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The code in the Examples section does not compile, as of 05-29-08, 11:54PM PDT:

default {

       list a = ["a", "b", "e", "d"];
       list b = llListReplaceList(a, ["c"], 2, 2);//replace the range starting and ending at index 2 with ["c"] and store it into b

       llOwnerSay("\""+llList2CSV(a) + ""\""  ->  "\""" + llList2CSV(b)+"\"");//display the change
       //Will say: "a, b, e, d"  ->  "a, b, c, d"


I'm using the latest RC as of that date: 1.20 RC8. Compile fails at the second "\" character, giving "Syntax error"....

Please forgive the formatting of the default {} section; I can't figure out how to format the entire code block so that it looks right on the wiki, but all the code is there. --Welleran Kanto 12:01, 29 May 2008 (PDT)