How do I eject someone from a group?

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Revision as of 16:20, 6 October 2009 by Yoz Linden (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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To eject someone from a group, you must be the group's owner, or a member with a role that has both the ability Eject Members from this Group and Delete Role.

To remove someone from a group:

  1. Select Edit > Groups from the menus at the top of the Second Life window.
  2. Select the group name from the list and click Info.
  3. Click the Members and Roles tab of the Group Information window.
  4. In the Members subtab, select the group member you want to remove from the list and uncheck all Roles for that member beyond the Everyone role.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Select the same member from the Members subtab.
  7. Click Eject From Group.
KBcaution.png Important: If you make someone an owner of a group, you won't be able to eject them from it later. Be careful about to whom you assign that role.