Login sequence

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Revision as of 19:06, 6 September 2023 by Animats Resident (talk | contribs) (Add diagram)
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(Under construction)

Event sequence diagram for login

Sequence diagram


==Source code for the diagram

Source code for the sequence diagram.

Source code for the sequence diagram above. To change the diagram, change this source code, then paste it into this free online chart generator [1] to generate a new .png image. Then replace the version of the image above with a new image.

title Initial login to world

participant "Viewer" as V
participant "Initial region" as R
participant "Login server" as L

group Initial login
activate V
V->L: Login request, XMLRPC
activate L
L->R: (region advised login coming)
activate R
L->V: Login reply
rbox left of V: Contains initial region IP, port, seed\nregion handle, agent ID\nbut not avatar location in region.
V-->>R: UseCircuitCode
V-->>R: CompleteAgentMovement
V-->>R: UuidNameRequest
rbox left of V: UuidNameRequest for avatar name.\nProbably unnecessary, but traditional.
R-->V: RegionHandshake
rbox left of V: A 2 second delay here before the reply\nreduces interest list errors.\nRef: BUG-233107
V-->>R: RegionHandshakeReply
V-->>R: AgentUpdate
rbox left of V: This first AgentUpdate has a bogus avatar position.\nViewer does not know where the avatar is yet\nbut must send this to get object updates started.\nCause of some interest list bugs.
V->R: EventQueueGet
R-->>V: ObjectUpdate
rbox left of V: The first object update is usually for the avatar.\nThis tells the viewer where the avatar really is.\nPosition of avatar moves in viewer.
V-->>R: AgentUpdate
rbox left of V: Viewer tells region where the camera is.\nViewer and region are now in sync.

rbox left of V: Logged in.\nNormal operation from here on.

R-->>V: ObjectUpdate
R-->>V: ObjectUpdate
R-->>V: ObjectUpdate
R->V: (Various event queue events)
V-->>R: AgentUpdate