即時訊息 (Instant Message, IM)

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Revision as of 03:14, 7 April 2009 by Pandora Igaly (talk | contribs)
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即時訊息 (Instant Message, IM) 就是可讓兩位居民私下對話的交談視窗。

當您跟別人公開交談時有距離 20 公尺的限制,但即時訊息就沒有這種限制,即使交談對象在 Second Life 網格的另一頭也沒問題。不過,一則即時訊息的長度限制為 1023 位元,或 1023 個半形字。

當您離線時,系統最多可以儲存 25 則訊息,並在您下次登入時傳送給您。這個限制包括接受別人傳送到物品欄的東西、團體公告、團體的加入邀請以及即時訊息,所有超出這個限制的訊息都不會傳送給您。

不過,SL 有個把即時訊息傳送到電子郵件地址的功能,讓系統可以把離線訊息直接傳送到您帳號的電子郵件地址。如果您要啟用這個功能,請依序按一下編輯 [Edit] 選單 > 偏好設定 [Preferences] (或按下 Ctrl-P),然後按一下溝通 [Communication] 標籤並核取傳送 IM 至電子郵件 [Send IM to Email] 核取方塊。最後按一下套用 [Apply] 以及確定 [OK] 來關閉視窗。

當您收到離線訊息的電子郵件後,可以回覆這封郵件,系統會把郵件轉換成即時訊息並傳送回去。但請注意,當您收到離線訊息的電子郵件五天後,那封電子郵件的回覆即時訊息功能就失效了,對方將不會收到您回信中的訊息。同時也請注意,回信內容的長度不能超過 1023 位元或 1023 個半形字,系統會自動刪去超出限制的訊息。

Note that, due to SVC-1144, replies to offline emails currently can't contain special unicode characters.

Also note that offline IMs are only retained for 31 days and discarded afterwards. For example, if someone sends you an Instant Message and the next time you login is 33 days later, you won't get it.


A conference is a private conversation with two or more Residents, who can communicate gridwide. It is similar to group chat, but more dynamic, since everyone on your friends list can be invited, as well as everyone where you got a calling card from.

To start a conference by

  • selecting several Residents in your friends list (Ctrl+LEFT CLICK) and press "IM/Call" button.
  • dragging a Resident's calling card into an IM window.

Once conference is started you can invite new Residents by dragging their calling card in the conference window.

Related Links

conference window.