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  1. Please provide exact details of altered requirements for LOD mesh materials numbers/names/Ids in the latest production viewer. Is there any chance of a debug toggle to get the old behaviour to make hundreds of broken dae file work again? [Drongle McMahon]
  2. The mesh volunteers group run by charlar and oskar is broken, rarely do my messages ever go thru, and if they do there is a delay of 5 minutes till they post. Different times/days doesn't matter, while all other groups work just fine this one never works. [Echos Remblai]
  3. How is fixing the nvidia problem going? I still get a BSOD on login with graphics > low (Nvidia GT 440. driver 266.58)[Drongle McMahon]
  4. The UI of Viewer 3.2.1 changed. Do you have the plan of alteration of the process of Mesh Upload? May I update the tutorial blog and video of upload mesh? [Yuzuru Jewell]

Meeting Notes

Transcript for Monday October 24, 2011

[12:01] Nyx Linden greetings all
[12:01] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Koli Contepomi waves to Charlar, too.
[12:01] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Nyx, Two weeks passed. Do you have any news?
[12:01] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Hello Charlar.
[12:01] Mikki Miles a tree fell from the sky
[12:01] Mikki Miles hopefully nobody drops a house on me
[12:02] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Koli Contepomi also waves to Vir.
[12:02] Mikki Miles on the other hand, I am no witch
[12:02] Vir Linden Hello all!
[12:02] Nyx Linden Nyx Linden checks his feet for striped socks
[12:02] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Hello, Vir.
[12:02] Drongle McMahon Hello
[12:02] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) hey all Lindens
[12:03] Nyx Linden how's everyone today?
[12:03] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Very tired, heh. 8PM for me.
[12:03] Eleanora Newell how do i get a chat window up in this new viewer? the chat just fades away and i need to scroll in meetings like this?
[12:03] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Your self?
[12:03] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Vewer 3.2.1 is fine.
[12:03] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Hey Runitai.
[12:04] Drongle McMahon Where is 3.2.1?
[12:04] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Welcome back, Charlar. :o
[12:05] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) you should have a chat button in the bottom bar
[12:05] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Eleanora, please click the Chat button bottom of the viewer.
[12:06] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) click it and you get the nearby input window then on the right side there is an up arrow
[12:06] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell)
[12:06] Charlar Linden ok, ready?
[12:06] Eleanora Newell it only shows me what i am typing, the chat is in single lines and fade away
[12:06] Eleanora Newell oh, i just figured it out
[12:06] Eleanora Newell the arrow
[12:06] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Yes
[12:06] Charlar Linden #1 Please provide exact details of altered requirements for LOD mesh materials numbers/names/Ids in the latest production viewer. Is there any chance of a debug toggle to get the old behaviour to make hundreds of broken dae file work again? [Drongle McMahon]
[12:07] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) dop you see the arrow on the right side of the input field?
[12:07] Eleanora Newell yep, got it, thanks
[12:07] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*You're Welcome!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[12:07] Vir Linden drongle, there are some known issues addressed in the project viewer - have you tried with that?
[12:07] davep (runitai.linden)
[12:07] Drongle McMahon That's about
[12:08] Drongle McMahon Not sure if I have the latest...
[12:08] Drongle McMahon But we still need the requirements defined.
[12:09] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) im waiting for the latest build of the shining-fixes as i see there is hopefuly a fix for it to be able to run on my linux laptop
[12:10] Drongle McMahon It appears the material attributes of corresponding <triangles> taghs have to match between LODs?
[12:10] Vir Linden We should not be looking at materials for physics
[12:10] Vir Linden We need to verify whether the behavior is as intended for the geometry LODs.
[12:11] Drongle McMahon My guess is it is as intended, but that is very different from previous behaviour.
[12:12] Drongle McMahon It would be good to know officially what was intended.
[12:13] davep (runitai.linden) the set of material IDs between LoDs has to either match or have no intersection
[12:13] Drongle McMahon I think the cchanges were to deal with cases of incorrect face/texture assignments when it only depended on the order of the <triangles> tags.
[12:13] davep (runitai.linden) exactly
[12:13] davep (runitai.linden) because the collada exporters are inconsistent with face ordering
[12:14] davep (runitai.linden) er, <triangles> ordering, even
[12:14] Drongle McMahon But Davep, I tried with mismatching ID and name and just the material attribute matched, and that worked!
[12:14] davep (runitai.linden) kk, will pick this up this week and comment on the jira with exactly what the viewer needs
[12:14] Drongle McMahon ...that is<triangles> materials attribute
[12:15] Drongle McMahon Thanks.
[12:15] Charlar Linden next
[12:15] Charlar Linden #2 The mesh volunteers group run by charlar and oskar is broken, rarely do my messages ever go thru, and if they do there is a delay of 5 minutes till they post. Different times/days doesn't matter, while all other groups work just fine this one never works. [Echos Remblai]
[12:15] Drongle McMahon I;d like it to be just the attribute .... easier to edit my old files.
[12:15] Charlar Linden I'll look into this today, after the usergroup.
[12:16] Charlar Linden Are others here seeing problems with the mesh volunteers group, worse than other large group lists?
[12:16] Nal (nalates.urriah) Yes
[12:16] Eleanora Newell yes
[12:16] Charlar Linden ok - we'll see what can be done. It's possible that it's just too large...
[12:17] Nal (nalates.urriah) This has been the worst group for me and I'm in Phoenix groups.
[12:17] Nal (nalates.urriah) Big difference
[12:17] Charlar Linden Alrighty, next.
[12:18] Charlar Linden #3 The mesh volunteers group run by charlar and oskar is broken, rarely do my messages ever go thru, and if they do there is a delay of 5 minutes till they post. Different times/days doesn't matter, while all other groups work just fine this one never works. [Echos Remblai]
[12:18] Charlar Linden crap
[12:18] Charlar Linden sorry
[12:18] Drongle McMahon Deja vu !
[12:18] Charlar Linden #3 How is fixing the nvidia problem going? I still get a BSOD on login with graphics > low (Nvidia GT 440. driver 266.58)[Drongle McMahon]
[12:18] davep (runitai.linden) It's coming along quickly
[12:18] Drongle McMahon 2023?
[12:19] davep (runitai.linden) been hanging out in #opensl and getting lots of help repro'ing and tracking down regressions
[12:19] davep (runitai.linden) here's a build if you want to try it
[12:19] davep (runitai.linden)
[12:19] Drongle McMahon ok, I will. Thanks
[12:19] davep (runitai.linden) that build + 280 or 285 drivers cleared up issues for lots of folks
[12:20] davep (runitai.linden) only regression I'm aware of right now blocking merge down to viewer-development is a black screen on OSX from the FXAA shader
[12:20] Drongle McMahon Oh. I says In progess....
[12:20] davep (runitai.linden) oh, click the "previous build" link
[12:21] Charlar Linden ok, moving on...
[12:21] Charlar Linden #4 The UI of Viewer 3.2.1 changed. Do you have the plan of alteration of the process of Mesh Upload? May I update the tutorial blog and video of upload mesh? [Yuzuru Jewell]
[12:21] davep (runitai.linden) gotta head out, thanks folks!
[12:22] Nal (nalates.urriah) Thx
[12:22] Drongle McMahon got it
[12:22] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) he poofed too quickly. >:
[12:22] Charlar Linden We don't have any plans to change the Mesh Upload floater as part of what's in the next release
[12:22] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) OK I will update my tutorial blog and video. Thank you.
[12:23] Charlar Linden cool, thanks
[12:23] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Can I make them on 3.2.1 beta viewer?
[12:24] Charlar Linden you can, although i can't guarantee that the UI changes around the mesh uploader won't change. The uploader itself is very unlikely to change at all.
[12:25] Charlar Linden ok, that was the last item on the agenda. Let's aim for this to end at 30 minutes
[12:25] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Thank you.
[12:25] Charlar Linden ANything else, for the remaining 5 minutes?
[12:26] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar) im still looking for some people to help me with some CMake scripting help
[12:26] Imaze Rhiano are alpha values iin textures handled differently in meshed that are attached to avatar than rezzed to ground?
[12:26] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Do you have any news about mesh or new project?
[12:27] Nyx Linden Imaze - both attached and non-attached should be using alpha blending, but the content is handled in a separate pass, so there may be subtle differences.
[12:28] Charlar Linden I don't have any announcements on new projects at the moment, Yuzuru.
[12:28] Imaze Rhiano I did notice difference when one mesh for behind of alpha textured mesh
[12:28] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Thank you..
[12:28] Nyx Linden yes, the sorting will work a little differently
[12:28] Imaze Rhiano Imaze Rhiano nods
[12:29] Charlar Linden 2 minute warning.... :-)
[12:29] Charlar Linden last call...
[12:29] Imaze Rhiano umm... sometimes when teleporting from sim to another - it seems like that meshes are using wrong lower LOD - or at least vertices are not positioned correctly and there are ....
[12:29] Imaze Rhiano oh well
[12:30] Nyx Linden can you easily reproduce the issue Imaze?
[12:30] Charlar Linden ok, go ahead Imaze
[12:30] Imaze Rhiano I thik I need to test more is that some viwer specific issue -
[12:30] Imaze Rhiano very likely is
[12:31] Imaze Rhiano anyone seeing that metal rings in my corset are transparent?
[12:31] Imaze Rhiano they shoudln't be - but sometimes that that happens with all viewers what I have tested
[12:32] Imaze Rhiano reattaching item then helps
[12:32] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) I can't see half of your body.
[12:32] Nyx Linden definitely if you can get video or screenshots that would help, though a repro would be most helpful
[12:32] Nal (nalates.urriah) Rings are transparent... I'm in 3.1.0 (243176)
[12:33] Charlar Linden Imaze, if you right click on them do they appear?
[12:33] Imaze Rhiano okay - I reattached - are they still transparent?
[12:33] Nal (nalates.urriah) Now they are opaque
[12:34] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) I can see your body on 3.2.1.
[12:34] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell) Not transparent.
[12:34] Imaze Rhiano ya... but they looked transparent for some before I reattached
[12:35] Imaze Rhiano anyway - I can't reproduce this yet reliable
[12:35] Mechan Skytower the higher ones are opaque and the lower ones are transparent
[12:36] Eleanora Newell i am on 3.2.0 and i see transparencies on you, imaze
[12:37] Eleanora Newell the breast and hip areas
[12:37] Imaze Rhiano can you see if I reattach them...
[12:37] Charlar Linden ok, well, i think we're done - I'll see about adding a jira for that - please do add one if you can get a repro
[12:37] Charlar Linden This tree needs to be fed.
[12:37] Eleanora Newell yes, i see them on reattach
[12:38] Koli Contepomi (sahkolihaa.contepomi) Heh, see you Charlar, Nyx, Prep, Vir.
[12:38] Prep Linden later guy's!
[12:38] Vir Linden Bye all!
[12:38] Eleanora Newell thanks, lindens :)
[12:38] Nyx Linden thanks for coming out all! See you next week!
[12:38] Charlar Linden bye all! Thanks again for coming
[12:38] Imaze Rhiano byyye
[12:38] Drongle McMahon Bye Lindens
[12:38] Mikki Miles bye