begin a predetermined countdown, paying the biggest share to the last person to pay in, and a much smaller payout to the others. The art is to calculate when the countdown is about to finish and then pay in; as this is subject to lag, you could argue that the gamble element is still very much a part of it!
  • (iv) Tips There will usually be a DJ, there may also be dancers. These are residents who are doing a job of work to entertain you - it is good practice to tip them, though if you have very little money (as a new resident), even just 5L$ is acceptable.
  • (v) Trivia There may be a trivia machine, asking questions and acknowledging the first person to type the correct answer into the Chat. Some of these pay out a small prize for a correct answer, others are "just for fun".
  • (vi) Competitions Often clubs will run a "Best In ... (black / red / swimwear / Wild West / Star Wars / you name it)" competition. Usually these have to be entered by clicking a special competition board. And usually, the winners are decided by democratic vote (not something I like, I have to admit). There is pretty much always a money prize for the winner(s).

So, nightclubs are a good way to have fun and meet people when you are a new resident. If you like the look of one, but find it is a little bit clicquey, don't worry, most places welcome newcomers and the DJs and hosts are friendly people.

Other useful tips and solutions to problems

  • There's a map on my screen - I can't get rid of it! When you start doing tutorials in Second Life, you get a Tutorial HUD on your screen until you have completed the tutorials. Meanwhile if you go to Help Island, and can't get back to your Orientation, you are stuck with this HUD open, cluttering your screen. To get rid of it, right-click the HUD, and from the circular menu that comes up, choose Detach.
  • General problems : clearing cache - If you suddenly find problems with your inventory, or appearance, or just annoying general irritations that suddenly appear one day (they weren't there yesterday...), then the first thing to suspect is that your SL cache has grown too large and needs emptying: it needs this doing at least monthly if you're a regular user. Do the following....
    • Edit > Preferences > Network > Clear Cache
    • then relog immediately after
  • Inventory : WORN If ever you want to know exactly what you are wearing (clothes, hair, attachments, whatever), then click on your Inventory button, and at the top where there is a field to input text, type WORN. Everything worn or attached to your avatar will appear in a list, but nothing else. And you can then right-click on anything in the list and Detach it if you want.
  • I can't see myself! - If you are in the Edit Appearance pose you may find yourself staring at the back of your avatar's head when what you really want is the front. If you go into View menu and check Camera Controls, a tiny box with 2 blue circles and a bar will live on your screen until you remove it (I keep mine on permanently). Using these give you all the control that alt + arrows gives you, and you can see yourself from all angles at all times and in all places.
  • Suffering typing lag? - Is it soooo slooow typing that you are waiting half an eternity for each letter to appear? Much better to keep Notepad or TextEdit open - type into a new blank document, then keep cutting and pasting from there into SL. Believe me, it's quicker, much quicker!
  • I can't fly higher than 250 metres - Nothing's wrong - this is SL's "altitude cap". What you need is a flight feather or a flight band which will let you fly as high as you like (many newbie help packs and starter kits contain one - ask a mentor). And on the subject of flying high...
  • Slow rezzing? - You know the one - you've logged in, but your hair isn't there, or something else is missing. Try one of the following:
  1. Fly up and keep going until you get over 250 metres. Keep going until you have rezzed ok then just fly back down again.
  2. Try finding a quiet sim - often a lack of lag helps to rezz fully.
  3. Go into Edit Appearance briefly, then out again.
  4. Accept it and simply wait patiently.
  • Teleport problems - If you find that you can't tp, again try flying up as high as you can, then tp from there. A second alternative is to Search for Pooley on the Map, tp to there, then see if you can tp from Pooley to where you want to go. (Low lag sims are easier to tp to and from).
  • Wearing hats makes me bald! - Yes, LOL. That is because only one item at a time can be attached to an attachment point, e.g., your skull. So wearing some hats will "chase" your hair away. The solution? Detach the hat, re-wear your hair, and then find the hat again in your inventory. Now, instead of right-click > Wear, choose right-click > Attach To > and attach the hat to an unoccupied spot on your head, e.g. your nose. That will look very odd, so then right-click on the hat itself, choose Edit and use Position and Rotate to get the hat exactly where you want it, using a posing stand if necessary. (If your new hat doesn't make you bald, then it already attaches to a different point so leave well alone...)
  • Client menu - what is that? - You will hear people talking about the Client menu a lot, you look at your menus and you say "But I haven't got a Client menu!". You need to activate it the first time, by pressing Ctrl-Alt-D (Ctrl-Opt-D on Mac). There are many useful commands for the technically less wary, but perhaps the most useful is Client > Character > Rebake Textures (another thing you will hear a lot is people talking about is rebaking - it simply means that sometimes, although you look fine to yourself, other people don't see you right, especially after teleports; then you need to rebake, which is like a refresh.)
  • My avatar is all black! - You are almost certainly using two monitors, and running SL on the non-primary monitor. You need to take as many of the following steps as you need to, to cure the problem:
  1. disconnect Second Life from the non-primary monitor and ensure it is running only on the primary monitor
  2. clear cache (Edit > Preferences > Network > Clear Cache), then relog
  3. if necessary, fix your avatar (re-Wear the avatar from inventory, or wear a new skin for example)
  4. if necessary, relog a 2nd time - you should be fixed by now.
  • Torley Linden's Tip Of The Week - If you are already signed up to the Linden Blog, you will know about these. If not, go to your account on the SL website and sign up - some of the tips are quite advanced, but if you keep them they will be a useful resource in the future.

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