Sim Performance Collector (Web-based

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created by DeniseHoorn Slade

Want to present your Sim on a website with a graph for DIL, FPS and PING? Or do you have some troubles with your sim and problems with LL-support, because they are in opinion, that your sim is running fine? So with these graphs you can show the LL-support the DIL, FPS and PING-times during the last 24 hours!

See examples at the professional service of

I am sure if other scripter will realize other ideas, we will have at least a very good overview on our sims - PLEEEEASE inform me, if you pimp up this script!


This scripts are under the licence of GPL. You are not allowed to sell any objects using this script.

What you need:

A server elsewhere in the WWW with an installed Apache or IIS. PHP, and rrdtools installed. You need some basic knowledge on PHP-scripting and LSL-scripting. I try to describe the installation as easy as possible.


This is the lsl-script. Rezz a box, texture it like a server and place it elsewhere on the sim. No need to be a simowner, no need to deed this prim. This script collects the internal grabable informations: FPS, DIL, servername and simname and sends it via HTTP to a PHP-Script on your website. The PHP-script is below. Attention! Watch, that the path to your php-script is correct!

float   currentTimeDilation;

integer currentFPS;
integer totalFPS;
float   averageFPS;

integer numberOfUpdates;

string  regionName;
string  server;

string  simstatus;

key     simStatusReqId;
key     postReqId;

string  website;

    website = "";


//  every minute

//  increment counter...

    regionName          = llGetRegionName();
    currentTimeDilation = llGetRegionTimeDilation();
    server              = llGetSimulatorHostname();

    currentFPS          = llFloor(llGetRegionFPS());
    totalFPS            += currentFPS;

    averageFPS          = totalFPS / numberOfUpdates;

    vector color_red = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
    llSetText("Region Performance\n"
              + server + "\n"
              + regionName + "\n"
              + (string)currentFPS + "fps",
              color_red, 1.0);

    simStatusReqId      = llRequestSimulatorData(regionName, DATA_SIM_STATUS);

send_data(float dil, integer fps)
    postReqId = llHTTPRequest(website, [
                                    HTTP_METHOD, "POST",
                                    HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
                                "dil=" + (string)dil
                                + "&fps=" + (string)fps
                                + "&region=" + regionName
                                + "&server=" + server
                                + "&method=set");

    on_rez(integer start_param)

    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_REGION)


        send_data(currentTimeDilation, currentFPS);
        //simstatus == "up"/"down"/"starting"/"stopping"/"crashed"/"unknown"

    http_response(key id, integer status, list meta, string body)
    //  llSay(0, body);
        if (id != postReqId)

        integer stringpartposition = llSubStringIndex(body, "result = ");
        if (stringpartposition == 0)

        string result = llGetSubString(body, stringpartposition + 9, -1);
        llStringTrim(result, STRING_TRIM);

        if (result != "ERROR occured")

        key owner = llGetOwner();
            "An error has occured with the Simperformance-Grapher for sim '"
            + regionName + "'. Check the rrd and the PHP-Script!");

    dataserver(key query_id, string data) 
        if (query_id != simStatusReqId)

        simStatusReqId = "";
        simstatus = (data);

On your server lets create the rrd's (Round Robin Databases) --> Here are the commands to create a rrd. Let me first say, that I have very less knowledge on rrd's what I have created is an overview for a day. if somebody is able to make it much much better, PLEASE let me know! IMPORTANT: The synonym "nameofyoursim" has to be replaced exactly with the simname! The php-script get's the simname and adds only a "_dilfps.rrd" so watch

/usr/bin/rrdtool create nameofyoursim_dilfps.rrd --step 600 DS:dil:GAUGE:600:0:1 DS:fps:GAUGE:600:0:50 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:5040 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:9600

The ping-database will be created with:

/usr/bin/rrdtool create NDL_FeEseGrimLa_ping.rrd --step 300 DS:ping:GAUGE:300:0:1 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:5040 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:9600

This is the PHP-script which is called by the lsl-script. It takes the data, pings the server and put all data into the rrd's


$method = $_POST['method'];
$dil = $_POST['dil'];
$fps = $_POST['fps'];
$region = $_POST['region'];
$server = $_POST['server'];
$path = "/home/n/";

if ($method=="")
    die("result = No Method provided!");

if ($region=="")
    die("result = No region provided!");
    //alerts script in SL not to send any data any more and to inform the owner about this damn error... :)
} else {
    $region = str_replace(" ","_",$region);
    $RRDFILE = $path.$region."_dilfps.rrd";
    $RRDFILE_ping = $path.$region."_ping.rrd";

echo ("result = $server");
$resultping = shell_exec("/bin/ping $server -c 1");
$var1 = strpos($resultping, "time=");
$ping = trim((substr($resultping,$var1+5,3)));

if ($method=="set")

    //write data into rrd's

    $ret = exec("/usr/bin/rrdtool update $RRDFILE -t dil:fps N:$dil:$fps");
        if( $ret1 != 0 )
            die ("result = ERROR occurred");
//    echo "result = /usr/bin/rrdtool update $RRDFILE -t dil:fps N:$dil:$fps";

    $ret = exec("/usr/bin/rrdtool update $RRDFILE_ping -t ping N:$ping");
        if( $ret2 != 0 )
            die ("result = ERROR occurred");
//    echo ("result = /usr/bin/rrdtool update $RRDFILE_ping -t ping N:$ping");
//echo ("result = $ping");


And last but not least, we have to build the graph from the data. it's a bash-script (Linux) which create the graphs.



rrdtool graph $GRAPHFILE1 -v "Dilation" \
  -u 1.1 -l 0 \
  -t "Dilation Time for yoursim" \
  DEF:dil=$RRDFILE:dil:AVERAGE LINE2:dil#309030:"Dilation Time" \
  HRULE:1.0#AAAA00:"Performace best / Performance sehr gut" \
  HRULE:0.8#0000FF:"Performace ok / Performance gut" \
  HRULE:0.5#FF0000:"Lagging expected / Lag zu erwarten" \
  COMMENT:"\\n" \
  COMMENT:"(Last updated\: $(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H\:%M\:%S"))\r" \
  -w 600 -h 200 -a PNG

rrdtool graph $GRAPHFILE2 -v "FPS" \
  -u 50.0 -l 0 \
  -t "Frames Per Second for yoursim" \
  DEF:fps=$RRDFILE:fps:AVERAGE LINE2:fps#309030:"Frames Per Second" \
  HRULE:44#AAAA00:"Performace best / Performance sehr gut" \
  HRULE:35#0000FF:"Performance ok /Performance gut" \
  HRULE:20#FF0000:"Lagging / Lag" \
  HRULE:10#FF0000:"Terrible / Katastrophal" \
  COMMENT:"\\n" \
  COMMENT:"(Last updated\: $(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H\:%M\:%S"))\r" \
  -w 600 -h 200 -a PNG

rrdtool graph $GRAPHFILE3 -v "PING-Time" \
  -u 200.0 -l 60 \
  -t "PING-Time for yoursim" \
  DEF:ping=$RRDPING:ping:AVERAGE LINE2:ping#309030:"PING in ms" \
  HRULE:90#AAAA00:"Performace best / Performance sehr gut" \
  HRULE:140#0000FF:"Performance ok /Performance gut" \
  HRULE:190#FF0000:"Lagging / Lag" \
  COMMENT:"\\n" \
  COMMENT:"(Last updated\: $(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H\:%M\:%S"))\r" \
  -w 600 -h 200 -a PNG

Hope you will find it useful. If so, drop me a note inworld...