Open Source Meeting/Agenda

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Open source meeting - Thursday, 2pm PT.

Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.

Please try to add your items as early as possible in the week to give Rob a chance to round up any Lindens that may be appropriate to the discussion. Please also bring large or contentious items up on SLDev before or concurrently with adding them as agenda items.


  • At SLCC there was a "Sneak Peek" at viewer 2.0. Could we get more details such as whether it will be an alternate viewer, alternate skin, or the only supported viewer. How has the GUI code changed? Additions, refactoring, complete rewrite? Is 2.0 just about appearance or will it have other new things? Mm Alder 15:05, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Anything else from SLCC that might be of interest to the Open Source community. Mm Alder 15:05, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Your item here.

Default agenda (after agenda above):