User:Opensource Obscure/FFHUD

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FFHUD: a simple FriendFeed HUD

v 0.6.1 by Opensource Obscure

FFHUD updates your FriendFeed page. It usually publishes a post structured like this:

  • LINK = SLURL of your location
  • TITLE = region name + parcel name
  • COMMENT = parcel description + your message (optional)
  • IMAGE = profile image of resident or group that owns the parcel (if available)

How it works

  • edit script 1 and put your FriendFeed account data
  • put script 1 in a prim (you may call the prim FFHUD)
  • put script 2 in another prim (call it PARCEL INFO)
  • link the prims
  • wear the object as an HUD like this:
________ ______________
|       |             |
  • touch PARCEL INFO to get info about the parcel you're in and agents around (printed in chat via llOwnerSay)
  • touch FFHUD to publish a post on FriendFeed that includes available info about the parcel (SLURL, name, description, owner/owner group profile image if available)
  • say a message on channel 8 to publish a post on FriendFeed with parcel info + your message:
/8 This is my message

FFHUD has the FriendFeed favicon as fixed texture. PARCEL INFO texture changes (after touch) when a profile image is available for the parcel owners. Profile images are shown on the PARCEL INFO prim by using llSetTexture; the UUID is retrieved using the Second Life Search. The image web address (not the image itself) is sent to FriendFeed, that then retrieves and hosts a copy of the image.


This code is probably horrible and flawed. I am not a real developer and I lack programming basis. I usually read around, cut, paste and tweak code from other sources. I think I used here snippets by: Ordinal Malaprop, Cory Ondrejka, MarcoDuff Palen, Jana Kamachi and others.

Use of this script may be a violation of ToS - help to clearify this is welcome :)


  • switch to turn off/on image support
  • FriendFeed Rooms support
  • title customization with a switch to turn it off/on
  • switch to turn off/on parcel name and/or description
  • enriched SLURL as in Ordinal Malaprop's TwitterBox
  • ...better code

script 1/2: FFHUD

This script:

  • accepts touch event
  • listens on channel 8 for your message
  • sends a linkedmessage to script 2 (upon touch event or message on channel 8)
  • receives texture uuid from script 2 via linkedmessage
  • sends http request to friendfeed (after the linkedmessage from script 2)


// your FriendFeed username are here: string user=""; // your FriendFeed username string ffkey=""; // your FriendFeed key

string baseurl=""; string text; string url; string message; string desc; key texturedefault = "632f82da-7be7-9c7a-f254-3fc41a36ae12";

azzera() {

   llSetTexture(texturedefault, ALL_SIDES);      
   desc = "";


string strReplace(string source, string pattern, string replace) {

   while (llSubStringIndex(source, pattern) > -1) {
       integer len = llStringLength(pattern);
       integer pos = llSubStringIndex(source, pattern);
       if (llStringLength(source) == len) { source = replace; }
       else if (pos == 0) { source = replace+llGetSubString(source, pos+len, -1); }
       else if (pos == llStringLength(source)-len) { source = llGetSubString(source, 0, pos-1)+replace; }
       else { source = llGetSubString(source, 0, pos-1)+replace+llGetSubString(source, pos+len, -1); }
   return source;


string regionname() {

   string region=llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llGetRegionName(),[" "],[]),"+");  
   return region;


string parcelname() {

   list lstParcelName=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);                
   string a = (string)lstParcelName;
   string name = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(a,[" "],[]),"+"); 
   name = strReplace(name,"&","and");
   return name; 


string parceldesc() {

   list lstParcelDesc=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC]);                
   string a = (string)lstParcelDesc;
   if(a != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
       desc = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(a,[" "],[]),"+");        
       desc = "";
   desc = strReplace(desc,"&","and");
   return desc;   


string slurl() {

   string simname = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llGetRegionName(),[" "],[]),"+");
   string regionname = simname;
   vector detectedPos = llGetRootPosition();        
   string sx = (string)llRound(detectedPos.x);
   string sy = (string)llRound(detectedPos.y);
   string sz = (string)llRound(detectedPos.z);
   string url = "";  
   url += simname; 
   url += "/" + sx + "/" + sy + "/" + sz ; 
   return url;   


default {

       llListen(8, "", llGetOwner(), "");           

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llMessageLinked(2, 1, "", NULL_KEY);        

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       llMessageLinked(2, 1, "", NULL_KEY);
       text = "+-+MY MESSAGE:+" + message;
       text = strReplace(text,"&","and");

   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)    
       string imageurl = "" + (string)id + "/2";        
       text = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(text,[" "],[]),"+");
       string post = 
       "http://" + 
       user + 
       ":" + 
       ffkey + 
       baseurl + 
       "?title=" + 
       regionname() +
       "+-+" +
       parcelname() +
       "&link=" + 
       llEscapeURL(slurl()) + 
       "&comment=" +
       "PARCEL+INFO:+" +
       parceldesc() +    
       text + 
       "&image0_url=" + 
       llHTTPRequest(post, [HTTP_METHOD,"POST"], "");        

   http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
          llOwnerSay("Message sent to" + user);



script 2/2: PARCEL INFO

This script:

  • accepts touch event
  • gives info via chat about the parcel you're in:
    • name
    • description
    • resident or group that owns it
    • how many people are around you right now, their names and a link you can click to directly open their profile
      • this scan uses a default radius of 96 meters; change scanradius in the 1st line of script as needed
  • receives linkedmessages from script 1
  • retrieves from web the profile image texture UUID for resident or group that owns the parcel you're in
  • sends texture UUID to script 1


float scanradius = 96.0; string ownerurl = ""; string groupurl = ""; string code1 = "<img alt=\"profile image\" src=\""; string code2 = "\" class=\"parcelimg\" />"; key texturedefault = "19920f4f-d667-ab18-7234-af4623b52065"; key textureuuid = ""; string desc; integer check;

string parcelname() {

   list lstParcelName=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);                
   string a = (string)lstParcelName;
   string name = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(a,[" "],[]),"+"); 
   return name; 


string parceldesc() {

   list lstParcelDesc=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC]);                
   string a = (string)lstParcelDesc;  
   if(a != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
       desc = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(a,[" "],[]),"+") + "+-+";                
       desc = "";
   return desc;   


string parcelowner() {

   list lstParcelOwner=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]);                
   string uuid = (string)lstParcelOwner;    
   return uuid;    


string parcelgroup() {

   list lstParcelGroup=llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP]);              
   string uuid = (string)lstParcelGroup;
   return uuid;


texture() {

       string a = parcelgroup();
       if(a == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
           llHTTPRequest( ownerurl + parcelowner(),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");               
           llHTTPRequest( groupurl + parcelgroup(),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");            


infoparcel() {

   llOwnerSay("parcel name =" + parcelname());
   llOwnerSay("parcel desc =" + parceldesc());
   llOwnerSay("parcel owner = " + "secondlife:///app/agent/" + parcelowner() + "/about");   
   llOwnerSay("parcel group = "  + "secondlife:///app/group/" + parcelgroup() + "/about");
   llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, scanradius, PI);


default {

       llSetTexture(texturedefault, ALL_SIDES);        

   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)    
       check = TRUE;

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       check = FALSE; 

   http_response(key req,integer stat, list met, string body)
       textureuuid = (key)llGetSubString(body,llSubStringIndex(body, code1)+llStringLength(code1),llSubStringIndex(body,code2)-3); 
       llSetTexture(textureuuid, ALL_SIDES);
       if (check == TRUE)
           llMessageLinked(1, 2, "", textureuuid);     

   sensor(integer total_number)
       llOwnerSay((string)total_number + " avatar" + " in " + (string)scanradius+ " meters");
       integer i;
       for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++)
           llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(i) + " > secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)llDetectedKey(i) + "/about");             

       llOwnerSay("nobody here right now (radius=" + (string)scanradius + " meters)");

