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関数: string llJsonSetValue( string json, list specifiers, string value );

成功した場合、指定されたspecifiersリストで示される場所の値がvalueに設定された新しいJSONテキスト string を返します。



特別なspecifiersであるJSON_APPENDは、specifiersのレベルの配列の末尾にvalueを追加します。注意が必要です - そのレベルが配列でない場合、既存の値は上書きされ、valueを含む配列がその最初(0)のインデックスに置き換えられます。




もしvalueJSON_TRUEJSON_FALSE、またはJSON_NULLである場合、設定される値はそれぞれ、json内のspecifiersの場所に 'true'、'false'、または 'null' となります。
string で返します。

• string json 元のJSONデータ
• list specifiers 追加、更新、または削除する値の場所
• string value 新しい値またはJSON_DELETEフラグ。

specifiers does not support negative indexes.



KBwarning.png 警告: 速度に関する以下のコメントは、現代のシミュレータバージョンでは検証されておらず、したがって真実とは仮定できません。必ず自分で実行速度の主張をテストしてください。
All Issues ~ Search JIRA for related Bugs



    TEST_STRING_JSON = "[9,\"<1,1,1>\",false,{\"A\":8,\"Z\":9}]";

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"Z":9}]
    say("Original TEST_STRING_JSON: " + TEST_STRING_JSON);

run_json_test(string input)
    string output;

//  changing values within the json string

//  change the first value in the array to 10
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [0], "10");

//  [10,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"Z":9}]
    say("( 1): " + output);

//  change the third value in the array to 'true'
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [2], JSON_TRUE);

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",true,{"A":8,"Z":9}]
    say("( 2): " + output);

//  change the value of "A" within the Json object to 3
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, "A"], "3");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":3,"Z":9}]
    say("( 3): " + output);

//  adding a value or new key-value-pair within the input

//  add the value "Hello" to the end of the array
//      NOTE: One cannot insert, only add to the end
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [JSON_APPEND], "Hello");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"Z":9},"Hello"]
    say("( 4): " + output);

//  add the key-value-pair "B":10 to the object
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, "B"], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"B":10,"Z":9}]
    say("( 5): " + output);

//  Things to look out for when modifying Json text
//      ~!~ Be careful when using this function ~!~

//  out of bounds array assignment:
//      defined as attempting to add a value to a position ...
//      ...greater than the length of the array (which may be 0)
//      JSON_APPEND is ALWAYS the preferred way to add to an array
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [5], "10");

//  %EF%B7%90 (URL escaped JSON_INVALID)
    say("( 6): " + llEscapeURL(output));

//  BUT, this works, since it is in bounds
//      (eqivalent to JSON_APPEND in this case)
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [4], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"Z":9},10]
    say("( 7): " + output);

//  careless formation of new arrays
//      ( the 4 and all subsequent 0's are all in bounds.)
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [4, 0, 0, 0], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"Z":9},[[[10]]]]
    say("( 8): " + output);

//  overwriting an object with an array:
//      ~!~ mistaken use of JSON_APPEND on an object ~!~
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, JSON_APPEND], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,[10]]
    say("( 9): " + output);

//  careless formation of new objects
//      NOTE: "Key" assignemts will NEVER result in a return of JSON_INVALID!
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, "W", "X"], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"W":{"X":10},"Z":9}]
    say("(10): " + output);

    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, "W", "X", "Y"], "10");

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":8,"W":{"X":{"Y":10}},"Z":9}]
    say("(11): " + output);

//  overwriting an array with an object
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, ["X"], "10");

//  {"X":10}
    say("(12): " + output);

//  special case considerations:

//  BUG-3692: (NOTE: Corrected in release!)
//      a bug where, instead of JSON_INVALID being returned, if the out of
//      bounds index is at a lower level than the topmost (root) level, a
//      non-compliant JSON text would be formed
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [1, 7], "Disappearing Text");

//  Note the "empty" second position that resulted in the returned array
//  [9,,false,{"A":8,"Z":9}]
// (But now correctly shows JSON_INVALID)
    say("(13): " + output);

//  though there is no way to directly delete a key-value-pair 
//  nor remove a value from an array,
//  the use of JSON_NULL may prove adequate
    output = llJsonSetValue(input, [3, "A"], JSON_NULL);

//  [9,"<1,1,1>",false,{"A":null,"Z":9}]
    say("(14): " + output);

//  if a JSON text object has been formed with llList2Json()
//  that contains one or more duplicated "Keys", (allowable
//  but NOT recommended!) ANY change
//  made to that object will correct the condition,
//  with all but the last such "Key" being removed
    output = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, ["A", 1, "A", 2, "A", 3, "B", 4, "B", 4]);

//  both Keys "A" and "B" are duplicated
//  {"A":1,"A":2,"A":3,"B":4,"B":4}
    say("(15): " + output);

//  only the last value of the duplications is accessable though

//  3
    say("(16): " + llJsonGetValue(output, ["A"]));

//  condition corrected by adding a key-value-pair...

//  {"A":3,"B":4,"Z":5}
    say("(17): " + llJsonSetValue(output, ["Z"], "5"));

//  ... or by changing a value

// {"A":5,"B":4}
    say("(18): " + llJsonSetValue(output, ["A"], "5"));

say(string message)
//  llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(), PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message);
//  llWhisper(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message);

    on_rez(integer start_param)


    touch_end(integer num_detected)
//      copy 'TEST_STRING_JSON' from the following function call
//      to the string 'input' in the function declaration
//      and run a test on 'input' to not (!) modify 'TEST_STRING_JSON'
//      but its copy instead



•  llList2Json
•  llJson2List
•  llJsonGetValue
•  llJsonValueType


•  Typecast



Date of Release 20/05/2013

All Issues

~ Search JIRA for related Issues
   JSON_NULL may be deceptively returned instead of JSON_INVALID when noncompliant Json text is encountered by either llJsonValueType or llJsonGetValue. Fixed with release


function string llJsonSetValue( string json, list specifiers, string value );
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