How To Submit A Viewer Change

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Revision as of 06:19, 15 August 2010 by Oz Linden (talk | contribs)
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When you have a change that is ready for integration into the Viewer Development repository, it must be submitted to the Snowstorm Project Team . This is one part of the Viewer Integration and Release Processes.

Only the Snowstorm Project Team has commit access to the integration repository.

The Second Life Jira system is in the process of being upgraded and reorganized. Until the new system is in place, the process documented on this page will be somewhat less well supported by the tools than we would like. When the new Jira system is ready, Jira workflow will be implemented to make this an easier and more transparent process.

Readiness Criteria

Changes must meet all of the Development Integration Criteria before it can be pulled to the Development repository.

  1. Functionality must have been reviewed and accepted by the Product Owner:
    Normally, this means that the item must be on the current Sprint Backlog for the Snowstorm Project Team or some other Linden viewer development team, and has been reviewed by the Product Manager for that team. See How To Propose A Viewer Feature.
  2. Design and code must have been reviewed by competent reviewers.
    Reviewer(s) must be identified in the Jira item(s) used to track the change.
  3. There must be a test plan
    The test plan must describe in detail how Integration QA can validate the modified behavior.
    • For bug fixes, putting the test plan into a Jira comment is acceptable (since the issue should already contain a documented way to reproduce the problem, this should not be much new work).
    • For features, links to wiki pages are preferred.
    • For features especially, building and distributing a viewer from the Project repository for live testing is strongly encouraged.
  4. The Project repository must have merged in the latest changes from Development.
    The results must be validated by building viewers for all platforms and doing at least minimal viewer testing.
  5. There must be a Contribution Agreement on file from each contributor to the change that is not a Linden employee or contractor.
    • External contributions must include the appropriate updates to doc/contributions.txt


When the above criteria have been met and documented in the Jira issue or issues that track the change:

  1. If the issue is not already there, move the issue to the VWR project.
    • if the issue is in the internal Jira, and there is no corresponding external issue, create a new VWR issue and put the internal issue identifier in it
  2. Assign the issue to "Snowstorm Team"
    • If your account does not have the access required to Assign the issue, send an email to Oz Linden requesting that the issue be assigned.
    Do not use the "pull request" mechanism; the request will not be seen.

You can monitor the Snowstorm Team filter in Jira to see what is queued.

If there are conflicts between your submission and another ahead of yours in the queue, then you may be asked to pull from Development after the other has been integrated and resolve any conflicts before resubmitting your request. If this happens, your resubmitted request will get a higher priority to try to avoid the same thing happening again.