User:Torley Linden/Draft

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Do you want to photograph gorgeous scenes like this?


Inworld photography is one of the most popular hobbies inside Second Life, and getting started is as easy as clicking a single button. This guide will quickly run you through achieving great results in minutes.

Taking your first snapshots

  1. As shown in the video, in the Viewer's Advanced mode, simply click the Snapshot (camera icon) button on your toolbar.
  2. In the SNAPSHOT PREVIEW window, choose Save to my computer.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. A file browse window appears. Choose your location — like on your desktop — and save it there.

Now, every subsequent time you Save a snapshot during this session, it gets saved to the same location. If you want to change locations, restart the Viewer.

You should also open the snapshot in your operating system to make sure it turned out fine.

KBtip2.png Tip: Snapshots saved to disk automatically have a number appended to them. For example, "Snapshot_001.png, Snapshot_002.png, Snapshot_003.png", and so on.

Use a shortcut

There's a faster way than repeatedly clicking the toolbar's Snapshot button: press Ctrl+`. This bypasses the SNAPSHOT PREVIEW and saves to disk directly.

Change what you see

OK, so how do you change your camera angle? Since a snapshot is taken of whatever you see:

  1. Click the toolbar's View button to bring up the camera (Orbit Zoom Pan) controls.
  2. Click the controls to change your view. As you get more advanced, you'll want to try keyboard shortcuts for each of these.
KBtip2.png Tip: To get an easy shot of your avatar's face, click the Eye icon to show Preset Views, then click Front View.

More options

In the SNAPSHOT PREVIEW window, click More to reveal additional choices. Here's what each one of them does when Save to my computer is selected:

  • Size - Default is Current Window. If you change the size, it may only capture part of the visible Viewer area, as shown in the preview thumbnail. Torley usually leaves this alone, since he prefers to crop in an external image editor. If
  • Format - Default is PNG. Torley recommends PNG as the best balance for archiving snapshots in a web-friendly and relatively compact format. JPEG degrades image quality (plus, you can always convert PNG to JPEG) and BMP is an old format incompatible with the web, and uses bigger file size. Unless you know what you're doing, leave this alone.
  • Width - Change this if you want to change t
  • Height -
  • Constrain proportions -
  • Capture -
    • Interface -
    • HUDs -
  • Keep open after saving -
  • Freeze frame (fullscreen) -
  • Auto-refresh -

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