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- {{LSL_Function/de <lsl>663 bytes (85 words) - 14:20, 26 September 2013
- {{LSL Header/de}} == Willkommen im Second Life LSL Portal! ==9 KB (1,149 words) - 06:44, 27 March 2015
- {{LSL Function/fr |p2_type=float|p2_name=vitesse|p2_desc=vitesse de rotation (radians par seconde)2 KB (355 words) - 11:51, 25 December 2010
- {{LSL Header{{#var:lang}}}} __NOTOC__ == ¡Bienvenido al Portal de LSL de Second Life! ==8 KB (1,012 words) - 20:57, 3 January 2011
- |p3_type=integer|p3_name=taillex|p3_desc=Taille de l'axe horizontal (ignoré pour les modes [[ROTATE/fr|ROTATE]] et [[SCALE/fr |p4_type=integer|p4_name=tailley|p4_desc=Taille de l'axe vertical (ignoré pour les modes [[ROTATE/fr|ROTATE]] et [[SCALE/fr|S4 KB (617 words) - 01:04, 3 April 2012
- {{LSL Header|ml=*}} __NOTOC__ == Benvinguts al Portal de Second Life LSL! ==7 KB (884 words) - 10:52, 25 June 2010
- ...tor|p1_name=offset|p1_desc=Décalage du point d'assise dans le repére local de la prim ...tation|p2_name=rot|p2_desc=Rotation du point d'assise dans le repére local de la prim4 KB (566 words) - 04:02, 1 September 2010
- {{LSL Function/color/fr}}{{LSL Function/alpha/fr}}{{LSL_Function/fr|func_id=229|func_sleep=0.0|func_energyègles|p1_desc=Les effets de particules sont gérés à l'aide d'une série de règles communiquées dans une liste au format [règle-1, donnée-1, règle23 KB (3,532 words) - 03:29, 21 September 2010
- ...culation intensive ones.''' The Linden Scripting Language ( [[LSL Portal | LSL]] ) has not changed in any way<span class="TablePager_nav">[[#FAQ-Differenc == How LSL scripts work ==19 KB (3,174 words) - 05:25, 24 September 2022
- ..., should we be looking to do to our model that effects "Download" and what effects "Server", so we know the difference, in more laymen like terms, and how we ...Zed de Tremont (zed.tremont)]{{#ifexist: User:Zed de Tremont| ''[[User:Zed de Tremont|(User's Wiki Page)]]''|}}89 KB (11,466 words) - 12:15, 26 November 2012
- ...nden]]: SVC-6426 integer *= float sets the interger to 0 when compiled as LSL. *=|integer *=]]: float sets the interger to 0 when compiled as LSL.56 KB (8,332 words) - 13:52, 4 November 2010
- * Added three new LSL functions: ...tems cannot use the [[llTeleportAgent]] or [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]] LSL functions.36 KB (5,208 words) - 15:30, 26 July 2012
- **3.3.4 Click on the color picker box for "Color For My Effects:". After color picker window pops up, review localized content for accurac **** De-select the same checkbox "Friend can edit your objects." Review the Dialog77 KB (12,047 words) - 14:12, 1 July 2009
- ...gions cannot be terraformed, including: Bay City regions, Boardman, Brown, De Haro, Horizons, Kama City regions, Nautilus City regions, Nova Albion regio ...,844 triangles per material, for now, if you want to avoid some unexpected effects.32 KB (4,762 words) - 13:37, 24 February 2025
- ** New Script Profiling LSL Functions ...ix for SVC-7004 "undercounting of parcel prims via viewer "About Land" and LSL [[llGetParcelPrimCount]]() & [[llGetParcelPrimOwners]]()"112 KB (13,939 words) - 13:30, 7 July 2011
- <!-- Transcript generated with [ SLog Wikifier] -->{{#if: ...he problem is those who are uninformed and do so without knowledge of side effects.180 KB (22,501 words) - 13:04, 7 April 2010
- ...s are removed. It helps, but is not 100% effective and also has some side effects such as causing vehicles to sometimes partially penetrate curbs, walls, and *** Add [[llRegionSayTo]] LSL function.281 KB (34,813 words) - 10:59, 28 April 2011