How do I hide my group?

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Revision as of 10:28, 2 November 2010 by Jeremy Linden (talk | contribs)
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This article explains how to prevent a group's name from appearing in searches, and how to make a group participant's membership in a group invisible.

KBnote.png Note: In order to change these aspects of a group, you need to be the group's owner or have the appropriate abilities in the Roles and Group Identity categories.

Keep a group's name from appearing in searches

  1. Select Edit > Groups from the menus at the top of the Second Life window. The Communicate window opens to the Groups tab.
  2. Select the desired group's name and click the Info button. The Group Information window opens.
  3. In the General tab:
    • Deselect the Show In Group List checkbox to make sure the group doesn't appear in the Groups tab of the Search window.
    • Deselect the Show in Search checkbox to make sure the group doesn't appear in searches performed from the Second Life website.

Make group visibility only for certain roles

You may want to selectively prevent non-members from viewing the names of your group members, by role:

  1. Select Edit > Groups from the menus at the top of the Second Life window. The Communicate window opens to the Groups tab.
  2. Select the desired group's name and click the Info button. The Group Information window opens.
  3. In the Members & Roles tab, click the Roles subtab.
  4. Select the desired Role Name from the list.
  5. Deselect the Members are visible checkbox.