Talk:Linden Lab

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Revision as of 15:31, 1 February 2009 by Torben Trautman (talk | contribs)
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So Now i have to say something,I have enough of this always logg me off from SL,my INternet is running perfect,but i think,Linden Lab has an eye on me and hates me,is it because i am not an American? What have i done ,that you hate me,do you have Fun,with Logging me off always 3 or 4 Times a Day? Is it funny,or what? I work on my SIm on something ,hard ,and than ,than came your stupid Message"We´r sorry,we must logg you off,Problems ba ba ba" Also i was 3 Times Camping,what happened ,same Bullshit,"We´r sorry ,we must logg you off from System" Perfect,nice Grrrrrrrrr,and who give me that Money i lost? Who,you,i dont think so! I want to play in Peace,without get nerved of "We´r sorry ba ba ba" Many of my Friends have enough of that and only because we have an Free Account is that not a Reason to handle us bader than those Premium Types! So we all wanna play and relax and no "Sorry we have....bla bla bla Terror!!!!"

Hehe Nikita, you must have had a really bad day! I feel sorry for you but no matter which account one has and where 
one comes from... things sometimes go wrong and we all have to live with it. There was I time when I made fun of my gf.
We both thought there must be a warning light at the lab, telling the Lindens when she logs on so they could 
torture her *lol* but believe it or not, things will go better again... Anyways, what I wanted to say is that you chose 
an odd place for venting off. Why don´t you join us in the forums? You might see that you´re not alone with sometimes 
things going wrong and maybe someone has an idea how to improve things for you :)   
Come to the forums
--Torben Trautman 22:31, 1 February 2009 (UTC)