User talk:Mariasana Melodie

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Revision as of 18:45, 8 February 2011 by Cerise Sorbet (talk | contribs)
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A brief bit of code I'd like comment about:

<lsl> //Copyright Mariasana Melodie 02-08-2011 //Simple script to prevent attachment/rezing of adult items in PG sims. //Put a copy in a no-mod poseball that is required for it to work, or root prim if entire item is no-mod. //Free to use, but give credit. (And for sanity sake, make the version IN the item no mod!)

default {

   on_rez(integer start_param)
       string maturity = llRequestSimulatorData (llGetRegionName(), 7);
       if (maturity = "PG")
           llOwnerSay("not here you don't.");
   attach(key id)
       string maturity = llRequestSimulatorData (llGetRegionName(), 7);
       if (maturity = "PG")
           llOwnerSay("Try again in a Mature or Adult Region");

} </lsl>

--Mariasana Melodie 15:19, 8 February 2011 (PST)Mariasana Melodie

Hi, you will need a dataserver event to capture and use the llRequestSimulatorData return values. Here are some changes to make it run, with a few notes to explain LSL's red tape. --Cerise Sorbet 17:10, 8 February 2011 (PST)

<lsl> key gLastQuery; // to make sure the dataserver response is fresh, and not for another script

default {

   on_rez(integer start_param)
       gLastQuery =  llRequestSimulatorData (llGetRegionName(), DATA_SIM_RATING);
   attach(key id)
       gLastQuery =  llRequestSimulatorData (llGetRegionName(), DATA_SIM_RATING);
   changed (integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_REGION) // cover moving avatars and objects too
           gLastQuery =  llRequestSimulatorData (llGetRegionName(), DATA_SIM_RATING);
   dataserver(key query, string data)
       if (query != gLastQuery) return; // stale request, or not for this script
       if (data == "PG")
           if (llGetAttached())
               llOwnerSay("Try again in a Mature or Adult Region");
               llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH); // need permission to detach
               llOwnerSay("not here you don't.");
               llDie(); // dangerous for no copy objects!

   run_time_permissions(integer perms)
       if (perms & PERMISSION_ATTACH)

} </lsl>