Talk:SL Cert - Scripting Test Reviews
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Any feedback folks?
Grandma Bates - 13 April 2009
- I went through and reformated some of the code and fixed a couple of minor typos.
- I need to go back over it again.
- I want to add a question about the difference between heap and stack space. I am not sure how to do that off hand.
- I want to add something about the difference between the three touch events.
- Perhaps something about the llSetStatus command would be good?
- I want to add a question using llSetTimerEvent.
- A question on bit maps would be good.
Louise Rumpler - 16 April 2009
Fantastic job Grandma!
Bit maps would be good.. maybe on the intermediate? Not sure tho really.
llSetTimerEvent could definitely do to be incorporated :)
Off top of my head.. memory allocated thus:
Low mem ------------------------------------------------------------High mem
Bytecode + Global Vars + Heap >> !Collision! << Stack
Struggling for a definition of heap tho :(
Grandma Bates - 23 April 2009
(Grandma Bates 09:50, 23 April 2009 (UTC))
- I added a question about the touch events.
- I reformated the answers to be indented.
- Need to think about how to do a timer event problem. I am still not sure how...
Grandma Bates - 29 April 2009
- Added a question using a timer.