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This function returns llGetTimestamp() with an hour offset. It will wrap day, month and year as required. Offsets of more than 24 hours either way are not supported.
<lsl> string sbGetTimeStamp(integer intOffset) {
// Start with December for purposes of wrapping list lstDays = [31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
string strTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
list lstTime = llParseString2List(strTimestamp, ["-", ":", ".", "T"], []); integer intYear = llList2Integer(lstTime, 0); integer intMonth = llList2Integer(lstTime, 1); integer intDay = llList2Integer(lstTime, 2); integer intHour = llList2Integer(lstTime, 3) + intOffset;
string strYear; string strMonth; string strDay; string strHour;
if (intOffset == 0) { return strTimestamp; }
// Add a day to February in leap years if (intYear % 4 == 0 && (intYear % 100 != 0 || intYear % 400 == 0)) { lstDays = llListReplaceList(lstDays, [29], 2, 2); }
if (intOffset < 0) { if (intHour < 0) { intHour+= 24; --intDay; }
if (intDay < 1) { intDay = llList2Integer(lstDays, --intMonth); }
if (intMonth < 1) { intMonth = 12; --intYear; } }
if (intOffset > 0) { if (intHour > 23) { intHour-= 24; ++intDay; }
if (intDay > llList2Integer(lstDays, intMonth)) { intDay = 1; ++intMonth; }
if (intMonth > 12) { intMonth = 1; ++intYear; } }
strYear = (string)intYear; strMonth = (string)intMonth; strDay = (string)intDay; strHour = (string)intHour;
if (llStringLength(strMonth) < 2) { strMonth = "0" + strMonth; } if (llStringLength(strDay) < 2) { strDay = "0" + strDay; } if (llStringLength(strHour) < 2) { strHour = "0" + strHour; }
return strYear + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strDay + "T" + strHour + ":" + llList2String(lstTime, 4) + ":" + llList2String(lstTime, 5) + "." + llList2String(lstTime, 6) + "Z";
} </lsl>
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if you have any problems getting this script to work either contact me inworld Revolution Perenti or visit out Open Source Section at skidz partz we have many different versions of this system. Snow Crash