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I did some tests for a reliable "avatar out of sim" check, trying to find a way around the usual cache time on things like llKey2Name. llGetBoundingBox reports an empty list if the avatar is out of cache (as expected and described on LSL Wiki). But surprisingly, it reports <-0.100000, -0.100000, -0.100000> <0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000> for an avatar out of sim, but still within the usual cache period. Is this "official", reliable behaviour? --Tali Rosca 23:08, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

"The bounding box of an avatar sitting on an object includes that object."

They were talking about changing this (saw it somewhere on jira... or maybe I misread that jira). -- Strife (talk|contribs) 04:07, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

Hi, yes, I filed SVC-5276 for confirmation. Falcon changed it that way on purpose, attachments get new boxes and avatars keep the old ones. --Cerise Sorbet 04:47, 26 January 2010 (UTC)