How to open box

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Sometimes older clothing items are sold in simple containers that require you to "open" them up to get the contents. If you purchase clothing that comes in a box, you will have to extract the clothing objects from the box container and put them into your inventory before wearing them.

To get your clothes out of a traditional product, follow these steps:

  1. Get into a zone where building is allowed (i.e. nobuild is not activated and your 'Build' button is not greyed out), as you need to rez out the object in question in order to properly interact with it - this is not possible if the box stays in your inventory.
  2. Locate the box that was given to you as your purchase, and rez it out into the world by click-dragging it from your inventory window onto a visible surface in the world. Ideally, this should be a floor based on land or prims, but there's nothing stopping you from rezzing the product on the walls, or the ceiling, or stuck to a nearby object!
  3. Right click the box, and select 'Open' from the first wheel menu that pops up.
  4. This will produce an 'Object Inventory' Window, complete with 'Copy to Inventory' and 'Copy And Wear' buttons.
  5. 'Copy to Inventory' will do just that: copy everything in the box into a new folder in your inventory. To make finding it easier, this folder will have the same name as the box you're copying out of. (CAVEAT: Occasionally, you may find items set to 'nocopy' in a product box. 'Copy to Inventory' will still do the inventory transfer, but it will warn you that it can only move items tagged as 'nocopy' out of the box.) If you choose this option, you will wind up with a folder containing all the items, and you can pick and choose how to wear them at your own leisure.
  6. 'Copy and Wear' is the same as the previous option, except that it also attempts to attach and force clothing changes on your avatar based on what is being copied over in terms of clothing items, avatar customisations and objects. (I recommend using this option with some caution especially on freebie boxes and products clearly not meant to be used on avatars. Careless use of this option has caused box-on-head syndrome, box-handing, as well as cross-dressing issues and in some cases actual gender and other issues guaranteed to annoy/embarass --Patchouli Woollahra 00:00, 21 January 2007 (PST))