User:Zha Ewry/AWG: Desiderata for evaluating the proposed design

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This page captures some of the criteria I think would help evaluate proposed architecture designs

The page captures, in outline form some of the criteria we might use to evaluate choices in the architecture process. They are probably not earth shattering, but they should provide a nice starting point for discussion on how we make sure that what is being proposed is viable and well structured.

Separation of concerns

This bucket includes looking at whether we have properly separated out the various parts of the system, and possibly, clustered them sensibly.

  • Can we run a coherent system with as many services removed. In particular, can we pull services and only lose the functionality directly provided by the service.
  • Can we run the service or cluster of services as a standalone service, without the rest of the system to support it.
  • Can we plug replace the service with a different version of the service
  • Can we run multiple copies of the service in the systemm

Overall, all of these tests circle around making sure that we are keeping services, or small clusters of services as free from entanglement in other services as possible.

Multiplicity of services

Packaging in different collections

Plug and proxy models

Securability of ineractions and components