Skinning How To/Revert 1.20 to a Classic look

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This page is for reverting the XML and viewer artwork files in the 1.20 viewer back to their pre-1.20 viewer state. There are several steps you need to go through to rebuild the classic viewer look. *NOTE* This a work in progress. See the revision history. If you'd like the quick and easy path, just snag the files and skip to the bottom.

Classic Skin for 1.20

Revision History

  • McCabe Maxsted 16:23, 15 April 2008 (PDT) : Fixed login page to display the classic backdrop (new artwork file), updated textures.xml.
  • McCabe Maxsted 06:59, 12 April 2008 (PDT) : Fixed an issue with circular buttons displaying as squares. Updated the artwork package with a missing file.
  • McCabe Maxsted 03:43, 12 April 2008 (PDT) : Fixed parcel and clock colors in colors.xml

Editing the XML files

For convenience, I've uploaded the necessary updated xml files here. However, if you'd like to make the changes the yourself, here are the files and parameters you need to alter:


This file controls the majority of colors in the viewer. In-between the <settings version = "101"> and </settings> tags, copy/paste the following:

<!-- WINDOWS -->
<TitleBarFocusColor value="255, 255, 255, 30" />	<!-- Focused window title bar highlight, no equivalent for unfocused windows -->
<FloaterFocusBorderColor value="0, 0, 0, 80" />
<FloaterUnfocusBorderColor value="0, 0, 0, 80" />
<FocusBackgroundColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />	<!-- Background color of focused floaters -->
<DefaultBackgroundColor value="62, 62, 62, 140" />	<!-- Background color for unfocused floaters -->
<ColorDropShadow value="0, 0, 0, 200" />		<!-- The drop shadow behind windows and menus -->
<DefaultHighlightDark value="26, 26, 26, 255" />
<DefaultHighlightLight value="115, 132, 155, 255" />
<DefaultShadowDark value="26, 26, 26, 255" />
<DefaultShadowLight value="0, 0, 0, 255" />

<!-- LABELS -->
<LabelDisabledColor value="147, 169, 213, 77" />
<LabelSelectedColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<LabelSelectedDisabledColor value="164, 190, 237, 128" />
<LabelTextColor value="147, 169, 213, 255" />

<!-- BUTTONS -->
<ButtonLabelColor value="220, 220, 220, 255" /> 	<!-- Text labels for buttons, like the "OK" text -->
<ButtonLabelSelectedColor value="220, 220, 220, 255" />
<ButtonLabelDisabledColor value="147, 169, 213, 200" />
<ButtonLabelSelectedDisabledColor value="164, 190, 237, 200" />
<ButtonSelectedBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<ButtonSelectedColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<ButtonUnselectedBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<ButtonUnselectedFgColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<ButtonBorderColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" />
<ButtonColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" /> 		<!-- Blended with button art, usually left as opaque white -->
<ButtonImageColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" /> 	<!-- Blended with button art, usually left as opaque white -->

<!-- SLIDERS -->
<SliderDisabledThumbColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<SliderThumbCenterColor value="183, 184, 188, 255" />
<SliderThumbOutlineColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<SliderTrackColor value="30, 30, 30, 255" />

<TextBgFocusColor value="200, 209, 204, 255" />		<!-- Text field background when receiving input (focused) -->
<TextBgReadOnlyColor value="62, 62, 62, 160" />	        <!-- Text field background when read-only -->
<TextBgWriteableColor value="200, 209, 204, 230" />	<!-- Text field background when not receiving input (unfocused) -->
<TextCursorColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<TextFgColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<TextFgReadOnlyColor value="255, 255, 255, 200" />
<TextFgTentativeColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<TextEmbeddedItemReadOnlyColor value="58, 147, 242, 255" />	<!-- i.e. About Land name that you don't own -->
<TextEmbeddedItemColor value="0, 0, 128, 255" />
<TextDefaultColor value="0, 20, 0, 255"/>
<!-- LISTBOXES -->
<ScrollBgReadOnlyColor value="200, 209, 204, 255" />
<ScrollBgWriteableColor value="200, 209, 204, 255" />
<ScrollBGStripeColor value="100, 100, 100, 40" />
<ScrollDisabledColor value="128, 128, 128, 204" />
<ScrollSelectedBGColor value="100, 100, 188, 150" />
<ScrollSelectedFGColor value="0, 0, 0, 204" />	            <!-- Text color -->
<ScrollUnselectedColor value="0, 0, 0, 204" />	            <!-- Text color -->
<ScrollHighlightedColor value="183, 184, 188, 128" />	    <!-- Hover color -->
<ScrollbarThumbColor value="60, 76, 124, 255" />
<ScrollbarTrackColor value="153, 154, 158, 255" />

<!-- MENUS -->
<MenuBarBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<MenuBarGodBgColor value="62, 128, 62, 255" />
<MenuNonProductionGodBgColor value="0, 128, 0, 255" />
<MenuNonProductionBgColor value="128, 0, 0, 255" />
<MenuDefaultBgColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<MenuItemDisabledColor value="133, 133, 164, 128" />        <!-- Menu text color; also text color for pie menus and treeviews (like Inventory) -->
<MenuItemEnabledColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />         <!-- Menu text color; also text color for pie menus and treeviews (like Inventory) -->
<MenuItemHighlightBgColor value="183, 184, 188, 100" />
<MenuItemHighlightFgColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />	    <!-- Highlighted menu text color; also treeview node selection highlight -->
<MenuPopupBgColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />

<!--  PIE MENUS -->
<PieMenuBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 150" />
<PieMenuLineColor value="0, 0, 0, 128" />
<PieMenuSelectedColor value="183, 184, 188, 77" />

<!-- TOOLTIPS -->
<ToolTipBgColor value="183, 184, 188, 200" />
<ToolTipBorderColor value="171, 212, 245, 255" />
<ToolTipTextColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />

<NotifyBoxColor value="58, 147, 242, 255" />
<NotifyTextColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<NotifyCautionBoxColor value="254, 209, 118, 255" /> 	<!-- the background color of caution permissions prompts -->
<NotifyCautionWarnColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" /> 	<!-- the foreground color of the special title text in caution permissions prompts -->
<GroupNotifyBoxColor value="70, 170, 255, 255" />
<GroupNotifyTextColor value="0, 30, 60, 255" />

<ChatHistoryBgColor value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
<ChatHistoryTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<IMHistoryBgColor value="0, 30, 80, 200" />
<IMHistoryTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />

<SilhouetteParentColor value="255, 255, 0, 255" />
<SilhouetteChildColor value="32, 106, 196, 255" />
<HighlightParentColor value="171, 212, 245, 255" />
<HighlightChildColor value="171, 212, 245, 255" />
<HighlightInspectColor value="255, 0, 255, 255" />

<GridFocusPointColor value="255, 255, 255, 128" />
<GridlineColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<GridlineBGColor value="235, 235, 255, 200" />
<GridlineShadowColor value="0, 0, 0, 80" />

<PropertyColorAvail value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
<PropertyColorGroup value="0, 184, 184, 102" />
<PropertyColorOther value="255, 0, 0, 102" />
<PropertyColorSelf value="0, 255, 0, 102" />
<PropertyColorForSale value="255, 128, 0, 102" />
<PropertyColorAuction value="128, 0, 255, 102" />	<!-- Match the color on the world map -->

<!-- MINI-MAP -->
<NetMapBackgroundColor value="0, 0, 0, 77" />
<NetMapYouOwnAboveWater value="0, 255, 255, 255" />
<NetMapYouOwnBelowWater value="0, 200, 200, 255" />
<NetMapGroupOwnAboveWater value="255, 0, 255, 255" />
<NetMapGroupOwnBelowWater value="200, 0, 200, 255" />
<NetMapOtherOwnAboveWater value="60, 60, 60, 255" />
<NetMapOtherOwnBelowWater value="30, 30, 30, 255" />

<!-- HELP WINDOW -->
<HelpBgColor value="200, 209, 204, 255" />
<HelpFgColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<HelpScrollTrackColor value="183, 184, 188, 255" />
<HelpScrollThumbColor value="80, 96, 124, 255" />
<HelpScrollHighlightColor value="115, 132, 155, 255" />
<HelpScrollShadowColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />

<!-- MISC -->
<AvatarNameColor value="251, 175, 93, 255" /> 		<!-- Text color of avatar nametags -->
<FocusColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" /> 		<!-- Color of the glow around UI controls with keyboard focus -->
<FloaterButtonImageColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" /> 	<!-- The floater buttons (like the close box) are white images that receive this color. -->
<ButtonCautionImageColor value="255, 255,  255, 255" />	<!-- Match the caution dialog buttons to the default -->
<HealthTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<MapAutopilotColor value="255, 128, 0, 255" />
<ContextSilhouetteColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" />	<!-- For "context" highlighting, i.e. pie menu -->
<ScriptBgReadOnlyColor value="100, 100, 100, 255" />
<ParcelTextColor value="144, 165, 208, 255" />		<!-- Parcel name on menu bar, normal state -->
<ParcelHoverColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />		<!-- Parcel name on menu bar, hover state -->
<TimeTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />		<!-- SL Time on menu bar -->
<BalanceTextColor value="0, 255, 0, 255" />		<!-- Linden dollar balance on menu bar -->
<HealthTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />		<!-- Damage meter text on menu bar -->
<GroupOverTierColor value="110, 15, 15, 255" />		<!-- Warning text in Group Info window -->
<FilterBackgroundColor value="0, 0, 20, 255" />         <!-- Matching region of Inventory search text -->
<FilterTextColor value="255, 200, 70, 255" />
<InventoryItemSuffixColor value="120, 70, 55, 255" />
<InventorySearchStatusColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<ConsoleBackground value="0, 0, 0, 255" />

<!-- Alert box colors -->
<AlertBoxColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<AlertTextColor value="147, 169, 213, 255" />
<AlertCautionBoxColor value="254, 209, 118, 255" />	<!-- Background color of caution alerts -->
<AlertCautionTextColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />		<!-- Foreground color of the special title text in caution alerts -->


This file is tricky, in that it doesn't play well with pre-Dazzle graphics (just changing the colors.xml file and replacing the artwork results in squished/misshapen buttons). To get the pre-1.20 button shapes back, make the following edits to your textures.xml file:

Change scale_rect values to <scale_rect left="12" top="15" right="112" bottom="13" /> for:


Change scale_rect values to <scale_rect left="7" top="32" right="121" bottom="0" />


Change scale_rect values to <scale_rect left="0" top="32" right="32" bottom="0"/> for:


Change scale_rect values to <scale_rect left="6" top="12" right="122" bottom="2"/> for:


Change scale_rect values to <scale_rect left="20" top="32" right="44" bottom="0"/> for:



This panel controls the size and spacing of the media controls. There is an oddity here you have to watch out for: the stop/pause/play buttons are based on flyout_btn_*.tga rather than button_anim_*.tga as you'd prolly expect. The actual stop/pause/play "button" is an icon overlay (icn_play.tga, for example) and the spacing of the icon overlay is tied to the spacing of the flyout buttons and follows the same left_delta values. That means you can't move the play icon two pixels to the right without moving the entire button, which makes sense on the surface, but if your play icon is two pixels too far to the left there's nothing you can do.

To get the classic media controls layout back, replace panel_media_controls.xml with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<panel bg_visible="false" border="false" border_visible="false" bottom="1"
     enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" height="20" left="0"
     name="media_controls" width="260">
	<icon bottom="-22" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="22"
	     image_name="icn_label_music.tga" label="" left_delta="2" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="music_icon" scale_image="true" tool_tip="Play/pause streaming music"
	     width="20" />
	<button bottom="-21" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="20"
	      label="" left_delta="22"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="music_play" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Play/pause streaming music" width="20" />
  <button bottom="-21" enabled="false" follows="left|top" height="20"
	     label="" left_delta="0"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="music_pause" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Pause streaming music" width="20" />
  <button bottom="-21" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="20"
	     label="" left_delta="20"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="music_stop" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Stop streaming music" width="20" />
  <icon bottom="-22" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="22"
             label="" left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="media_icon" scale_image="true" tool_tip="Play/pause streaming music"
	     width="20" />
  <button bottom="-21" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="20"
	     label="" left_delta="23"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="media_play" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Play/pause streaming music" width="20" />
  <button bottom="-21" enabled="false" follows="left|top" height="20"
	     label="" left_delta="0"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="media_pause" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Pause streaming media" width="20" />
	<button bottom="-21" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="20"
	     label="" left_delta="20"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="media_stop" scale_image="true" toggle="false"
	     tool_tip="Stop streaming media" width="20" />
	<volume_slider bottom="-23" control_name="AudioLevelMaster" height="22" increment="0.05"
	     initial_val="0.5" left_delta="15" max_val="1" min_val="0"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="volume_slider" tool_tip="Master Volume"
	     width="56" />
	<button bottom="-19" control_name="MuteAudio" height="20"
	     image_unselected="icn_speaker_dark.tga" label="" left_delta="56"
	     name="mute_master" toggle="true" tool_tip="Master Mute" width="24" />
	<button bottom="-21" control_name="ShowVolumeSettingsPopup" height="20" label=""
	     left_delta="19" name="expand" scale_image="true" toggle="true"
	     tool_tip="Adjust individual volume levels" width="20" />
	<string name="play_label">
	<string name="stop_label">
	<string name="pause_label">
	<string name="default_tooltip_label">
		No Media Specified
	<string name="media_hidden_label">
		(URL hidden by parcel owner)
	<string name="media_icon_tooltip_web">
		This location displays content from the World Wide Web. Click the Play button to display Web content.
	<string name="media_icon_tooltip_movie">
		This location displays Video content. Click the Play button to play the video.
	<string name="media_play_tooltip">
		Display Web content at this location.


The size of the build icons changed, so to use the classic icons you need to change the layout in the tools xml file. Go to SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\skins\xui\[Language], and in the floater_tools.xml file delete everything between < !-- Create panel -- > and < !-- Land panel -- >. Replace it with this:

	<button bottom="-75" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center" height="24"
	     image_selected="object_cube_active.tga" image_unselected="object_cube.tga"
	     label="" label_selected="" left="4" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolCube"
	     scale_image="TRUE" width="24" tool_tip="Cube"/>
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_prism.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_prism.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolPrism" scale_image="TRUE"
        tool_tip="Prism" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_pyramid.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_pyramid.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolPyramid" scale_image="TRUE"
 tool_tip="Pyramid" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_tetrahedron.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_tetrahedron.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolTetrahedron"
	     scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Tetrahedron" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_cylinder.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_cylinder.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" tool_tip="Cylinder" name="ToolCylinder" scale_image="TRUE"
	     width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_hemi_cylinder.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_hemi_cylinder.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolHemiCylinder"
	     scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Hemicylinder" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_cone.tga"
	     image_selected="object_cone_active.tga" image_unselected="object_cone.tga"
	     label="" label_selected="" left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="ToolCone" scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Cone" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_hemi_cone.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_hemi_cone.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolHemiCone" scale_image="TRUE"
      tool_tip="Hemicone" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_sphere.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_sphere.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolSphere" scale_image="TRUE"
	     width="24" tool_tip="Sphere" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_hemi_sphere.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_hemi_sphere.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolHemiSphere"
	     scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Hemisphere" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="-23" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_torus.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_torus.tga" label="" label_selected="" left="4"
	     mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolTorus" scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Torus" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_tube.tga"
	     image_selected="object_tube_active.tga" image_unselected="object_tube.tga"
	     label="" label_selected="" left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="ToolTube" scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Tube" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_ring.tga"
	     image_selected="object_ring_active.tga" image_unselected="object_ring.tga"
	     label="" label_selected="" left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="ToolRing" scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Ring" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_tree.tga"
	     image_selected="object_tree_active.tga" image_unselected="object_tree.tga"
	     label="" label_selected="" left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="ToolTree" scale_image="TRUE" tool_tip="Tree" width="24" />
	<button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|top" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
	     height="24" image_disabled="object_grass.tga"
	     image_unselected="object_grass.tga" label="" label_selected=""
	     left_delta="23" mouse_opaque="true" name="ToolGrass" scale_image="TRUE"
	     tool_tip="Grass" width="24" />
	<check_box bottom="-117" control_name="CreateToolKeepSelected" follows="left|top"
	     font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
	     label="Keep Tool Selected" left="4" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="checkbox sticky" width="128" />
	<check_box bottom_delta="-15" control_name="CreateToolCopySelection" follows="left|top"
	     font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
	     label="Copy Selection" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
	     name="checkbox copy selection" width="134" />
	<check_box bottom_delta="-15" control_name="CreateToolCopyCenters" follows="left|top"
	     font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="true" label="Center Copy"
	     left_delta="20" mouse_opaque="true" name="checkbox copy centers"
	     width="134" />
	<check_box bottom_delta="-15" control_name="CreateToolCopyRotates" follows="left|top"
	     font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false" label="Rotate Copy"
	     left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="checkbox copy rotates" width="134" />

Note that I'm using the en-us version. For other languages, edit the floater_tools.xml file in that languages folder using the same values as above.

Viewer Artwork

Starting from scratch

Most of the viewer artwork is in the source drop. Head to the Source_archive and download the artwork file. In linden\indra\newview\skins\textures you'll find the majority artwork files for the classic skin as either .tga or .j2c (Jpeg2000 files). All are named as UUIDs, and will need to be renamed to their proper filenames to match their entries in textures.xml (this can take a long time. There are 316 files you need to rename). If you try to use UUID file names and modify the textures.xml file it won't work.

Several files will also need to be converted to .tga. These are:

  • 16d032e8-817b-4368-8a4e-b7b947ae3889.j2c to tab_top_selected_blue.tga
  • 1ed83f57-41cf-4052-a3b4-2e8bb78d8191.j2c to tab_top_blue.tga
  • 1097dcb3-aef9-8152-f471-431d840ea89e.j2c to tab_left.tga
  • bea77041-5835-1661-f298-47e2d32b7a70.j2c to tab_left_selected.tga
  • bf0a8779-689b-48c3-bb9a-6af546366ef4.j2c to tab_bottom_blue.tga
  • c001d8fd-a869-4b6f-86a1-fdcb106df9c7.j2c to tab_bottom_selected_blue.tga
  • d8faf8cb-ee6e-b0b5-abd9-bde873ad3461.j2c to toolbar_btn_enabled.tga
  • f8124d60-2875-c358-7847-2acb63e5400c.j2c to toolbar_btn_disabled.tga
  • 1eddba75-b682-110a-104e-6cdcce616a25.j2c to toolbar_btn_selected.tga

The helper icons on the toolbar are hard coded to load. Delete the following from the texture folder:

  • icn_toolbar_build.tga
  • icn_toolbar_fly.tga
  • icn_toolbar_inventory.tga
  • icn_toolbar_map.tga
  • icn_toolbar_minimap.tga
  • icn_toolbar_search.tga
  • icn_toolbar_snapshot.tga

These files won't display correctly, and must be shrunk to 16x16:

  • ptt_lock_off.tga
  • ptt_lock_on.tga

These files you need to create yourself:

  • toolbar_tab.tga
  • flyout_btn_left.tga
  • flyout_btn_left_selected.tga
  • flyout_btn_left_disabled.tga
  • flyout_btn_right_disabled.tga

Make sure the flyout_but_lefts are 128x24.

Downloading Classic artwork files

If you wish to skip this step (and I recommend you do) I've renamed all the viewer artwork for you and attached them as a zip file. You can download that file here.


Once you have downloaded the XML and artwork files linked above, or created your own, installation is straightforward. Back up your skins and app_settings folders, then:

  • Copy colors.xml to \SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\app_settings\
  • Copy floater_tools.xml to \SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\skins\xui\[Language]
  • Delete all icn_toolbar_* files from \SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\skins\textures
  • Copy textures.xml to \SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\skins\textures
  • Copy all artwork to \SecondLifeReleaseCandidate\skins\textures (be sure to "Replace all")
  • Restart Second Life

Congratulations, you now have a Classic skin for Viewer 1.20 (to replace Dazzle).

Known Issues

  • Scrollbar lacks rounded corners.
  • Some toolbar buttons need resizing.