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In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.
In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.
==Week Ending October 3, 2008==
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive coverage especially in education and consumer sections.<br>
-- More coverage by blogs than traditional media.<br>
-- Continued interest in recruiting in Second Life.<br>
-- Building excitement over Second Life user experience enhancements.<br>  -- More schools are expanding their presence in Second Life and coverage of libraries with successful presences in Second Life.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/2008/09/29/daily10.html San Francisco Business Journal] – Linden Lab hired Tom Hale as its first chief product officer.<br>
[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/01/AR2008100103405.html PaidContent.org (via Washington Post)] – On Tom Hale’s hire.<br>
[http://dusanwriter.com/?p=953 Dusan Writer] – Tom Hale’s hire covered.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/09/linden-lab-name.html Virtual Worlds News]<br>
Re-post: http://www.crispygamer.com/news/index.php/2008-09-29/2082/ Crispy Gamer]<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://blog.enterpriseitplanet.com/green/blog/2008/09/ibms-second-life-green-data-center-tour.html Enterprise IT Planet] - IBM’s Second Life Green Data Center represents the best that Second Life and other virtual worlds have to offer, and it has the potential to attract more Second Life users.<br>
[http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/emarketing/64596.html E-Commerce Times] - Virtual worlds like Second Life are becoming a popular recruitment tool for businesses.<br>
[http://www.geo2web.com/2008/10/02/connecting-the-real-to-the-virtual-phone-calls-from-second-life/ Geo2Web.com] – Blog post on BT’s coming release of a program allowing users to make phone calls from Second Life.<br>
[http://industry.bnet.com/advertising/1000233/forrester-virtual-worlds-due-for-comeback-marketers-should-take-note/ BNET] - Commentary on the upcoming Forrester report citing how virtual worlds are continuing to be used by marketers.<br> 
EDUCATION Coverage:<br> [http://www.morrissuntribune.com/articles/index.cfm?id=14976&section=Regional%20News Morris Sun Tribune] - Ridgewater has received a grant from the Minnesota State College to invest more in education in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080929104603.htm Science Daily] - Penn State researchers are investigating how virtual teams can better solve real world problems by collaborating in Second Life.<br>
Repost: http://www.brandon-hall.com/workplacelearningtoday/?p=410 Brandon Hall Research]<br>
[http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/2008/09/banned-books-fr.html LA Times Blog] - For the second year in a row, the American Library Association is celebrating Banned Books Week in Second Life.<br>
[http://techtotty.wordpress.com/2008/10/01/anthropologists-get-creative-in-second-life/ Techtotty] - Anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists across Second Life are discussing ways to display personal projects in an engaging, interactive manner.<br>
[http://www.rikomatic.com/blog/2008/10/new-york-teens.html The Click Heard Round the World] - Global Kids is starting its youth machinima initiative called the Virtual Video Project where students get training in how to use Second Life as a filmmaking platform.<br>
[http://www.alliancelibrarysystem.com/article.cfm?id=383 Alliance Library System] - The National Library of Medicine has awarded ALS a $60,000 grant for a project entitled “AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life.”<br>
[http://www.genome-technology.com/issues/2_18/other/149666-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS Genome Technology] - Holding meetings in Second Life gives researchers a chance to visit with colleagues and attend conferences without having to leave their labs.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.marketingvox.com/industry-buzz-snippets-93008-041238/ Marketing Vox] - Linden Lab is using third party developers to help make Second Life more amenable to first-time users.<br>
[http://www.massively.com/2008/10/01/kingdons-second-life-updates-whats-missing/ Massively] – Blog post on Linden Lab’s positive steps to attract new users by improving the user’s in world experience and simplifying registration.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/09/linden-lab-taps.html Virtual Worlds News] – Discussion of Linden Lab’s improvements to the viewer for new users.<br>
[http://dusanwriter.com/?p=963 Dusan Writer’s] – A post that the user interface for Second Life is being redesigned, making it “more user friendly.”<br>
[http://www.designingdigitally.com/blog/2008/10/our-finished-projects/second-life-golf-game-progress/ Designing Digitally] - Second Life golf island is almost complete.<br>
[http://ballotvox.prx.org/archives/658/debate-parties-in-second-life Ballot Vox] - The Democratic and Republican party will be holding presidential debate watching parties in Second Life.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Coverage has been positive, with the articles in The Independent, Guardian and Computer World UK.<br>
-- Enterprise and education/non-profit have received great focus this week.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/student/into-university/applying/uni-campus-see-the-sites-945833.html The Independent] - Discusses UK universities in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=1344&blogid=14 Computer World UK] – Praise for Philip and discussion of his new role as Chairman. The article also details the evolution of Second Life.<br>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/oct/02/virtual.worlds The Guardian] – Covers the increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/oct/02/virtual.worlds The Guardian] – Discussion of increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.<br>
[http://www.silicon.com/retailandleisure/0,3800011842,39295168,00.htm Silicon.com] – Notes the success of Unilever’s initiative to create their private complex within Second Life.<br>
[http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39496260,00.htm ZDNet.co.uk] – A mention of Linden Dollars as a usable currency when talking about the accessibility of buying the new Intuit QuickBooks 2009.<br>
[http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/stuart_king/2008/09/chips-and-custard.html Computer Weekly] - Includes Stuart King’s blog mentioning the success of Unilever’s presence on Second Life as a means of increasing awareness within their organisation.<br>
[http://www.nebusiness.co.uk/business-news/technology-news/2008/09/25/new-wave-of-billionaires-in-waiting-51140-21895826/ nebusiness.co.uk] – Covers research into the potential money to be made from virtual worlds.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/student/into-university/applying/uni-campus-see-the-sites-945833.html The Independent] – Discusses UK universities in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/second-life-beats-real-life-for-collaboration-471985 Tech Radar.com] - Explores the imaginative side of Second Life and how people can interact better during group work as avatars rather than face-to-face in the real world.<br>
[http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/123564.php Medical News Today] - Covers the same case study as the article in Tech Radar and is complimentary of the uses of Second Life as a forum for group work.<br>
[http://www.mconsulting.co.uk/news-desk/industry-news/ciot-shows-the-way-for-financial-services-marketing-18801823.aspx M Consulting] - Discusses the Chartered Institute of Taxation’s (CIOT) return to Second Life.<br>
[http://www.24dash.com/news/Communities/2008-09-25-Virtual-festival-launches-with-online-party 24dash.com] - An in depth article about the launch of the virtual arts festival, NOISE festival, and the positive influences of creating such an event on Second Life.<br>
[http://www.tsnn.co.uk/news/news.asp?article=567 TSNN.co.uk] – A look at the novel idea of Labour hosting a virtual meeting with online supporters during the Labour Party Conference.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- The coverage this week was more neutral, nevertheless there were some nice pieces, especially in the adult consumer section.<br>
-- Compared to the last weeks, coverage in the adult consumer section is increasing.<br>
-- New companies entering Second Life and the appointment of Clare.<br>
-- Last week’s very positive article published by German press agency dpa was picked up again.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.monstersandcritics.de/artikel/200840/article_104539.php/Internet-Second-Life-hilft-bei-der-Gruppenarbeit Monstersandcritics.de]<br>
[http://de.news.yahoo.com/gp/20080930/ttc-internet-second-life-hilft-bei-der-g-a8a9a5f.html Yahoo.com] - These two sources published a positive piece on collaboration in Second Life.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.new-business.de/koepfe/detail.php?nr=579375&rubric=K%D6PFE& new-business.de] - Covers the release about Clare Rees’ appointment as European Marketing Director.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2008/09/29/944535.html Hamburger Abendblatt] - Describes a very interesting project by students of the University of Hamburg. They built a whole factory to fill bottles in Second Life plus a container terminal.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1220459223444 Der Standard.at] - An article about an art project in which Second Life is involved (see video link for more information).<br>
[http://www.focus.de/digital/games/retro-games/simcity-virtuelle-welten_aid_326757.html Focus Online] - An interview with “Simcity”-developer Will Wright and says that his ideas are the basis for Second Life and other virtual worlds.<br>
[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/computer/971/302967/bilder/ Süddeutsche.de] - Talks about originals and copies. German virtual world Secret City is pictured as a copy of Second Life.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- This week there have been articles about 3D tools’ use, SL competitors, and social networks’ influence and importance.<br>
-- Many blog articles about Stonfield in-world solution provider.<br>
-- This week, the focus was on new company and older companies activity on SL.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br> [http://lechoblogs.typepad.com/tzine/2008/10/interviewphilip.html T’zine]  - An article about the interview of Philip Rosedale during Picnic 08. Loic Le Meur, an influential blogger in France, interviewed Philip about the future of technologies and companies in SL.<br>
[http://blackrabbit.fr/2008/09/25/exitreality-transformer-le-web-en-3d/ Blackrabbit] - A note about Exit reality, a tool allowing any website to become 3D website such as SL.<br>
[http://visionary.wordpress.com/2008/09/25/ereputation/ Marketing and Innovation] – Covers six tips to check and supervise your e-reputation.<br>
[http://correspondant-de-presse-64.over-blog.com/article-23189492.html Stonefield Inworld] – An employee posted a video about his boss’s vision of SL.<br>
[http://odettepopulaire.blogspot.com/2008/09/la-vie-virtuel-vs-la-vie-ral.html La culture populaire et moi] – A note about Facebook, Myspace and SL comparing each of them.<br>
[http://www.greenit.fr/article/acteurs/editeur/avec-second-life-jai-divise-par-3-mes-voyages-en-avion Green it ] - Interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains that thanks to SL he has cut costs by three times for his company’s travels.<br>
[http://mondes-virtuels.stonfield-inworld.com/po-carles-en-direct-de-greenit/ Stonfield inworld] - Green IT interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains Second Life’s travel cost-cutting capabilities.<br>
[http://merionread.blogspot.com/2008/09/le-cyberculture-une-bndiction-ou-une.html Merionread] - A note about cyber-culture.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.fr/2008/09/29/entropia-universe-et-prizee-au-salon-du-jeu-video/ Virtualworldnews]  posted a note about the VideoGame festival this week in Paris and particularly about Entropia Universe ( which wants to be more than SL, and sell universes).
[http://jeanrem.info/?p=805 Jeanrem ]  - A post about 3DI OpenViewer a tool like ExitReality, letting SL and OpenSim run in a browser.<br>
[http://comitesweb.blogspot.com/2008/09/jean-philippe-accart-home.html Technoweb]  - Covers avatars and the fact that 80% of web users will have an avatar in 2011.<br>
[http://www.betasjournal.com/news/google-lively-google-futur-acteur-du-jeu-vido/ BetaJournal.com] - An article about Google Lively.<br>
[http://126566.blog.tdg.ch/archive/2008/09/30/comment-faire-pour-aller-sur-secondlife-2.html La tribune de Geneve ] - A note on how to go on SL (second part).<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/?p=677 Virutalnews] – A post about on SL Exchange becoming XStreet SL (Virtualtrade).<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2008/09/boulanger-se-lance-dans-le-v-commerce.html Ange zenatti] – Covers the Boulanger French company entering SL.<br>
[http://mondes-virtuels.stonfield-inworld.com/un-bosquet-dans-second-life/ Stonefield Inworld]  - A comment on their activity with Saint Gobain on SL. (tree planting in Liban in 2009)<br>
[http://www.chine-informations.com/actualite/chine-china-telecom-va-lancer-son-monde-virtuel-chinaq_11142.html Chine Information]  - A note saying that China Telecom wants to create its own virtual world like SL.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://lettresticebourgogne.hautetfort.com/archive/2008/09/25/des-outils-numeriques-pour-le-francais-et-les-langues-ancien.html Lettre TICE Bourgogne] – An article about numeric tools to learn French and old languages and a conference and how a teacher gave lessons on SL.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://maggieparsons.blogspot.com/2008/09/la-cyberculture.html Maggie Parsons] – A post about cyberculture and what SL offers (compared to Myspace, Facebook).<br>
[http://internetactulive.blogspot.com/2008/09/linternet-des-objets-des-outils-pour.html Internetactualive] - Posted an article about objects on the Internet.<br>
[http://nawellaville.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!528F46718D57FC7B!1014.entry  nawell Laville]  - Covers the Atlantika exposition on SL ( in Sardaigna Island).<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/09/frao-ra-l%E2%80%99archeologue-onirique-vagabond/ Territoire Digital.com] – An article about Frao, a well known sculptor in SL.<br>
[http://www.eke.org/biltegia/la-culture-basque-sur-second-life Eke.org] - Posted on note on the “Pays Basque” Culture on SL.<br>
[http://npip.ifaway.net/2008/10/01/le-film-dans-sa-mobilite/ Npip] - A note about La Domestique project: screen space is superposed to real filing space. The artist explains he first uses SL to prepare his film work.<br>
[http://nessy.canalblog.com/archives/2008/10/01/10788946.html Du fond du lac] - A note about the event “Burning life”.<br><br>

Revision as of 14:52, 3 October 2008


This page shows some of the press coverage we receive and the media trends in some of Second Life's major markets.

Linden Lab News Archives

Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive. (Not all of these are up-to-date, but we are constantly working on it.)


Weekly Reports

In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.

Week Ending October 3, 2008


Trends we’ve noticed:
-- Positive coverage especially in education and consumer sections.
-- More coverage by blogs than traditional media.
-- Continued interest in recruiting in Second Life.
-- Building excitement over Second Life user experience enhancements.
-- More schools are expanding their presence in Second Life and coverage of libraries with successful presences in Second Life.

Key Coverage:

San Francisco Business Journal – Linden Lab hired Tom Hale as its first chief product officer.

PaidContent.org (via Washington Post) – On Tom Hale’s hire.

Dusan Writer – Tom Hale’s hire covered.

Virtual Worlds News

Re-post: http://www.crispygamer.com/news/index.php/2008-09-29/2082/ Crispy Gamer]

Enterprise IT Planet - IBM’s Second Life Green Data Center represents the best that Second Life and other virtual worlds have to offer, and it has the potential to attract more Second Life users.

E-Commerce Times - Virtual worlds like Second Life are becoming a popular recruitment tool for businesses.

Geo2Web.com – Blog post on BT’s coming release of a program allowing users to make phone calls from Second Life.

BNET - Commentary on the upcoming Forrester report citing how virtual worlds are continuing to be used by marketers.

Morris Sun Tribune - Ridgewater has received a grant from the Minnesota State College to invest more in education in Second Life.

Science Daily - Penn State researchers are investigating how virtual teams can better solve real world problems by collaborating in Second Life.

Repost: http://www.brandon-hall.com/workplacelearningtoday/?p=410 Brandon Hall Research]

LA Times Blog - For the second year in a row, the American Library Association is celebrating Banned Books Week in Second Life.

Techtotty - Anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists across Second Life are discussing ways to display personal projects in an engaging, interactive manner.

The Click Heard Round the World - Global Kids is starting its youth machinima initiative called the Virtual Video Project where students get training in how to use Second Life as a filmmaking platform.

Alliance Library System - The National Library of Medicine has awarded ALS a $60,000 grant for a project entitled “AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life.”

Genome Technology - Holding meetings in Second Life gives researchers a chance to visit with colleagues and attend conferences without having to leave their labs.

CONSUMER Coverage:
Marketing Vox - Linden Lab is using third party developers to help make Second Life more amenable to first-time users.

Massively – Blog post on Linden Lab’s positive steps to attract new users by improving the user’s in world experience and simplifying registration.

Virtual Worlds News – Discussion of Linden Lab’s improvements to the viewer for new users.

Dusan Writer’s – A post that the user interface for Second Life is being redesigned, making it “more user friendly.”

Designing Digitally - Second Life golf island is almost complete.

Ballot Vox - The Democratic and Republican party will be holding presidential debate watching parties in Second Life.


Trends we’ve noticed:

-- Coverage has been positive, with the articles in The Independent, Guardian and Computer World UK.
-- Enterprise and education/non-profit have received great focus this week.

Key Coverage:

The Independent - Discusses UK universities in Second Life.

Computer World UK – Praise for Philip and discussion of his new role as Chairman. The article also details the evolution of Second Life.

The Guardian – Covers the increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.


The Guardian – Discussion of increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.

Silicon.com – Notes the success of Unilever’s initiative to create their private complex within Second Life.

ZDNet.co.uk – A mention of Linden Dollars as a usable currency when talking about the accessibility of buying the new Intuit QuickBooks 2009.

Computer Weekly - Includes Stuart King’s blog mentioning the success of Unilever’s presence on Second Life as a means of increasing awareness within their organisation.

nebusiness.co.uk – Covers research into the potential money to be made from virtual worlds.

The Independent – Discusses UK universities in Second Life.

Tech Radar.com - Explores the imaginative side of Second Life and how people can interact better during group work as avatars rather than face-to-face in the real world.

Medical News Today - Covers the same case study as the article in Tech Radar and is complimentary of the uses of Second Life as a forum for group work.

M Consulting - Discusses the Chartered Institute of Taxation’s (CIOT) return to Second Life.

24dash.com - An in depth article about the launch of the virtual arts festival, NOISE festival, and the positive influences of creating such an event on Second Life.

TSNN.co.uk – A look at the novel idea of Labour hosting a virtual meeting with online supporters during the Labour Party Conference.


Trends we’ve noticed:
-- The coverage this week was more neutral, nevertheless there were some nice pieces, especially in the adult consumer section.
-- Compared to the last weeks, coverage in the adult consumer section is increasing.
-- New companies entering Second Life and the appointment of Clare.
-- Last week’s very positive article published by German press agency dpa was picked up again.

Key Coverage:

Yahoo.com - These two sources published a positive piece on collaboration in Second Life.


new-business.de - Covers the release about Clare Rees’ appointment as European Marketing Director.


Hamburger Abendblatt - Describes a very interesting project by students of the University of Hamburg. They built a whole factory to fill bottles in Second Life plus a container terminal.


Der Standard.at - An article about an art project in which Second Life is involved (see video link for more information).

Focus Online - An interview with “Simcity”-developer Will Wright and says that his ideas are the basis for Second Life and other virtual worlds.

Süddeutsche.de - Talks about originals and copies. German virtual world Secret City is pictured as a copy of Second Life.


Trends we’ve noticed:
-- This week there have been articles about 3D tools’ use, SL competitors, and social networks’ influence and importance.
-- Many blog articles about Stonfield in-world solution provider.
-- This week, the focus was on new company and older companies activity on SL.

Key Coverage:
T’zine - An article about the interview of Philip Rosedale during Picnic 08. Loic Le Meur, an influential blogger in France, interviewed Philip about the future of technologies and companies in SL.

Blackrabbit - A note about Exit reality, a tool allowing any website to become 3D website such as SL.

Marketing and Innovation – Covers six tips to check and supervise your e-reputation.

Stonefield Inworld – An employee posted a video about his boss’s vision of SL.

La culture populaire et moi – A note about Facebook, Myspace and SL comparing each of them.

Green it - Interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains that thanks to SL he has cut costs by three times for his company’s travels.

Stonfield inworld - Green IT interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains Second Life’s travel cost-cutting capabilities.

Merionread - A note about cyber-culture.

Virtualworldnews posted a note about the VideoGame festival this week in Paris and particularly about Entropia Universe ( which wants to be more than SL, and sell universes).

Jeanrem - A post about 3DI OpenViewer a tool like ExitReality, letting SL and OpenSim run in a browser.

Technoweb - Covers avatars and the fact that 80% of web users will have an avatar in 2011.

BetaJournal.com - An article about Google Lively.

La tribune de Geneve - A note on how to go on SL (second part).

Virutalnews – A post about on SL Exchange becoming XStreet SL (Virtualtrade).


Ange zenatti – Covers the Boulanger French company entering SL.

Stonefield Inworld - A comment on their activity with Saint Gobain on SL. (tree planting in Liban in 2009)

Chine Information - A note saying that China Telecom wants to create its own virtual world like SL.


Lettre TICE Bourgogne – An article about numeric tools to learn French and old languages and a conference and how a teacher gave lessons on SL.

CONSUMER Coverage:

Maggie Parsons – A post about cyberculture and what SL offers (compared to Myspace, Facebook).

Internetactualive - Posted an article about objects on the Internet.

nawell Laville - Covers the Atlantika exposition on SL ( in Sardaigna Island).

Territoire Digital.com – An article about Frao, a well known sculptor in SL.

Eke.org - Posted on note on the “Pays Basque” Culture on SL.

Npip - A note about La Domestique project: screen space is superposed to real filing space. The artist explains he first uses SL to prepare his film work.

Du fond du lac - A note about the event “Burning life”.