Voice recording/Legal issues

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Emblem-important.png Important! DISCLAIMER

The simplest, surest way to assure a legal recorded call is to get the consent of all involved parties. You also need to be aware of Linden Lab's Terms of Service and Community Standards, especially "Disclosure".

The following is not legal advice and it is not approved by Linden Lab; the contained info was either posted by fellow Residents or found elsewhere on the Internet, which doesn't guarantee its accuracy. Do not rely on the following. Please sure all statements are linked to reference sources.

This article or section is missing vital information. You can help the SL Wiki by editing it.

United States

It is illegal to record electronic communication without consent of all parties, in these United States: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Washington.

All those states have both criminal penalties and allow civil suits.

Of those, only Florida and Washington do not have additional penalties for disclosing or publishing the information (uploading).

(per the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press)

Also see:

United Kingdom

You may not make recorded communication available to a third party without consent of the people you are recording. (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 ("RIPA"))


All States and Territories prohibit recording private conversations of others and also prohibit publishing a recording (uploading). (The Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979)
