User:Tourmaline Falken/The Ultimate Multi-Bug Fix

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Multi-bug fix

Despite much in-world laughter and sometimes derision, a thorough clear cache with character test can clear a multitude of SL issues, including appearing as clouds, semi-rezzed, "ruthed", clothing issues (where people see you wearing different clothes to what you see on your screen), SL Voice issues/faults, etc. It's worth trying these instructions first for any and all SL bugs and problems - many people find it solves their issue. I have had consistent good feedback about the efficacy of this method of solving problems, and I would be interested to hear about good or bad results from anyone who tries this.

*PLEASE NOTE: For best results, it is important to follow all the steps methodically and in the order in which they appear!

Character Test and Clear Cache Instructions

1. Go to a low lag sim, for example "Welsh", at the landmark below. This is IMPORTANT to allow you to rez easily and for these instructions to work properly.

2. ( If you can't see yourself (your avatar is a cloud), skip this step.) If you *can* see yourself (your avatar is not a cloud), first make a default outfit from your current avatar and clothes. Click the Shirt icon at the side of the screen to bring up the My Appearance window. Click "Save As" at the bottom of the window. Give your outfit a name (like Default Outfit), and click OK.

3. Remove all your objects and clothes. (Right click on your avatar, choose Take Off, then click Clothes - All Clothes. Then again Take Off, then Detach All.)

4. Look for the Develop menu at the top of the screen. If you don't see it, hold down ctrl+alt+d to bring up the Advanced Menu along the top of the screen. When you see the Advanced Menu appear, click on it, scroll down to "Show Develop Menu" and click on that. The Develop Menu will appear next to the Advanced Menu.

5. Click Develop - Avatar - Character Tests - Test Male or Female. Your avatar will return to the original simple version.

6. Reduce your graphics to help with reloading when you log back in. Go to Me - Preferences - Graphics (or Avatar - Preferences - Graphics in Firestorm), and move the Quality and Speed slider to Low.

7. Clear your cache by clicking Me - Preferences - Advanced (or Avatar - Preferences - Network and Cache in Firestorm), then the Clear Cache button.

8. Relog. It may take a few minutes to log back in while the client clears your cache.

9. When you log back in, go straight into Edit Shape (Right click on your avatar - Edit Shape) and sit there for a few minutes while everything in your inventory and on the sim loads properly. Open your inventory window, and type and type a single random letter, such as A, in the search bar at the top and hit return to encourage it to load quickly. If it slows down or stops loading, type a different letter until it is completely loaded. Be patient! :)

10. Type "Default" into your inventory search bar (or whatever you called your saved outfit). Right click on the folder and choose "Replace outfit". Or find your skin and shape, etc in your inventory and wear it again.

If this does not solve your problem, try the Knowledge Base on the SL website at: