WindLight/Office Hours/2008-03-04

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Revision as of 02:11, 12 March 2008 by Phli Foxchase (talk | contribs)
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norritt Xi: okay Pastrami, got some news concerning the 8800GTX freeze bug.
Zen Linden: sweet! go!
norritt Xi: I didn't freeze since I turned of FSAA
Pastrami Linden: has it been dead since 8:00am?
DukeSean Westland: hi every one
DukeSean Westland: can you hear me
Pastrami Linden: we can see your typing
Pastrami Linden: :)
DukeSean Westland: losers]
norritt Xi: I'll turn it back on and se if it occurs
Zen Linden: cool norrit. If I can repro it here (i've been working on other bugs), i'll get it to NVIDIA asap
norritt Xi: I got also another theory
Pastrami Linden: [8:15] Keisha Ninetails: windlight updates have been slowing down, does this mean the small bugs are squashed and it's just a few biggies left before it goes rc?
Pastrami Linden: Keisha, yeah, something like that
Pastrami Linden: actually RC is like moments away
Pastrami Linden: :)
Spaceman Opus: :-)
Spaceman Opus: yay!
Damian Delacroix: Really? That's awesome.
Keisha Ninetails: moments as in go to bed and wake up and it's in RC?
Pastrami Linden: something like that ;)
Spaceman Opus: or moments as in when we finish here
Pastrami Linden: the first one
Spaceman Opus: worth a shot
Spaceman Opus: :-)
Keisha Ninetails: so by tomorrow?
norritt Xi: The GTX chip temperature is between 75°C idle and 85 sometimes 90°C on full load. Though nVidia says thats okay that was to high for me. The cooler runs most of the time at 66% even if the gpu is at 80° so I got the rivatuner and set the cooler speed fixed on 100%. Now I'm running at 75° full load.
Pastrami Linden: I can neither confirm nor deny aything stated here
Zen Linden: interesting... wondering if that plus aa is causing the occlusion query stalls
Damian Delacroix: It's been so long since I've used the standard browser.. but I tend to wear a lot of prim heavy avatars.. and crossing sim borders, or sometimes just landing in sim, my avatar breaks up.. is that something in First Look?
Pastrami Linden: [8:19] Pam Yumako: chief who is the Conf need in the Computer for play windlight with no lag and Problems?
Damian Delacroix: ROFL.. just saw the blinking sign. I sit way too low. :)
Pastrami Linden: Pam, I believe you are asking me, the chef, what comp is recommended?
Pam Yumako: yes
Pastrami Linden: well, see our recommended machine page:
Zen Linden: NVIDIA 8800 is a great card to have
Pastrami Linden: and yes, Zen just finished it for me
Pam Yumako: i already have that conf but o don't know why i have problems
BigPapi Linden: I personally recommend the "Voodoo 5"
BigPapi Linden: Kidding ^
Pastrami Linden:
Zen Linden: papi, you are a sick, sick human being
Damian Delacroix: VooDoo.. something that hasn't been around in years..
Zen Linden: although voodoo + quake3 = awesome
BigPapi Linden: hehe. Or the Riva TNT. ;)
Damian Delacroix: Yeah, that would work. ;-D
Zen Linden: Riva TNT2
Pam Yumako: oO
Zen Linden: good card
BigPapi Linden: Yeah stay away from the tnt as well. :)
Pastrami Linden: The Rivs McIntyre Platinum Extreme Gamer X
Pastrami Linden: ^Riva
Pastrami Linden: queue is empty
norritt Xi: Any date scheduled for the next WL release ?
BigPapi Linden: Soon.
Pastrami Linden: oh yeah, SOON
Pastrami Linden: [8:26] Keisha Ninetails: what big bugs are you guys still having the most issues with?
Pastrami Linden: Zen, why don't you answer?
Pastrami Linden: then I will too
Zen Linden: bugs
Zen Linden: having a hard time STILL reproing a few
Zen Linden: the ati triangle ickiness
Zen Linden: I'll be hitting that more, today
Zen Linden: also what norritt and I were talking about
Zen Linden: freezes on TP with some NVIDIA 8800s
Zen Linden: largely what i see from my perspective
Keisha Ninetails: outside the normal forced relogs?
norritt Xi: Yeah I guess were getting closer though
Zen Linden: is compatability issues
Pastrami Linden: I was going to say that the biggest concern now is crashes and stalls
Zen Linden: yep
Pastrami Linden: which will be our next major focus
Pastrami Linden: [8:26] norritt Xi: Well if queue is empty... I got a question about compiling windlight I'm converting it to work with VS2005EE...
Pastrami Linden: shoot
norritt Xi: Okay I bugged Zen yesterday already with that
Zen Linden: compiling?
norritt Xi: I had issues with bison first I could resolve that ... was the bison.simple being located in the wrong dir
Zen Linden: ah
norritt Xi: I got one error left
Zen Linden: the cygwin dependency is rough at times
norritt Xi: I get a file ytab.cpp.output
Zen Linden: yep
norritt Xi: But no ytab.cpp
BigPapi Linden: that gets generated
norritt Xi: No actually it doesn't
norritt Xi: 2>------ Build started: Project: lscript_compile, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>Compiling... 2>ytab.cpp 2>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '.\ytab.cpp': No such file or directory 2>Build log was saved at "file://h:\sl\wl\linden\indra\lscript\lscript_compile\Release\BuildLog.htm" 2>lscript_compile - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) 3>------ Build started: Project: newview, Configuration: ReleaseForDownload Win32 ------ 3>Executing pre-build batch file 3>master: 3>current: h:\sl\wl\linden\scripts\messages\message_template.msg 3>Refreshing master cache from 3>--- PASS --- 3>Newer 3> in message GroupProposalBallot: is more deprecated: UDPDeprecated vs. NotDeprecated in base 3> in message AgentDropGroup: is more deprecated: UDPDeprecated vs. NotDeprecated in base 3> in message ScriptRunningReply: is more deprecated: UDPDeprecated vs. NotDeprecated in base
Zen Linden: is the cygwin bin dir in your executables dir for vc2005?
BigPapi Linden: Sounds like the lex / bison pre-reqs still haven't been setup properly for your build
norritt Xi: Yes I only get one comiling error
BigPapi Linden: The first error is ytab, which relates to lex / bison through cygwin
Zen Linden: you don't have byacc installed as well do you? I've seen conflict problems with that
norritt Xi: No I've got the cygwin installed and the unixutils package
norritt Xi: I followed the instructions on the wiki I also dowloaded the recommended software
BigPapi Linden: norrit, you're either missing something from the cygwin install, have something extra installed that's conflicting in cygwin, or haven't setup the directories properly in Visual Studio.
Eirynne Sieyes: can i get the software link again. it didn't open
BigPapi Linden: Either way, the problem lies in how you've configured cygwin
Brad Linden suggests opening up the BuildLog.htm that visual studio spits out and looking at the exact command line for lex/yacc that's failing
Pastrami Linden: [8:29] Zacg Walworth: is secondlife.... i dont know... how do you get involved with it? [8:29] Zacg Walworth: is it just flying around and talking with other people?
Pastrami Linden: audience, care to answer this one?
Pastrami Linden: :)
Zen Linden: Zacg, try building. Try scripting
AC: try visiting
Pastrami Linden: [8:37] AC: Did you have a look on Realxtend ?
Pastrami Linden: oh yeah, sure did
AC: They use Ogre
Jeremy Linden: Link to a whole lot of video tutorials:
Zen Linden: we love ogre
AC: I didn't try it myself
Brad Linden should get an ogre avatar
AC: but everybody say they have dynamic shaders
Eirynne Sieyes: Ouuu good stuff!
Pastrami Linden: shaders or shadows?
AC: shadows sorry
BigPapi Linden: I saw shadowing of avatars, but no general scene shadows.
BigPapi Linden: But that was from the videos.
AC: ok
Pastrami Linden: [8:40] Keisha Ninetails: when are region/estate level sky and water presets going to be added to the region/estate settings?
Pastrami Linden: once we get the crash rate down and WL has been in release for a while
Keisha Ninetails: release or RC?
Pastrami Linden: release
Pastrami Linden: :)
Keisha Ninetails: oki
Zen Linden: headed to a doc appt. See y'all soon!
Keisha Ninetails: have fun
Incredible Tomorrow: am not here
Pastrami Linden: queue empty
Keisha Ninetails: no it's not
Keisha Ninetails: c'mon, it's not like I'm asking for your phone number or anything
Pastrami Linden: [8:47] Keisha Ninetails: ok, what if I asked, which LSL functions for glow will be added? [8:47] Keisha Ninetails: AND, will it affect particles?
Pastrami Linden: BigPapi?
Pastrami Linden: or Brad
BigPapi Linden: No idea, I haven't seen that LSL code.
Brad Linden: hold on, looking...
Brad Linden: here's the draft release notes for that feature:
Brad Linden: New features and changes: * VWR-3114 : WindLight: Make glow scriptable added PRIM_GLOW flag for llGetPrimitiveParams, llSetPrimitiveParams, llSetLinkPrimitiveParams
Keisha Ninetails: so no llSetGlow() or llGetGlow()?
Brad Linden: not at this time
Keisha Ninetails: oki
Pastrami Linden: alright all, as there are no more questions, I'm going to wind this down
Pastrami Linden: 10
Pastrami Linden: 9
Pastrami Linden: 8
Pastrami Linden: 7
Pastrami Linden: 6
Pastrami Linden: 5
Jeremy Linden straps in.
Pastrami Linden: 4
Pastrami Linden: 3
Pastrami Linden: 2
Pastrami Linden: 3
Pastrami Linden: 4
Pastrami Linden: 3
queenbeeUAE Akina: omg
Pastrami Linden: 2
Pastrami Linden: 3
Pastrami Linden: 2
Pastrami Linden: 1
BigPapi Linden: 4
Pastrami Linden: laterz