East River Railway

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East River Community


East River Railway is the newest multisim railway (as far as July 2014). It is located in North - East of Sansara, in East River Community.


The need for railways in Sansara is very old, probably since the beginning of this continent. Just like the other attempts in other parts of the continent (GSLR in North West, ONSR in South West and SJRR in South East), a rail initiative was needed in North East. The railway was built very fast, in July 2014. It was a big and pleasant surprise for many people, even for East River residents.

The railway is still under construction.

Railway map

Official map
Macclaine tunnel and station

When it was opened for traffic, East River Railway was made of two branches: the 'green' line and the 'blue' line. The green line is made to connect the two large airports, while the blue line is made to link the Mowry heliport with one of the airports. The project seems to have changed and in July 30th 2014 the blue line could not be found, while the green line is being re-built. second Life Geography team found also other rail sectors where no railway should exist (a possible third line?). Time is needed for the builders to finish their work.

Railway structure

Parts of the railway are doubled, but the largest part is simple. Railway is made with 3 different types of tracks. some of them are sharper then those found on classic Heterocera railways, with stronger rails and wooden slippers, looking similar with the tracks found on Second Norway Railway. Other parts of the rail network are made of steel, with a modern design. The third type, is invisible.

The green line does not use Guide like the rails in Heterocera. So, an opensource train will not be able to use it. However, parts of the rail network, found in mid July, were using the classic Guide, including a sector of invisible rail around an island.

There are tunnels that allow trains to bypass some parcels. An interesting tunnel is found in Macclaine sim. It is a fake entry and most probably the train teleports to pass over a parcel of protected land.


Railway tracks
A tunnel

The trains working on this railway are modern, very fast and use a similar technology with trains found on Second Norway Railway. Because the railway is under construction, train schedule might suffer important changes.

See also

second Life Geography

List Of Railways

East River Community