Release Notes/Second Life Beta Server/1.32

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1.32.1 (2009-11-12)

  • Several simulator crash scenarios fixed
  • SVC-4984 - PosJump broken in some server 1.32 regions
  • Fixed: 'Teleport home' function treats all homeless users as Mature
  • Fixed: Feeding llSetBuoyancy a nonexistent number seriously breaks physics

1.32.0 (2009-10-21)

  • SVC-4910 - Cannot adjust positioning of attached prims
  • Fixed issue where users without Home Location default to Hau Koda (2009-10-20)

  • VWR-13202 - Right clicking mouse triggers arrow key control events
  • SVC-185 - llParticleSystem (and others) "picky" about types
  • SVC-580 - Add constants for ATTACH_LEFT_PEC and ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC with correct values
  • SVC-3860 - llStopAnimation("prejump") freezes avatar
  • SVC-3819 - "Top Scripts" in estate tools is inaccurate
  • Fixed slow object auto-return
  • Fixed positioning objects underground by resizing
  • Fixed bugs in HTTP-in URL accounting[1]
  • Added back-end support for improved tracking of script memory usage
  • Security fixes