Irish - Bonaire

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This continent is the result made of two estates (possible 3). It is an unofficial continent and its formation is the result of a random add of new sims. It is almost compleatly made of estate islands and navigable waters. From August 1st to August 30th, a sim vanished from the map.


The Irish part of this continent vanished from the map, most probably at the end of September 2013. This leads to major changes in the form of the continent and also in the number of sims. If the number of sims drops below 30, Irish - Bonaire will become a Microcontinent.

Statistic data

Size in sims: 56 (N-S 14, E-W 11)

Size in meters: 3.67 square km (3.58/2.81 km)

Sea sims (flooded): 0

Coast sims (water access): 56

Land sims (no water): 0

Sims with roads: probably 0

Sims without direct access: 0

Population density: average


Coordinates are in sims, with longitude(min-max)/latitude(min-max) format. The sim coordinates can be downloaded from Gridsurvey [1] or an inworld detector.

Continent: 726-736/1023-1037

Irish sims: 735-736/1023-1035

Artisan sims: 731-734/1032-1035

Bonaire sims: 730-732/1033-1037

South-West sims: 726-732/1027-1036

Grid Sector: G10

See also

List Of Continents

Second Life Geography