Linden Lab Official:Death and other worries outside Second Life

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This article addresses some frequently-asked questions about Second Life relating to death in real life and some similar concerns.

Is there a way for me to bequeath my Second Life account and its assets to someone else if I die in real life?

Yes. Please read this article, which provides the answer to this question in more detail.

If I die in real life, will you let my Second Life friends know, perhaps by informing my Friends list?

Maybe. Linden Lab can only act on instructions that are part of a legally-recognized document such as a valid will. You would have to specify in your will that you want this action performed, and we would need a copy of the will and whatever other verifying documents we deem necessary.

I'm worried about my Second Life friend, who hasn't been inworld for a very long time, or has expressed suicidal ideation, or some other alarming behavior. Can you check on them for me? Can you give me their account information so that I can check on them?

We're sorry, but no; that would violate the terms of our Privacy Policy. However, here are some links you or your friend might find useful:

  • Befrienders maintains an extensive list of suicide-prevention hotlines organized by country.
  • Befrienders is itself a worldwide volunteer-based organization that, in its own words, works to "provide help to those in need of emotional support, in order to reduce the number of people who die by suicide, and enable people to explore their feelings in an anonymous, confidential and non-judgmental environment."