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Great work on the importer code. A couple questions for you, the texture assets that get uploaded, they don't look to be actually created in my Textures folder when I subsequently logon to SL. Other than the raw asset id's that have been dumped to the upload log, are the textures put anywhere in Inventory? --Danger Pugilist 19:42, 9 July 2007 (PDT)

Right now the textures aren't added to your inventory after upload so you will only have the texture UUID to play with. This will be resolved in a future release, as soon as inventory stuff in libsecondlife stabilizes a bit. --Eddy Stryker 00:41, 10 July 2007 (PDT)

Excellent. Any way to have a look at the source code? I wouldn't mind tweaking your stuff a bit. --Danger Pugilist 06:58, 10 July 2007 (PDT)

This is excellent. I'm now able to upload scultpies without the odd twists and bumps! Even symmetrical shapes uploaded well. Obsidian Stormwind 05:52, 11 July 2007 (PDT)

And this is my Experience after downloading 1.0.2: And all objects return in lost and found from different places in my sim saying that they went OFF-WORLD. When i rez them in world out of lost and found folder they appear al the same as a Torus part. Timed out and skipping worries me, think there is the problem.

C:\Documents and Settings\M\Mijn documenten\Second life\Werkmap\Sculpted\importp rimscript-1.0.2>importprimscript.exe Marcthur Goosson mypassword Montsoreau 175 155 90 kat\kop.primscript Login succeeded, pausing for a moment... Finished uploading image kat\kop-Kop.bmp, AssetID: 7c1f3617-3ce7-2f48-992a-70421 58d5b70 Finished uploading image kat\kop-Kop-surface.bmp, AssetID: d89e3ec5-492f-f83a-01 4a-e739da61126b Timed out waiting for prim Kop to rez, skipping Rezzed, textured, and linked 0 sculpted prims, logging out...

In world: The object 'Second Life' has sent you a message from Second Life: Your object 'Object' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder from parcel 'M&M Mystic Land ' at Montsoreau 2.92876e+09, 2.4509e+09 because it went off-world.

--Marcthur Goosson 06:16, 19 July 2007 (PDT)